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I just got back from an amaaaaaaaaazing night out! I got into Uni! Weeee! So much damn fun. Damn living in a rural area though. Men = fail. :p

Congrats laddie!!



So yeah, it was my last night at the petrol station last night. And what a night. Everything was mildly bad, but I didn't really care because it was my last night. Then the shit hit the fan. Both tills froze when I had 3 customers waiting, one of which was half way through filling his car up. So I had to serve 2 customers without using the till for change. One had correct change, the other didn't care about change (it was 60 odd pence). The guy who was filling up had to fill out a "no means of payment" form. Luckily, he was a nice chap and didn't mind being forced to pay at a later date.


I totally handled the tills like a pro though, and had them fixed in 10 minutes. Which is a vast improvement on last time, when it took an hour. And to further show my pro skills, I did the whole night with a cash variance of 0p despite massive till failure. (the variance is the difference between what should be in the till and what is actually in there. At the best of times, people have a couple of pence variance).


I am a retail wizard. I give the place a week without me before it disappears into a pit of failure.

In one of my former jobs I had to cash up, and only once did I get it exactly right. In every case I get it wrong I blame the French.

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I woke up thinking "Amazing night", but now I'm thinking "I'm so embarassing". That'll teach me for not bothering to eat much during the day. Phonecalls I don't remember, and conversations I'd rather forget. Still, was a really fun night whilst it lasted.


You can't say that without saying what you did or what happened.

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What sort of stuff do you get to / are supposed to be designing Daft? As it sounds potentially interesting even for a desk-job. :smile:


I'm doing a jacket cover for a kids reference book. It basically requires a hell of a lot of photoshopping. The cover I'm working on looks kind of like this,




I basically just do what I'm told. I've got very little input. I'm a grunt. :heh:

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You can't say that without saying what you did or what happened.


Haha, I wish I could actually remember myself. Many, many things though. One of them being that I supposedly shouted I love someone (This guy literally everyone just stares at once her enters a room. It's horrifying how attractive he is) in the middle of the winebar (Where I work too, so anything embarassing is always used against me by workmates. Fail), having an horrific conversation with a bunch of people from the year below myself about a drunken night with one of their friends that I'd rather forget but am apparently not allowed to considering how much it's brought up everytime I'm out. Then, a few drunken phonecalls (One being with a member of this forum and the other person I can't even remember, which is even more terrifying in itself) that I can't actually remember at all. All this being just the tip of a massively embarassing iceberg.


Kill me now.

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As Radiohead put it; 'You do it to yourself, and that's why it really hurts.'

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As Radiohead put it; 'You do it to yourself, and that's why it really hurts.'


Exactly. I mean, I'm not denying it wasn't an amazing night. I just wish I wasn't so horrifically embarassing when I drink white wine.

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*note to self* must get up earlier =) even when you dont have to work still get up!.. especially when you know that when uni arrives you will have to get up at 6!!!!!

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Exactly. I mean, I'm not denying it wasn't an amazing night. I just wish I wasn't so horrifically embarassing when I drink white wine.

Did you wake up next to Chair with a sore arse and a smile on his face?

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Found out today that a girl I liked also "really, really" liked me at the time that we hooked up a party. It didn't go any further because one of her mates liked me also and she didn't want to fall out with her friend over it. That friend is now dating one of my friends, but the original girl has moved to Edinburgh so I'll probably never see her again.



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Found out today that a girl I liked also "really, really" liked me at the time that we hooked up a party. It didn't go any further because one of her mates liked me also and she didn't want to fall out with her friend over it. That friend is now dating one of my friends, but the original girl has moved to Edinburgh so I'll probably never see her again.




Sorry to hear that Giz :( why is it that whenever a girl really likes you in a situation like that do they only tell you / you find out after the moment has passed etc... always seems to be the way. :/

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Found out today that a girl I liked also "really, really" liked me at the time that we hooked up a party. It didn't go any further because one of her mates liked me also and she didn't want to fall out with her friend over it. That friend is now dating one of my friends, but the original girl has moved to Edinburgh so I'll probably never see her again.





I don't want to hear this negative shit from you. YOU HEAR ME.


Now you're going to track her down, harass her on Facebook 24/7 until she can't make it through the day without at least one piece of correspondence from you.

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behhhh. i have a hideous migrainee and i can see bery little - auras are both scary, painfull and fail >____<


Time for bed before I pass out or something. =(

*feel-better-hugs Raining*

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I'm just about to order from Amazon using a free month's worth of Prime. Anyone used this? Is it really easy to cancel once you've done with it without being charged?

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Stunning, since I got up so early for no reason and was with Chair, with the tension getting more...tense. But once he checked UCAS to see if he got into Oxford, so much relief was present.


Then I got my lovely results I'm so happy with. The Meen-Ahs and the Drivers then went for a chinese buffet lunch, which was great. Then came back here, played stunning heroclix/super smash bros brawl etc. Then Chair and his famille left, and I slept (tired out) for an hour and a half, before going out to see Inglorious Basterds with my friend who alos is too shit to get into the place everyone was going to tonight (we're underage and it checks i.d).


Nice. I got ID'd for the tickets. So she thought I was 5 years younger than I am. I'm not offended or annoyed, just surprised....because she has worked there since I started college so has seen me go from college-work, with student etc blah hax.

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I've never been I.D'd in a cinema. Years ago they wouldn't let me into some film...like Kingdom of Heaven or something. Something that was a 15. I was 13 though.

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I'm just about to order from Amazon using a free month's worth of Prime. Anyone used this? Is it really easy to cancel once you've done with it without being charged?


I signed into this, yes you can change the settings to not charge you annually. You can cancel your trial once you have finished doing what you needed to do, but i think you can't cancel once you have started to use Prime after the trial has finished (i.e. a purchase made)

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i got told i wasnt alowed to wear my hood up at work, despite the fact my neck was really cold, which was weird. a hug made it better though.

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I'm working 9 till 5 from Monday to Friday next week. Plus the boss is on holiday.

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Been doing quite a lot of writing today. Got sent a box load of games to work through, nothing particularly great although Lego Indiana Jones on the Wii is alright but I completed that last year so should be an easy write up :p.


Went out for a couple of hours just to get away from all of the writing and the mother. Didn't go far but was far enough. Very tired as a result though as a lot of walking was involved. Still not feeling 100% which doesn't help but slowly getting better. Had stomach cramps which was weird as I ate a decent amount of food. Not a huge amount but keeping with how I've been. Oh well, at least I think I'm on the mend.

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Work was cool and not at all exhausting (for the first time in my first three weeks). After that I went to my girlfriend's and I'll be going there again in the next few minutes.


Realized that I have waaay too many games to play, and with the PS3 and at least 3 more games for that coming soon, it may never end. :(

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