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uuuurgh. i was almost surprised today to find an email from one of my friends saying thank you for the letter and little gift i sent her from japan. i've sent a few of my friends little presents ... and while i dont expect anything in return but at least a simple "thank you" ... i havent even gotten THAT from some.


i'm surprised. and kind of upset. its not like they havent been online, either... i've actually spoken to one of my friends on msn and he said nothing... is a quick email too much to ask? what the fuck... :shakehead


stoopid friends... :sad: why did i bother?


Maybe some didnt get them yet?

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Guest bluey

nnnope. no such luck - i know at least one package arrived through a friend... hmpf.

it's not unreasonable of me to expect a simple "hey, thanks becky - i got your package!!"


...especially since some things i've been specifically ASKED for *grumpy*

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Guest Jordan

Ahhh hormones... You crazy things!


Well, i got to bed at like 1am last night after getting my PC mostly back to normal, just a few apps to reinstall and all my steam games to redownload.


Bought my new fan, so going to overclock like a mother fucker come Friday. That should be fun.

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Just now in a spur of the moment decision I decided to buy a ticket for the Secret Garden Party upon seeing stewarding places are full. I feel this might be something I might come to regret given my current financial status, but seeing Grace Jones on the line-up swung it for me. Plus I need to make stupid purchases to cheer myself up.


Talked to my now ex girlfriend last night for the first time in a week. It was weird, we still chatted and got on fine like we were still going out and at the same time of being angry at her I also really miss her. She said she felt the same way and really missed me, I guess you can't argue with God though.

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Guest Jordan


Talked to my now ex girlfriend last night for the first time in a week. It was weird, we still chatted and got on fine like we were still going out and at the same time of being angry at her I also really miss her. She said she felt the same way and really missed me, I guess you can't argue with God though.


Whats "God" got do to... got to do with it?



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Talking of packages, today I got one from my dad containing a single pen, with a note saying "mea culpa." He took it by mistake when he came to visit me, and afterwards I rang him up and said as a joke that he'd stolen it... seems he took it a little too seriously.


Actually, what's more likely is that he's just pissing about. :heh:

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Guest bluey
Ahhh hormones... You crazy things!

aaah jordan, i wish it were just hormones rather than reality-based annoyances ... i will admit to doing that annoying girl thing of saying one thing and meaning another though~


when i say "a few of my friends"

i actually mean "a friend."


...but i'ma just leave it at that, eh?


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Guest Jordan
aaah jordan, i wish it were just hormones rather than reality-based annoyances ... i will admit to doing that annoying girl thing of saying one thing and meaning another though~


when i say "a few of my friends"

i actually mean "a friend."


...but i'ma just leave it at that, eh?



...I wasn't having a go?


I think Nightwolf was saying how she was upset last night and now fine this morning. I get that sometimes, i wasn't saying just because you are a girl or anything :)

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Guest Jordan
It was the reason for our breaking up. Basically she is very religious and I'm not at all. So she decided that we should break up as it wouldn't work long term (and after getting some advice from her man in the sky).


Thats pretty fucking lol'eriffic.


Ahh religion, you ruin so much :D

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Pffffff, fuck this. Just got sent an email by a teacher that we have to do our groupspresentation this Friday. So that leaves us two days to prepare it all. Bahhh. -_____-;

It's going to be such a stressfull thing, because I know he doesn't agree of the subject we picked (said it was too difficult, which it really was in the end) and he'll be asking tons of questions and I'll probably have to be the one to answer them (since none of my groupsmates even bothered to read the entire paper and they didn't answer any questions last time either).


And we were given yet another assignment for our Illustration class, while our deadline for all our stuff (for all classes) is in two weeks. And this assignment sucksssss. Bleh.


*bad day, needs sleep and chocolate*

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Haggis is back. Well, for a couple of minutes anyway. Moving house fails, I still have no internet, and the school's nets been down all last week. Had an exam to today too, sociology isn't my best subject. It went better than expected I think though, which is always a good thing. So much revision, so little time.


The weekend was fun though. I drunk a little to much bailey's on saturday night and things were done that shouldn't have been. Then, whilst still drunk I went to a river with some mates for a swim/mess around in a massive field. It was a great laugh, until I had an allergic reaction to something in the grass and went bright red when I came home. Fun times! :D

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It was the reason for our breaking up. Basically she is very religious and I'm not at all. So she decided that we should break up as it wouldn't work long term (and after getting some advice from her man in the sky).


If I remember correctly, you said that the two of you were together for a year. It cannot be denied that a year is a long time...


You could become really bitter and tell her that you're irreligious because you'd rather not be able to excuse yourself if your a dick towards others...

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It was the reason for our breaking up. Basically she is very religious and I'm not at all. So she decided that we should break up as it wouldn't work long term (and after getting some advice from her man in the sky).


This might not be what you want to hear so I'm sorry if it offends you, but anybody who would split up with you over that is an idiot and you deserve better.

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This might not be what you want to hear so I'm sorry if it offends you, but anybody who would split up with you over that is an idiot and you deserve better.


That's pretty much what I said (albeit less bluntly) when I found out, so, seconded! :heh:


I have my first A level exam tomorrow. Panic time!

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Guest Stefkov


Went back to college. Waited 3 hours to put up 10 boards. Wondered how my cube was gonna be set up. Discussed possibilities with my teacher. Came home.

Also I've tidied, partially, my room. It was...fun.

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Whilst looking around on Facebook this afternoon I came across my best friend at school, or so I thought at the time, and was amazed to see he'd put his date of birth down as 1980. What kind of man lies about his age like that, a woman, yes, but by 13 years is pushing it a bit. He seems to be in with a few Lib Dem MPs too, fucking weirdo.

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