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Got my Genetics exam later on today. Thank god this one's nearly out of the way. Calm at the moment and just trying not to think about it or anything relating to it too much. I'll put myself in the mind frame for it at about half 1, 30 mins before the exam. No point trying to think of it too much as it's more likely that I'll forget important stuff that way.


Seems like I've been up for ages. Parents decided to get up really early and woke me up in the process. :nono: Just sitting listening to music and sending off some emails. Got one from a student advisor asking to meet today but it's at the time I have my exam so I've asked to see him on thursday. Should finally get this sorted out.

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I've decided to take action against the pub company which has tried ripping me out of proper wages. I've sent them a most formal email.



It seems they contacted my bosses, who had a stern talking to me yesterday [That was quick], having a nice whine at me about how I should've come to them, and that their accountant spoke to them and said only the past few weeks were in error. This means there will be a massive pimpsmacking tomorrow when I take my payslips in which have had the wrong rate on them since the increase was meant to happen in October.


The reason I didn't talk to them was because I really thought they couldn't help me, and would've told me to talk to the higher ups anyway. The fact the landlord tried bullshitting me saying I was wrong, even saying he'd checked and that I was wrong [a lie I'm sure], then a few days later:


Landlord: The rate's been sorted [This is after saying it was fine the way it was]

EEVIL: So the one I was saying was right?

Landlord: It's been sorted.


The man seemed unable to admit he was wrong and had been given a dose of prime Shabba'isation.


However they seem to be punishing me for going over their heads by giving me the later starts on the joint shifts I work.

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Good work there my friend.


Its been a funny one so far today. Thought i'd depress my parents and told them how cold it has been at night as they've been abroad and used to 15-20 degree nights, then coming back to 8 degree nights.

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If you are going to nob your boss by making him look bad he's hardly likely to be hunky dory about it all.

They shouldn't be able to think they can sweep it under the carpet and get away with it.


And also a new article on The Gringo Asylum.

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Today I am outrageously hungover. It's an absolute fucko, forum.


think my shirt gave off the wrong vibe, mind. I got invited to a gay bar by a stranger.

It went down a storm otherwise- had a chat to a nice girl at some point but I had to answer the call of nature and I was cockblocked by the time I got back, some randoms complimented its awesomeness.


I was informed some chica was in to me later on too- but by her friends , which is kind of dumb. I was way passed half cut too so it was kind of shambolic. haha.


awesome night out but, by Odin's raven, I'm suffering for my pleasures.

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They shouldn't be able to think they can sweep it under the carpet and get away with it.


And also a new article on The Gringo Asylum.


Oh I'm all for your getting your money rightly! I'm just saying, they were obviously going to be bitchy about it for a while. Just say nothing and act normal, that will just annoy them more knowing that its not getting to you!

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Congrats Cube :)


I'm trying to do a drawing for my housemate as a leaving gift. Its going well so far. Its Totoro sleeping with her weird-looking dog on the top, a tree spirit on his lef and a soot sprite on his face. Just trying to decide whether to include her on there as well. Keep sketching it in pencil (will sharpie over it when happy) but I can't seem to quite get it. Wanted to put it in a frame too but it turns out A5 is somewhere between 8x10 and 5x7 which is a pain. May pop back to town tomorrow and get an 8x10 and some purple card and make my own frame.


Decided not to include her, couldn't get it right and didn't want to ruin it and start again. Added Jiji instead. Still needs a bit of tweaking but thus far:




Bit of work needs to be done with shading and that but overall quite happy with it :)

Edited by Ashley
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Yeah so normal day at school, but more hilarious reminiscing with friends added.


This afternoon. I'm part of the team making the annual school "arts magazine", Cerulean. The teacher had arranged for us to go have a "chat" with a graphic designer. I expected it to be in a shit office, with some old man.


It was a moment of pleasure. I came thrice. He was young(ish), it was in his and his wife's flat in town, and I loved everything in it. He's a proper artist, and a music producer and was fucking insane, like randomly putting on his music and remixing it for us, for no reason other than the joke. Then he made us randomly choose records to put on. Come on Charles Mingus.


Really inspirationa;/helpful on the graphics side.


He then talked about the album covers he does for his brothers stuff, and I gasped. I RECOGNISED THAT PICTURE! He said "Yeah, so these are very Lichenstein, but are from Marvel...this lady..". I shouted out; "That's PHOTON!". He stopped and laughed. I loved. He was like "OMG how did you know" and I was like "IM HER BIGGEST FAN" Monica Rambeau jizzing everywhere. And I proved my nerdiness by knowing all her codenames. I loved the fact he used her for al the singles from one album because she was called Captain Marvel, and he loved the fact a black woman was the "title character" or marvel comics.


Then later we were looking through his massivew sketchbook, and he said "Oh ignore that, it was a cover to my Brian Eno book...you alll know who he is right?" None of my other shit friends said anything, and I said, "Yeah, I love Music For Airports". He loved. I loved. Asked If I patted myself on the back for knowing Music For Airports at my age.


But yeah. I want his life. Randomly playing around with synthesisers and shiz. I loved. Monica Rambaeu COME THE FUCK ON!


His brother and his moniker was called Linwood, and they had some fucking great beats. I loved seeing a producer/mixer at work too.

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I'm in the worst possible mood. Just feel so detached from everything and there's no one willing to listen to me talk it out. Hate it as it's ruining a beautifully sunny day. Within 5 minutes of coming home I've already shouted my head of and complained about my lazy as f**k brother. I just.... urgh! Who the f**k cares. Family doesn't and friends don't so what's the point.


Exam went so well I'm thinking I may as well just resit the damn thing come August just for the hell of it. :shakehead Why the hell can't I just get away from everything and everyone? This bloody house seems to get smaller every day.

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