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Last night I was supposed to be watching The Wrestler with Calum at his flat, but then I went to my friend's party instead. It was really bad because it was in a club, and everyone was getting KBed from the door. The bouncers were being ridiculously stringent - they quizzed me as to why I was born in Germany... I was like "Mind your own."


I didn't want to leave because I couldn't bear the thought of her having a disappointing birthday night. However, after several free cocktails, I was drunky, and randomly left with a group of people I don't usually hang around with.


We went to the City Cafe, (which is strangely open like 24 hours) and played pool, and I was so uncoordinated it was ridiculous. General banter followed, which surreally involved 5 of us being in the toilets at once.


The we went to Cabaret Voltaire - and loads of the people I was with just dissappeared randomly and I was too drunk to notice where they went. Good riddance, because I litterally loved the conciseness of the people who got into Cab Vol - me, two of my bandmates and a slightly random guy that I barely speak to from Oxford.




Everyone was just dancing so sincerely, it was lovely. Spasming to grimey beats that no-one had before heard on a full-yet-sparse dancefloor. We just left our jackets on a table - knowing no one would nick them, then had a brilliant time dancing, and every so often would go outside to smoke/have jokes. I smoked alot more than I would have sober, which is bad...


I don't remember how, but I managed to make a spit-on-your-hand-then-shake-hands deal with Rory that he'd let me give him a blowjob if I texted the girl he's interested in for him. I texted her, but his promise didn't come to fruitation :rolleyes:


At 3, we were kicked out, and hung around outside for a while, and got talking to one of the DJs. He was from Canada, and we started talking about Tegan and Sara for some reason - he and I both loved. I clapped. "They're fucking national treasures man!"


Then I decided to crash at Zander's house, which was a trek across town. However, the sky was lit up despite it being half 3, and we met this vision of Beauty in the form of this girl called Joy. She was either high, or a descendant of Jesus - the way she spoke indicated such. Zander fell in love, we were forced to go.


I woke up this afternoon, a mother of headaches upon me. But awesome night out!

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you're MAD. Anyone else on this forum, besides Odwin for unassumed comedy purposes, would love to feel desired/wanted/lusted after. Stop being silly and dance in it while it lasts, before you're old and ugly and showing strangers on teh streets pictures of you as a young lady.




Oh shush so I'm riding the crazy train for a while, leave me alone. As it is I hate sunshine for the same reason you just ranted about shopping.


Have fun at brand new though.

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Had a good day. Lunch at Yates', Rock Band and generic fun times at home, best mate and his girlfriend came over. Going out for drinks with them in a few hours. Tried to get Lucy along but doesn't look like that's gonne happen due to lateness unfortunately. Damn you relatively long distance!

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Well today has been smashing.


Woke up in a room with barely anything in it. Chap comes to fit new carpet, I spend the next two hours walking up and down the stairs to put everything back in my room. Muchos sweat.


And I'm still having problems connecting my phone to my PC, it just doesn't want to work. The SD card I ordered for it arrived today, easy to put things on the card. Impossible to find them on my phone. It seems the only way to get music and other images onto my phone is to download them to my brother's phone and have him bluetooth it to me. Fuck that.


Sent Samsung the as yet third email, outlining their last suggestions didn't work. Hopefully I'll get a reply before the end of the day.


Samsung phone software is ass. If you have a microsd card, you can set the phone under the options menu-->usb settings to "mass storage" which will basically use the phone as a card reader and let you access the card like an external drive. So copy your stuff onto the card and use that. But then Samsungs also sometimes have problems recognising cards. Mine doesnt see mine, but if I put it in and open up the camera at the same moment, it randomly does. Useless phones. I'm never buying a Samsung phone again.


Today was a better day than yesterday. Open day at Heriot Watt uni - suspect I may end up going there. A little too local for my liking (20-30min drive), but I'm still guaranteed a halls place and its supposedly the best Physics Uni in the UK outside Oxbridge, which I am banned from applying to because of £££. Poo and stuff. But yay for free tuition in Scotland.


Then went out cycling from about 2.30 til about 7.30 - probably very sunburned, and I have scratches all up my right side after trying to flip off a "Spider Web" playground thing. Good times though.


This week has been up-down-up so far, so I am worried tomorrow will be back down. Unlikely though, should be a decent day at school, then gym, then BRAND NEW MOTHERFUCKERS! Might skip the gym actually, thinking about it. Will need all my energy for the gig :yay::yay::yay:

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Girl who lives with me continues her spiral of selkf-victimisation. She's now leaving entirely tomorrow (good riddance, despite her being a nice person underneath the ignorance, stupidity, passive-aggressiveness and general petty and pathetic self-destruction), refusing to go to the leaving ceremony.


She can't run to her insane parents everytime something goes wrong. She's a prude. False, pretentious and possibily the anti-me. She starts something, the refuses to argue her side.


People who run away from debates/arguements possibly grate on me harder than like...murderers.

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Guest Captain Falcon
OH YES! FUCK YES! Its finally time.


My mate just messaged me.




Fuck yeaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!


Now if he said soiree I'd understand but shindig... I'm just not feeling it.


Sunshine = wank.


Do you really have nothing better to do with your day?

Edited by Captain Falcon
Automerged Doublepost
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well, after getting a load of shit from my parents over me being lazy (apparently me not emptying the drainer/washing the sink is an essental part of my day) i went to pub. didnt start well with a 25 min wait for the bus, then when i arived every one was on the way to being drunk. im driving in the morning so didnt drink and they gave me a load of grife for it.


that guy i almost hit a few weeks ago, he was being a dick to people, and stating his opinion as fact. he was saying he didnt like the shinning, i was like "i like it" he said "no, its a shit film.". watching him goad some one, not really me tonight, its pretty nasty, he just takes the piss, if you try and ask him to stop he gets all angry. i dont like his need to put outhers down, and that he cant have any one have a different opinion to him.


have a breakfast with a couple of mates aranged, worried i'll be a bit 3rd wheel but it beat being in doors all day.

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Do you really have nothing better to do with your day?

You mean nothing better than set up a chair outside, lie down and close my eyes?



wow you are miserable :heh:

The sunshine gets in the way of TV/PC screens. As someone who spends all her day in front of one [bEING YOUR JOB] and being in front of one at home, due to your condition which you have mentioned the sun doesn't help.


I may be wrong though.

EEvilmurray cheer the fuck up for once

I fail to recognize the correlation between losing ten grand, hospitalizing Gorgeous, and a good deal.


I mean... I fail to see the correlation between sunshine and good feelings.

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It's ok, I would just like it if you could be happy every now and then. You know, stuff..

I dunno what I'm saying

I'm happy loads of times. The weather has bullshit effect on it.


The times we have gotten interactive on MSN haven't been miserable have they? And don't bullshit me by saying no.

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I'm happy loads of times. The weather has bullshit effect on it.


The times we have gotten interactive on MSN haven't been miserable have they? And don't bullshit me by saying no.


But me saying no would imply that they have been negative times which they havn't been :heh:


You could just do with lightening up a bit, is all. Don't worry, I still love ya.


I just sorted out my Pokemon cards for no real reason; thus I have won the night. Don't even try and beat me people.

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Sorting out your pokemon cards? Do you wish to become a cleaning nerd Dyson?


Bah, dad hasn't sorted my tyres, I neeeeeeeed them sorted by saturday, DAMNIT!


Grr, but otherwise yay sunshine, that I will er like stay in my garden and look at and not get burnt to pieces ^_^

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Don't feel too bad dude. Looking at hot chicks whilst sacrificing safety is something that...well I assume all drivers have to go through. Just when you pass your test you learn the tricks like the "Glance back" to make sure you're not gonna crash, and of course the "Mirror mask" check mirrors regularly to spot for chicks. Etc.

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Yay for having to be stuck inside and do writing all day. :indeed: One review down and 2 more to do before the end of today. Luckily, the last two reviews are on games I really enjoy so it'll be good writing about how awesome they are. After those, I then have 4 games that I'd like to get completed before the weekend so I can relax properly so tomorrow and friday are now occupied in terms of what I'll be doing.

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