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I watched Finding Nemo too, it's such a fun film! I absolutely stuffed my face with food all day, will probably have to get that Wii Fit game when it comes out.. There's something about Christmas food, I just can't help myself!


Been playing Metroid and Lego Star Wars a lot too, Lego Star Wars is quite fun actually, I've been having a great time playing co-op.


Overall, a relaxing day, no complaints :)

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How I spent my Christmas Day...


Woke up at 8am, started opening up my presents at 8.15. Then my parents reveal to us the Drum Kit that they got instead of other presents we wanted. I pretend-sulked over not getting WWE SvR08. (You always want what you ask for...) Spent the day playing our new games/reading new books/eating chocolate/assembling the drum kit. Had our Christmas Dinner while watching Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Then did random stuff regarding our new presents. Watched some more DVD's, then went to bed.


How I've spent Boxing Day...


Same as every other day that isn't Christmas Day.

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Christmas Eve


Spent much of the day chillin out with a beer watching everyone else panic with last minute shopping for small things. I wrote my cards out and placed them under the tree along with the gifts i left everyone earlier in the week. Watched Red Dwarf later in the evening to pass the time as i got bored.


Christmas Day


Woke up, opened my gifts at about 9:30am along with my family. Was pleased with what i recieved. Went down pub at 11am for an hour or two with my mates for a chat before dinner, which was spent at the table as a tradtion which has been kept for years. In the evening, went over my uncles for a few drinks (and by a few, i meant 15 cans of Stella, i drank him out of beer that night).


Boxing Day


Today, been chilling out on Live playing NBA 2K8 and used my new headset which produces much clearer sound than the wired one.

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Ours was open unfortunatly. I wasnt there (kinda wish I was as grandparents was boring as hell and work was trebble pay but ah well).


So yeah. Boring day. Tomorrow I return to working all day and doing uni work all night. Bah.


then why was ours closed? i got double pay for working..


.. most of the shops in the centre were closed the more important ones (like the spar and m&s)..

means i had to pay 1.20 for some coke out of a cafe (rip off)

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then why was ours closed? i got double pay for working..


.. most of the shops in the centre were closed the more important ones (like the spar and m&s)..

means i had to pay 1.20 for some coke out of a cafe (rip off)


They're lucky?


I dunno, we tried our best to not open but the regional manager is a bitch.

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Im pretty sure I am working straight through until (and including) New Years day. But I will definatly insist upon having Weds & Thurs off. And then the week after I'm going to take as holiday so I can rest/do uni work.


Checked on Facebook earlier and saw another old classmate engaged. Im sure its something in the waters of this town. Its like "Oh no, I'm 20. IM OLD! Time to get engaged/have kids/whatever!" People.


I am going to spend the rest of the day doing sod all really. Lounging about. Going to watch HIMYM, iron my uniform and then go to bed. EXCITING!

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Im pretty sure I am working straight through until (and including) New Years day. But I will definatly insist upon having Weds & Thurs off. And then the week after I'm going to take as holiday so I can rest/do uni work.


Checked on Facebook earlier and saw another old classmate engaged. Im sure its something in the waters of this town. Its like "Oh no, I'm 20. IM OLD! Time to get engaged/have kids/whatever!" People.


I am going to spend the rest of the day doing sod all really. Lounging about. Going to watch HIMYM, iron my uniform and then go to bed. EXCITING!


i worked 8 days in a row this week - my first day off was y'day


i was so tired :(

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