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I jsut went to town, meant to go to some small gig for a local band:

we wandered the main bit of town

the band aren't on till after 10 at some shitty venue

everybody else i know is off to some other place

the hot chick was FUCKING MENTAL

as were all the girls there.

And some random ass 2nd college year guys 9who at least were huge and made you feel safe)

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Right. The rest of my day.


Watched two episodes of Death Note, sorted out stuff with our wireless network, watched 30 Rock. Went back to my home town and did a bit of shopping at Tescos. Went to Nero and had a milkshake. Went home. Walked dog. Watched 30 Rock. Dunno what I've done over the last few hours other than unsuccessfully try to find batteries. Going to watch Pushing Daisies now and then go to bed. Am not looking forward to tomorrow :(

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I got back from Paris at about 2 o clock in the morning. I had a good trip, the art teacher got on my nerves though. Saw the Stade de France on the way back, and I came home to Phantom Hourglass! I've been playing that all day between co-op sessions of Halo 3 with Zelda Freak. Good day all in all, just a bit tired now.

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We need super Coolness to post a pure happy and positive post :D :D:yay:


Damn right.


I will try to fill the void -> COOLNESS MODE ->


Today was AWESOME :yay::grin: :grin: :grin:


Everything was GREAT and I got free cake at school and stuff. :yay: :yay:


AWESOME. I love cake


-> Boring mode. Aww, Coolness mode is fun.

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We need super Coolness to post a pure happy and positive post :D :D:yay:


My day got even better when i got back to my house as Bluejay is letting me Borrow his 360! WOO! :grin:


Now i'm multitasking between A load of different stuff. :D




I also love cake. :heh:


*Hugs to Everyone* :bouncy:

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It was great!


Stagecoach today...


Singing: We did a duet from Wicked (musical) and had to perform some of it in front of the class.


Drama: Script work from The Blood Brothers, had to perform a peice and improvise how we could stage it and say it.


Dance: Stretches, I can now actually spread my legs on the floor and touch the ground with my head, without bending my knees :grin: yay me! Erm we did a workout, then practised our dance for the NIA. And we had our favourite dance teacher today and had a laugh with her :grin: I also did a lot of lifts with my dance partner :)

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I had an awesome day! :)


In the morning I went running, which was fun, didn't do much all afternoon but then in the evening I had lots of friends over and we had chinese :)

It was yummy.

We watched the rugby (which didn't go to well) and then played dancemat and singstar on the PS2!!!! It was awesome! We then did karaoke without singstar, which was just as awesome!

The last of my friends have just left, so I think I will go to bed! :D


Oh, there was one bad point.. My glasses broke somehow!

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My day has been varied. I've gone from being stupidly aggressive to party mood to sad (rugby) to annoyed at my dads bigotry and close mindedness (Iraq & Afghanistan, religion, morality, the existence of "god"). Trying to get drunk which I should be already considering the amount I've had.


At least Dethklok's Dethalbum can cheer me up.

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