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Gah, I feel the same, I am so ridiculously bored being at home, also the fact that I only have £32 left in my bank account doesn't help!


I've applied for 3 more jobs today, although like most I apply for I probably wont even get a rejection letter. Are companies really SO busy that they can't send a letter saying "your application has been unsuccesful", I put time and effort into applying for their crappy job, they least they could do is recognise that fact!


Also still constantly thinking about the ex... fun times!




drives you mental, dunnit? I now think I know why people who are unemployed long term get depressed and find it hard to get a new job. It's the constant boredom it saps you of the willpower to do anything

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drives you mental, dunnit? I now think I know why people who are unemployed long term get depressed and find it hard to get a new job. It's the constant boredom it saps you of the willpower to do anything


Exactly. I can't actually find the motivation to do anything. I start to watch a film and no mater how good it is I'll be bored after about 30 minutes, the same if I try to play a game. I used to able to spend hours listening to music and drawing, I don't even seem able to do that anymore without feeling... I dunno.. unfulfilled, or something!


At least I get to see my mates later, Wednesday night is pub quiz night and after not coming dead last last week I'm feeling confident! :heh:

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Went to the Tate Modern gallery today. I now think that galleries are mostly pretentious and overpriced.


I also found a bright red leaf!! Its so red, I couldnt get over it, so I carried it round all day till I got back here.



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Went to the Tate Modern gallery today. I now think that galleries are mostly pretentious and overpriced.


I also found a bright red leaf!! Its so red, I couldnt get over it, so I carried it round all day till I got back here.




The Tate Modern is free :wtf: how are they overpriced?


My favourite are the 2 rectangles (blue and white) so simple yet so effective.

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My favourite are the 2 rectangles (blue and white) so simple yet so effective.


I'm off to go do some art.


*Takes a dump on a sheet of paper*




[/Just mocking "modern art" I can respect it really]*


*Well I can't,....but I don't want to get in an argument with Pash/O_W etc. :heh:

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^ Don't worry, I'm in the same mind frame when it comes to modern art, if you can call it that. And example of what is called modern art but is really an abomination is the work of Damien Hurst. That in no way exemplifies what should be considered art. I know art is a broad subject but that really isn't it. Same with the urinal that won the Turner prize one year. The worst piece of modern art I've seen at a gallery was a ball of steel wiring which had people's teeth intertwined in it.

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The Tate Modern is free :wtf: how are they overpriced?


My favourite are the 2 rectangles (blue and white) so simple yet so effective.


I paid £12 to see Marc Rothko's work. (Wtf, one of his paintings was a 6 ft canvas painted black.) All the other exhibits were free though.


And I also mean food and stuff is overpriced.



I still had fun though.

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The best part of the Tate morden was when they had the funky slides! :awesome:


No-one cared what it was about, it was just fun to go down shouting WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!


Also I love people who have serious discussions about what is on display. Always cracks me up when all it is, is a bit of broken wood on the floor!


Anyway my day has consisted of Working for school in the morning and watching TV in the afternoon along with some stand up comedy on Youtube!


Oh and making some sandwiches which I somehow manage to mess up. YAY! :D

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I paid £12 to see Marc Rothko's work. (Wtf, one of his paintings was a 6 ft canvas painted black.) All the other exhibits were free though.


I want to know how much people get paid for those pieces of 'art'. There was a blank canvas in this modern art museum I went to in Paris last year - surely it's just easy money if you pump out a few pointless things like that?

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My day has been ok, had a lecture at 3, got let loose with some cameras (nikon 50's?) and took over a hundred photos of sheffield, some of them are really good and I could probably get some more if I didn't have such a set theme.


not only that but I can take the camera out of the university whenever I want (as long as there is some in!) which means I can get down to photography with a nice camera! ^_^


Going to try and get some sketching done and the text document done and take a break and have a night in.

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I paid £12 to see Marc Rothko's work. (Wtf, one of his paintings was a 6 ft canvas painted black.) All the other exhibits were free though.


And I also mean food and stuff is overpriced.



I still had fun though.


I was there with my sister the other day (Scots in London ftw! *waits for high five*), and although I'm not particularly against Rothko, I was not going to spend that much to see it, let alone drag my restless sister with me.


I saw them for free in New York, and in the context they were in (dimly lit small room, low lighting on the images themselves), they were...nice, immersive. But I'm not exactly a fan.




Done not much all day. Gonna buy Bjorks new song off iTunes at some point, gonna see if I can get past the glitch in Batman Lego (for PC, actually really upsetting, spending 30 pounds, and to be trapped in the first chapter...). Learn more lines for my play.

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My day has been ok, had a lecture at 3, got let loose with some cameras (nikon 50's?) and took over a hundred photos of sheffield, some of them are really good and I could probably get some more if I didn't have such a set theme.


not only that but I can take the camera out of the university whenever I want (as long as there is some in!) which means I can get down to photography with a nice camera! ^_^


Going to try and get some sketching done and the text document done and take a break and have a night in.


Are you going to put them on your DeviantArt page?

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I was there with my sister the other day (Scots in London ftw! *waits for high five*), and although I'm not particularly against Rothko, I was not going to spend that much to see it, let alone drag my restless sister with me.


I saw them for free in New York, and in the context they were in (dimly lit small room, low lighting on the images themselves), they were...nice, immersive. But I'm not exactly a fan.


*Hi-5* :p


Yeah, the first room was pretty cool with the dim lighting and massive spaces, but I think it helped distract me from seeing how entirely boring it was. I couldn't believe that people were actually sitting staring up at the paintings, and like, writing notes about them and stuff :s


I think one woman was even close to tears.

I bought 2 postcards with his paintings on though, so I can remind myself of how hilariously plain it was.

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Today I found out that my internet connection will be activated on Monday!!! Can't wait to finally getting the internet without having to troop across the city to the library.


BT took 3 weeks to get my line installed!! 02, being awesome, are getting broadband set up in 6 days!


I'll be back soon, people!


(actually I'll be here pretty much all weekend as I'm going to be home all day tomorrow, Saturday afternoon and all Sunday)


((New sig coming soon too))

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