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Today has been goooood.


Managed to get my contact lenses in fairly easily this morning which i'm quite pleased about. Then the girlfriend came round for a "film day", where we ended up watching 17 again, Inbetweeners and Skins. Then I ate some Weetos (bring back the trolls!) which for the past few days i've had about 3 bowls each day.


Now to call Sony about getting my PS3 fixed. :D

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Sigh, why oh why is my email messing up and around. I may have to change it to something else, so if you get requests to add someone on Messenger, its probably me.


Edit: Anyone got any good ideas for what i could change it to, i'm getting stumped

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Been writing all day to finish off a review. It's now done, albeit a bit long but really if they dropped the format they used it'd be easier for writing them, so I can relax for now. Will be more writing tomorrow and on Sunday.


Weather put a spanner in the works as I was wanting to go out for lunch but it started raining so that was a no go. So haven't had anything to eat since breakfast but it's not overly long till dinner (about 2 hours or so) so I'll just wait it out.


Still waiting to hear about jobs I applied for. I can understand why one hasn't gotten back to me as the application period is still open but the other, which is a 2 minute walk from my house, closed on monday and really has no excuse for not replying to me. Been a week now so I'm guessing I should just put it to the back of my mind and continue searching.

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I've been waiting most of the day for it to stop raining so I can go out and buy... toilet roll.


Luckily it's because I'm nearly out... and not... out, out...




Thats basically telling us what condition your anus is in.




Really do we need to know that? No. But I want to know it.

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My days been one of those 'days off work days' , where all you feel like doing is recovering from work, a day of procrastinatin where you get nothing done at all!However, I've been reading a book by Malcolm Gladwell called "Blink" all about the power of snap judgements and hunches and how we should spend less time thinking and just go with these impulses! It's been scientifically and psychologically proven too So..if you ever have a feeling about something , go with it! It's something mysterious in your subconcious speaking :D

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Thats basically telling us what condition your anus is in.




Really do we need to know that? No. But I want to know it.


The second line was meant to show that my anus was normal. A normal straight man's anus. Because I wasn't out, out, so if I did need to use it I could. And... why am I talking to you.


*wonders off*

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Damn it, changing email addresses has caused all my messenger windows to all go into one i.e. conversations are tabbed in the same window.


And i can't figure out how to change that/turn it off. Anyone have a clue, if so PM me and let us know.


At least now everyone who bothered me on my old email cannot bother me no more.

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Running a whole department for a week, you would think it was awesome, but I mean I can't fucking split myself into 6!!! My head hurts, ive got a migraine. Solution = Migraine meds, brufen, and alcohol.


I was taking 200+ calls a day, training 1 emergency cover, retraining someone who hasnt done the job in a while. Telling the band 6 what to do (he's new and isnt fully trained up yet) ok so we are mega short staffed (like me on my own) and the emergency stand in ISN'T TRAINED WHAT THE FUCK. Yeah I'm a band 2, telling a band 6 what to do. Awesome. I win at life.


After next week i will probably be either on sick leave, or dead. I'm betting on the latter.


I'm not like breaking under the stress whatsoever, I like the challenge. Just when I get stressed for long periods my immune system goes batshit and starts attacking my body. If this keeps going on continously I could be hospitalised :(


The boss will get hell if she pulls me up for this stupid alleged isolation claim my colleague has made. I will absolutely lose the freakin head >_____>

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Being a complete and utter call fucking demon.....this....impresses me.



Erm...you must be the most stressed person in the world. You genuinely deserve a fucking trophey.


Its strange that an internet person is the only one to praise me! (love you loads rezzles :P) :bowdown:


and thats not the alcohol talking, I promise :D

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todays been so borring due to the rain, been stuck in the house wanting to do something but i havent. played 1 vs 100 again tonight and still didnt get to be the one or in the mob. although one of the trivia questions answer was incorrect as it asked how many legs ants have and they thought it was 3 not six.lol

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I have the sudden urge to dance. Don't you dare try and stop me from embracing the beats. Not now. Not ever. It's near morning but I'd rather be tired than boring.


Light Skin, Dark Skin, My Asian Persuasion,

I Got them all that's why these girls out here hatin

Cause I'm sexy


*bored, feels slef slipping back into one of his old personalities. Possibly Pashmina. Skullbuster. Possibly Dodoriazarbon himself. Only ReZ/Chair knows what I'm on about. I'll leave now*

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