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I got there at about 9 and I barged my way all the way to about a foot behind the front, dead centre. :D


I was wearing my black and red skull beanie as well! I was waving it around like mad. :p


Haha! :D that is great!


I'm not used to jumping up and down waving my arms in the air! :p


Last of the Pies! (aka Late of the Pier) need to change their name I feel Last of the Pies is better. :heh:


They were a good supporting act. :yay:

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In other news; this girl cooked me dinner t'other night, then invited me to stay over where I was just like "ok what am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to take advantage of her lying there in her nightie? I don't know. Too nice. Awaiting some psychic girl to come along and fall in love with the invisible.

Can't say I've ever been in the situation, but if someone invites you over, cooks you dinner and then asks you to stay the night... well, their intentions seem pretty clear from where I'm standing. Perhaps you should take a step back to get some perspective.


Crap writing is still writing, and that's where good writing comes from. Sounds like you just need to relax yourself. You can dooo eet!

And this.


As a general rule I dislike anything I've written the day after doing so, if not sooner. That's why I joined RedBubble, because whilst I might not like what I come up with, if someone does, just a single person, then it's been worthwhile. I don't think anyone's an accurate judge of their own ability, that's why we need others to inform us of our successes and failures.

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My day so far has been rather excellent. Went into town with miss buttons, i've never met such a bubbly happy girl in my whole life, she's awesome :D


We went to subway, and watched all the flute bands parading. Couldn't have gotten better weather for it. =D


And /nando/ also joined us, he's a pretty dead on chap.


N-E meet-up northern Ireland style, yattaa! :heh:


EDIT: also epic win, I got an email from Amazon with a £15 pound voucher. :D

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Got off my arse and went to town today ^_^ and to take two buses to get there,but I got there in the end, spent about 50 odd quid and met this loverly guy in GAME.


I've seen him around before and couldn't quite remember where I knew him from, god damnit, I should have done more than just smile at him >_>.


Oh well, now off to play heroes (possibly put some batteries in my wii remote...grr.)

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Well, I've had a mixed bag of a day, hehe.


I got woken up at half 7 by my Mumsy. She came in holding the phone, saying my Dad was ringing and wanted to know how I was, so I spoke to him for a bit. I can't even remember the conversation, because I was half asleep and I wasn't even sure I was awake! It's one of those "did that actually happen or did I dream that" moments.


So, I went back to sleep. Then, got another phone call at half 11 (somebody doesn't want me to sleep), this time from my ex-housemate, the one that..stuff kinda happened with. She rang me up, unexpectedly cheerful and had a conversation with her. Once again, another one of those conversations, and I was so tired that I think I just replied "biscuits" to one of her questions, which I'm pretty sure didn't even involve biscuits, or any food for that matter.


So, made myself a cuppa, and watched a film in bed. I'm all showered up, and had my breakfast at 3. My sister came around with her kids, who pretty much ran havoc around my house. I got them settled though, and started playing guitar to them, and let them have a go. My little cousin/nephew thinks he's a rockstar, haha. He was posing, legs apart, power chords, haha. Made me laugh.


It's kinda settled down a bit now, gonna make some dinner in a sec. I've been playing a lot of guitar today, and I think I'm getting loads better. Long way to go, but getting there.


Dante: Hope your uncle is ok. :)


Chuck: No worries, it took me four times to pass. The best drivers pass 2/3/4/5/6/7/8th time. Ok...we'll just stop there.

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You're welcome, honeybunny.



Flinky and Chuck, sitting in a tree? This is just getting ridiculous now.


That reminds me: I fired up Animal Crossing DS yesterday. Arcadia has become some kind of slum, wrought with weeds and unfamiliar faces. I wondered why my carpet was moving; turns out it was just loads of cockroaches.


Anyway, the relevance chimes in when I was fruitlessly trying to weed a nearby patch of trees at about 3AM. Suddenly this big black gorilla approaches me, all bulging arms and salacious comments. Most disturbing of all was that he kept calling me 'hunnybun'. It's like I'd wandered into a virtual Hampstead Heath.

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Dear god I daren't touch my animal crossing, I've not touched it since my ex played it, oh 3 odd months ago?


I thought I had broken my DVD player before..and found out that my tv doesn't like RYW cables as it makes it black and white, oh well!

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Some immigrants really take the piss, I've just been harassed by this nicely dressed eastern European woman with a mouth full of gold teeth, what is clearly a borrowed baby and a bad command of English, trying to force a copy of the Big Issue on me, and I don't mean asking me if I want to buy one, I mean literally trying to force it in to my hand. She didn't look like she had any money worries to me, and certainly wasn't homeless, so why the hell was she selling the Big Issue?

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Spent the day shopping in Cambridge, got masses of new clothes and then quite a few dvd's too. Then went to get my haircut, it looks so wierd not long anymore. I felt like crying when it was being cut off, I'd had that hair for about 4 years. Now it's off though, it apparently looks a lot better so it's all good. :D

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Spent the day shopping in Cambridge, got masses of new clothes and then quite a few dvd's too. Then went to get my haircut, it looks so wierd not long anymore. I felt like crying when it was being cut off, I'd had that hair for about 4 years. Now it's off though, it apparently looks a lot better so it's all good. :D




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Woke up in Brum. Took me three hours in total to get home (about 20 miles)...although 45 minutes of that was a madcap shopping session.


My friend made me go to hers (rather than the original plan of coming to mine) so I walked to hers with my Wii (in the rain) and she doesn't have a HDTV so it didn't work >_<. Played on her Cube instead.


And just been for a drink with my mom and the guy she lives with. Its weird, since my parents split I feel like a have a family unit finally. Although the guy she lives with is like the elder brother I never really had (Dick was hardly 'elder brother-ley').


Going to watch Dexter and Battle Royale (and then go on a murder spree perhaps) and go to sleep. Im knackered.

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I highly doubt this will work

Unlucky, you can even get rickrolled over the phone by this thing they advertise on /b/ called Phone Blaster. Put in a number, choose what you want (theres chocolate rain etc) and blast and you can hear their reaction, its amazing.


Nice try, Batman. ;)


I think I should start being more active, I've done pretty much nothing since finishing school.

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