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Guest Captain Falcon
Jeez...my sisters godfather died...had a big heart attack. Its crazy, he's the same age as my dad and...well he seemed fit as a fiddle last time I saw him (in January)


Makes me a bit worried about my dad considering it can happen so suddenly for him. :(


Well if he was fit as a fiddle, then surely that is proof if it were needed that it can strike anybody - so stop worrying about your dad and just enjoy spending time with him now.

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I think I might end up investing in some vintage Mighty Max toys... nostalgia calls.


Me and you are meant for each other.


Today was okay. I decided to re-do a piece of old work for my portfolio (it was done before I started my course), so I did a quick search for it (the cooker from Wallace and Gromit) on Google Images and my old work came up for it! It made me happy.

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Guest Captain Falcon

Man I've been bored today and nothing seems to be distracting me.


In other news, I beat my own personal record for most pizza consumed in a single seating by eating two medium domino's this evening.


Given my appearance and weight, you really wouldn't think it possible.

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Been reading World War Z


uniformly excellent. Brooks looks to have crafted a very tight bit of fictional work- covering the earliest hints of a strange viral outbreak through to the collapse of civilization, it's reconstruction in quarantine 'safe zones' and the eventual human counter attack against the hordes dominating the land.

great stuff, though it brings to mind the question: how are they planning to film the thing . I can only imagine they'll write new stories/one story using Brook's framework. Would be a shame to loose so many brilliant micro stories from each interview though.

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I've been feeling a little down lately - not really enthusiastic about anything or anyone.. Bah. Just a passing phase I suppose :heh:


Hmmm. part of my goldfishes tail snapped off. What seemed like a harmless spot that it had for years eventually broke down. It looks happy enough swimming around with a broken tail... ._. and the other ones riddled with tumours. Poor fish. Bad times :(

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Guest Captain Falcon
I've been feeling a little down lately - not really enthusiastic about anything or anyone.. Bah. Just a passing phase I suppose :heh:


I sure hope it is.

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I've been feeling a little down lately - not really enthusiastic about anything or anyone.. Bah. Just a passing phase I suppose :heh:


Hmmm. part of my goldfishes tail snapped off. What seemed like a harmless spot that it had for years eventually broke down. It looks happy enough swimming around with a broken tail... ._. and the other ones riddled with tumours. Poor fish. Bad times :(


The tumour looking thing shouldn't be harmful, its like little fat spots or something. We had one which lived for like 6 more years after we got worried about it! Also the broken tail may not be too bad for them, unless it is acting different from usual.

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Woke up without a hangover, which was amazing. I came to the conclusion I like this guy so much more than I thought I did, which is annoying considering we'll be going on holiday soon and I'd rather not have other feelings get in the way of having a brilliant time.



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So I've spent most of the day working on the new mafia thread that I'm GM to. Very scared that it'll fall apart!


My mum called up and stuff. Besides the usual 'how are you doing?' try-not-to-unveil-my-life-failings conversations she told me that my aunt, who has been suffering from cancer for the last 3 years, died on thursday. Was very,very strange hearing it. Not really told anyone yet. Got half a mind to trip to australia for the funeral but most of the family are doing something on thursday down south, so I'll probably go for that.


So weird. Not really lost anyone in my family before. Felt like crying on the phone to my mum, but since then it's just... I feel like I ought to cry, though I'm not, so yeah. Don't reply saying "sorry j7" because I don't need that at all.


Some of Nami's friends from her hometown are over tonight and we're gaming it up. Good fun. Going to leeds tomorrow to relax and paint. Feeling odd aboutlife in general. Hum!


Been reading World War Z


uniformly excellent. Brooks looks to have crafted a very tight bit of fictional work- covering the earliest hints of a strange viral outbreak through to the collapse of civilization, it's reconstruction in quarantine 'safe zones' and the eventual human counter attack against the hordes dominating the land.

great stuff, though it brings to mind the question: how are they planning to film the thing . I can only imagine they'll write new stories/one story using Brook's framework. Would be a shame to loose so many brilliant micro stories from each interview though.


It is a great book (I'm lending it to the bugger!), though I didn't realise they were planning a movie! I imagine they'll amalgamate some of the stories into single characters. Great book, though!

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Guest Captain Falcon

So weird. Not really lost anyone in my family before. Felt like crying on the phone to my mum, but since then it's just... I feel like I ought to cry, though I'm not, so yeah.


I've never cried at the loss of any relative of mine - even those I was really close to.


Part of me wondered whether I'm just a really cold person or whether there was something wrong with me. I came to the conclusion that it's probably a combination of both.

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My friend came over to watch movies and we ended up watching Eurovision, shameful really. Genuine carcrash tv. Although, the Greece entry made our day, just hilarious. As if the peeking abs weren't enough, we had to see nipple by the end of the song. Wow.


But, putting Rebel without a Cause on now, which I've never seeeeeeeen. Woo.

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Since I wasted most of my day being in bed or asleep or whatever, I just decided to try and do some work instead of calling it a night. I doubt I'll get anything done though, but it's worth a try I guess.


Also, rest of my day. Watched Apocalypto and played some Wii Sports tennis and bowling with mom, for one of the first times ever. She never wanted to play it before, until she heard her sister plays it too. Typical. =P

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My friend came over to watch movies and we ended up watching Eurovision, shameful really. Genuine carcrash tv. Although, the Greece entry made our day, just hilarious. As if the peeking abs weren't enough, we had to see nipple by the end of the song. Wow.


I was laughing so much at just how ridiculous he looked with the unbuttoned shirt.

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I was laughing so much at just how ridiculous he looked with the unbuttoned shirt.


Haha me and my best friend had a special Eurovision night, and Greece was amazing! The guy was such a ponce it was such good entertainment.


Now I'm quite pissed, and my head hurts which can only call for more tipple.


Sexcetera is fantastic by the way, in case anyone doesn't already watch it.

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Just got back from my friend's birthday dinner party. Was surprisingly fun. Some excellent wine.


On a really strange note, his right hand man went to school with both of us and I've NEVER ever seen him before...ever. And he knows my name. I'm really freaked out by this. Five years and I've never seen him. What the hell? :wtf:


Daft just reminded me, i do need to clean out my MSN and Facebook friends as well. Just a tidy though, to all the ones who


A: I don't have a clue who they are

B: Who i don't like or ever talk to


Everytime i do such a clean, they just re-add me.


Don't worry, N:E i will try not to wipe any of you lot out, if i can help it.


I'm being pretty brutal. I had a bit of a tech panic attack today. The culling might carry over to Flickr. Maybe Twitter.

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Just got back from my friend's birthday dinner party. Was surprisingly fun. Some excellent wine.


On a really strange note, his right hand man went to school with both of us and I've NEVER ever seen him before...ever. And he knows my name. I'm really freaked out by this. Five years and I've never seen him. What the hell? :wtf:

The East India trading company club wasn't too stuffy then? :)


Perhaps he just has a forgettable face.

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Worked today 2-6, figured I've done 38.5 hours in two weeks which is just over £200, which I'm pleased with, but one of the people at my uni said they don't want me working this much during exams. I said it was just because mine had barely started and I'm a fresher. She said thats ok then and I was a bit surprised she didn't carry the issue further. Seems our exams aren't all that important as we are led to believe :p


Been doing some revision tonight after a nice tiring game of football. The floodlights didn't come on so we had to cut short which overall benefited me.


Two people tonight have said in one way or another they are having issues. So I ask them both what's up and I get nothing. I feel like trying to help is pointless or at least listen and talk to them trying to cheer them up.


Going to do some more weights before bed now. Foot is getting much better again which is good. Luckily its my left so I wasn't affected playing football.

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I've never cried at the loss of any relative of mine - even those I was really close to.


Part of me wondered whether I'm just a really cold person or whether there was something wrong with me. I came to the conclusion that it's probably a combination of both.


Yeah, it's odd. I spent about 20 mins trying to sleep, but instead I was composing an album of memories. So I got up and sent my uncle a long message trying to capture them all.


I don't really believe in any afterlife, yet I've been directing my thoughts to her all day. It's odd.


I doubt there's anything wrong with you at all. I figure that if there is any sort of afterlife then they'll just be wanting you to carry on, and to live a good life... But yeah. Odd! Strange. Weird.

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Yesterday was packing and leaving joy. Got up early and did some steam cleaning. Then helped my housemate pack her stuff into her car and saw her off. Pottered around, ate, tidying, packed for the next few hours. Oh and I met the twin of Bloc Party's singer! Turns out he works for charity shops up here. Who knew eh? Then in the space of the last hour I had people coming and going and ringing like crazy but got my new camera out of it :D


So yeah, moved back. Through a right storm with hail and everything. Unloaded and sorted my room out and now I just need to spend all day unpacking. I wanna go explore (as its a totally new area) but its pouring it down :( Got a text off my friend last night saying him and his boyfriend shall miss me, which is sweet but odd. As just a year ago his boyfriend was threatening to kill me. Strange how these things change.

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The East India trading company club wasn't too stuffy then? :)


Perhaps he just has a forgettable face.


Yeah, horrible and stuffy. I enjoyed it in a twisted way. Might become a member so I can use the library and the free printer. :heh:


I'm great with faces! It's names I'm bad with. Very strange. Okay, I wasn't the most sociable person at school but I thought I knew everyone at least (and I reckon I still do apart from this one chap).

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I've developed an obsession with postsecret.com. Obsessed with it. For this week's update he typed up the speech he gave a university (I think) in America. He went there beforehand to research, and got all of the graduates to write down what they would like him to say. Some of it was really touching.


I MUST have his books. I love reading it every sunday. Humans are completely astounding sometimes.

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I've developed an obsession with postsecret.com. Obsessed with it. For this week's update he typed up the speech he gave a university (I think) in America. He went there beforehand to research, and got all of the graduates to write down what they would like him to say. Some of it was really touching.


I MUST have his books. I love reading it every sunday. Humans are completely astounding sometimes.


Great to see a fellow fan, haha. I religiously read it every Sunday, and am disappointed when it hasn't been updated yet. =P

And one day when I have money I'm gonna buy the books!

Also found this secret on the forums once (not sure it was ever posted on the main page), and even though it's very unlikely it was directed at me, I still like to believe it was (which is why I have it saved).



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