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Yeah so normal day at school, but more hilarious reminiscing with friends added.


This afternoon. I'm part of the team making the annual school "arts magazine", Cerulean. The teacher had arranged for us to go have a "chat" with a graphic designer. I expected it to be in a shit office, with some old man.


It was a moment of pleasure. I came thrice. He was young(ish), it was in his and his wife's flat in town, and I loved everything in it. He's a proper artist, and a music producer and was fucking insane, like randomly putting on his music and remixing it for us, for no reason other than the joke. Then he made us randomly choose records to put on. Come on Charles Mingus.


Really inspirationa;/helpful on the graphics side.


He then talked about the album covers he does for his brothers stuff, and I gasped. I RECOGNISED THAT PICTURE! He said "Yeah, so these are very Lichenstein, but are from Marvel...this lady..". I shouted out; "That's PHOTON!". He stopped and laughed. I loved. He was like "OMG how did you know" and I was like "IM HER BIGGEST FAN" Monica Rambeau jizzing everywhere. And I proved my nerdiness by knowing all her codenames. I loved the fact he used her for al the singles from one album because she was called Captain Marvel, and he loved the fact a black woman was the "title character" or marvel comics.


Then later we were looking through his massivew sketchbook, and he said "Oh ignore that, it was a cover to my Brian Eno book...you alll know who he is right?" None of my other shit friends said anything, and I said, "Yeah, I love Music For Airports". He loved. I loved. Asked If I patted myself on the back for knowing Music For Airports at my age.


But yeah. I want his life. Randomly playing around with synthesisers and shiz. I loved. Monica Rambaeu COME THE FUCK ON!


His brother and his moniker was called Linwood, and they had some fucking great beats. I loved seeing a producer/mixer at work too.


Crazy sick.

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I want pink shoes. (and a cloak)


My day has been rather amusing for various reasons. :) I'm loving the sun! The hot ball of gas makes everything seem mellowed out. Even revision!


This week consists of Psychology Revision as I have an Exam on Friday! I already got a C in it but I want to improve it to a B or an A!


I surprised a lot of people today when I told them I got up at 5 in the morning to work! :p


10 Days of "actual" school left. :yay: then just have to go in for exams/last day!

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I fell off my bike and sprained my wrist! Wahoo! Might not seem like something to celebrate about, but I'm glad I don't have to wear a cast. Especially since my tattoo hasn't healed properly yet and I have another sitting in a weeks time. Hopefully I'll be healed by then.


I also bit a chunk out of the inside of my lip, may have broken my nose slightly, knocked one of my front teeth back a bit (can't see a difference, but I can feel it), cut my forehead and have miscellaneous road rash. It's not as bad as it sounds though. My glasses are also screwed and the bike needs a new gear selector at the pedal side I think.


Good fun! Slip, arm, FACE!

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Paj; that really, really sounds awesome :) Nice one! Are you going to keep in touch with the guy?


I dunno, I mean probably will talk to him about the school magazine the more we do, but I realised I can't find anything from his/his brother's music on the net, so might have got the name wrong. It really was enjoyable.

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Goaferboy - did they give you any painkillers? Because you seem far too happy about the whole thing :P


Nah. I'm a man! Men don't take painkillers. We just growl, grunt and punch something when we're in pain. Which of course is never since men don't feel pain! Grrr!


I just tend to shrug things off when it comes to hurting myself. I can still walk and talk, may as well laugh it off. Although I don't think I'll be gaming for a while. I can just about type.


It did make me laugh though. The nurse asked "Have you taken any painkillers?" I said no, "Do you want some?". It just seemed so casual and shady.


Although it seems counter productive to offer you painkillers, then half hour later come back and poke about saying "does this hurt?".

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Ahh Paj that sounds awesome!! He sounds like a bit of a legend.


Congrats Cube :)

Decided not to include her, couldn't get it right and didn't want to ruin it and start again. Added Jiji instead. Still needs a bit of tweaking but thus far:




Bit of work needs to be done with shading and that but overall quite happy with it :)


I would like to be your housemate... that's awesome:bowdown:Good job :)


10 Days of "actual" school left. :yay: then just have to go in for exams/last day!


Same... Im abit scared, I've loved year 13, don't want it to end... and I've done jack all revision thus far :S


Ohh and I've got my Driving test tomorrow, top tips anyone?

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Ohh and I've got my Driving test tomorrow, top tips anyone?

Be confident in your own ability! Also, I guess try not to get flustered if something unexpected happens, sounds obvious but take a deep breath. It was a bright day and then it hailed during my test, one of my VERY FEW (:heh:) minors was for fumbling with the windscreen wiper control because I was so shocked it was hailing, heh.

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I've been exploring the Capital Wasteland all day. Really, that's all I've done until now. Shocked at my KeyboardCat video, made it on to Cute Overload and thus has hit 35k views in under 48 hours. Mental.


Oh, well I did call Enterprise. They'll get back to me tomorrow supposedly. Grr.

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I've been exploring the Capital Wasteland all day. Really, that's all I've done until now. Shocked at my KeyboardCat video, made it on to Cute Overload and thus has hit 35k views in under 48 hours. Mental.


That's crazy! :o


But I love your video of it! I've watched it at least 5 times! : peace:

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My foot right at the end and the last 2 toes have gone bluey purple. STOOOPID WEIGHT.


Done lots of revision today, and went to work for an hour and a half, seemed pointless. But I got brownie points with the manager and its still monay.


First exam in 2 days. Oh. Dear. God.

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eurgh, decided im the only one whos allowed to make decisions.


spent my day relaxing, wen to have beans with sausages on toast for lunch, but guess what? no bread. my mam refuses to buy it as there is "too much waste". i eat at least 3 slices of bread a day, 5 days a wek, if any is left, its the crusts at either end. say my parents have a loaf of brown bread, they will have 2 slices each, and the rest goes in the bin. this is fine.


Then went to metro center for around 7 (itys open til 9) got my mate a b day pressie, then me and my mates went for a meal. nandos was chosen despite the fact its the most boring place on earth.


seriosuly, i ordered the puego streak role, extra hot. i couldent even taste it, all i could taste was burtn, cos it had been char grilled. i fail to see how they can market it as extra hot, it was pathetic and a waste of my money.


went to go to asda but the new one we were headed for wasnt open yet. thatw as stupid, so we called it off. guttede ive not had nice food all day. had a laugh with my mates, but spending all that money on a horrible meal left a sour taste in my mouth.

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Guest Captain Falcon

Got a phone call at work today from one of the other departments checking on some payments that should have been made. At first she didn't want to speak to me about, though she didn't say so, but I convinced her anyway since the item in question technically falls into my area of responsibility.


Anyway it turns out that for some reason, we've not paid some of our invoices, but the lady swears blind our department have had them. Well she may have gave them to purchasing, but they never hit us.


I just know tomorrow (well, later today...) there's going to be a fuss kicked up about it. Now I've seen every payment that we've sent abroad this year and I know we've not had these ones to send out. I don't want to have to Falcon Punch her, but I'm might extend to a Falcon Tongue Lashing.

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I would like to be your housemate... that's awesome:bowdown:Good job :)


Thanks. I got a tad annoyed with her earlier because she said "we're going to have loud sex so if you wanna go somewhere..." But then she later told me their bellybutton piercings got caught, ripped and they both bled in pain. I laughed joyously.


My friend randomly surprised me today with tickets to see Matt & Kim in Shoreditch in a few weeks.




This is why he's my best friend.


Shoreditch = place you love, yes? Obviously good reason to go but just seeing if my memory still works from time to time. Great news though :D


Found out earlier my housemate's dad was coming up tonight to take some of her stuff. He was meant to come tomorrow but is in high demand by his wife. I jokingly mentioned him staying on the sofa and turns out that is the case. So he got here around 10 and then took us to the pub. Free drinks, huzzah! Always weird though as we're so different, but he's nice enough.


Also packed up most of my room, just need more boxes. Its so empty :(

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Hmm. I've been slightly "down" all evening, since having to go pick up my sister and falling alseep for the entire journey.

I want to do art, but I hate that I have no confidence in my own abilites and have no definitive style to call my own. I don't what the point of me doing art is. I'm not doing something catahartic or anything, or at least not yet, and I don't have a style I can develop. I hate it.


Going to see that graphic designer guy today was of course really fun and interesting, but just kinda depressed me afterwards. That's what I want, but I'm not good enough or...I don't know what I want to do.


I don't even want to be painting shit for the next few years. It's boring as fuck and while I get into it and it's elaxing, and there're definitely elements in every final thing I do that I think are good/successful it never works for me as a whole.


I dunno. I sometimes think I want to do film. I'd love to do something English-y and write stories, but I'm not good enough, and that's fine. But the only thing I'm interested in is stories (and art working together). Whether that be in book, comics, video, film or whatever.


I just hate that I have no plan. I think one of the reasons art colleges won't want me is cause I'm not bringing much new to the table. Just generally skilled at drawing/painting shit. But as I said, not amazing enough to make you go "Wow!". Just pleasant at best.


Gah. I wish I could write songs/play an instrument/sing. Music is another thing I love. Bit as it is, I feel like this big lump that loves all these things but can't do them and doesn't know what to do.




I feel like the rip-off version of Lily Briscoe from To The Lighthouse. I'd prefer not to wait 10 years/have a friend die before I get over this "hump", though.

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If it helps at all I feel the same at times. I feel there is a creative soul inside me but I lack the skills to express it (im pretty sure I'm channelling the god awful Vicky Christina Barcelona here...).


I'm not sure what advice I can give but keep plugging away. Don't let fear stop you...[more platitudes]. We all go through it, moments of self doubt. Particularly when it comes to careers. It seems like something so huge and serious but the average graduate changes jobs 17 times (last I heard...I think). But from what I've seen of your art you certainly have the mad skills, give it time to develop and it will all click.


If not the creative members of the boards can run off together and make stuff. :p

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Hmm. I've been slightly "down" all evening, since having to go pick up my sister and falling alseep for the entire journey.

I want to do art, but I hate that I have no confidence in my own abilites and have no definitive style to call my own. I don't what the point of me doing art is. I'm not doing something catahartic or anything, or at least not yet, and I don't have a style I can develop. I hate it.


Going to see that graphic designer guy today was of course really fun and interesting, but just kinda depressed me afterwards. That's what I want, but I'm not good enough or...I don't know what I want to do.


I don't even want to be painting shit for the next few years. It's boring as fuck and while I get into it and it's elaxing, and there're definitely elements in every final thing I do that I think are good/successful it never works for me as a whole.


I dunno. I sometimes think I want to do film. I'd love to do something English-y and write stories, but I'm not good enough, and that's fine. But the only thing I'm interested in is stories (and art working together). Whether that be in book, comics, video, film or whatever.


I just hate that I have no plan. I think one of the reasons art colleges won't want me is cause I'm not bringing much new to the table. Just generally skilled at drawing/painting shit. But as I said, not amazing enough to make you go "Wow!". Just pleasant at best.


Gah. I wish I could write songs/play an instrument/sing. Music is another thing I love. Bit as it is, I feel like this big lump that loves all these things but can't do them and doesn't know what to do.




I feel you need to do more art. More recreational art. Draw a comic, but do it in a lovely way (Arkham Asylum Stunning House In A Stunning Way-esque?). Bagsy we're filming a film during inter-railing, so you can -









Or you can help me with my singing career. My bag will be that I don't record any albums, but only perform improvs at life shows. Record me, or don't.

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