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Went to the dentist tonight; wasn't planned, but my sister couldn't go so I went instead of her. Got three cavities (or would-be cavities if not treated). >.<;

I don't know what I do wrong, I brush my teeth twice per day and floss, yet I -always- end up with cavities. =(

Stupid genes...


Got a nice surprise. Someone bought 11 cards on RedBubble. Turns out it was mom who bought them. X3


Now I'm home alone again, watching the dog. Which kind of limits what I can do for school. >.>;

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Went to the dentist tonight; wasn't planned, but my sister couldn't go so I went instead of her. Got three cavities (or would-be cavities if not treated). >.<;

I don't know what I do wrong, I brush my teeth twice per day and floss, yet I -always- end up with cavities. =(

Stupid genes...


I'm the same. I brush mine twice a day and I struggle to keep them white. My uncle only brushes them in the morning and his teeth are always white.


I can't breathe through my nose so that doesn't help either.

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I'm the same. I brush mine twice a day and I struggle to keep them white. My uncle only brushes them in the morning and his teeth are always white.


I can't breathe through my nose so that doesn't help either.


Yeah mine have always been kinda yellowish too, according to the dentist it just runs in the family, nothing I can do about it (other than bleaching). =/

Bah. Honestly at this rate I won't have any teeth left when I reach the age of 35. D:

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apparently my teeth are fine, but they always look a little yellow =/ Luckily I have only one filling which is apparently for a small hole that I was born with or something like that.


I do know someone who never burhses their teeth, then they go to the dentist and complain about fillings and such. Just plain stupid.

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Guest Stefkov
I only brush my teeth once a day, i've only had two fillings, but they wern't because my teeth were bad.

I'm the same. My teeth are fine. Not pure white but they're alright. Not sure about the fillings. The only exstensive operation Ive had on my teeth was root canal because I knocked my teeth out.

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I only brush my teeth once a day. When I was growing up I lived in Inverness and apparently the water has a high concentration of fluoride. I didnt have single filling til I was 17/18. Most of my fillings are just fissure sealed (ie very very small and not really a filling)


When I was growing up everyone used to comment on how white my teeth were.. Unfortunately I joined the smokers camp and they do get a bit stained. Tsk tsk...

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Dad was late coming from Kazahkstan. Should be here in an hour.


omg! mason off 24 is on terminator 2!


Okay now both masons are dead. this one wasnt radiated and suicidal. Knifed through a milk carton in the head through the mouth. i prefer the first one

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Dad was late coming from Kazahkstan. Should be here in an hour.

omg! mason off 24 is on terminator 2!


Okay now both masons are dead. this one wasnt radiated and suicidal. Knifed through a milk carton in the head through the mouth. i prefer the first one

Kazakhstan greatest country in the world, All other countries are run by little girls. Kazakhstan number one exporter of potassium, all other countries have inferior potassium. Kazakhstan home of Tinshein swimming pool, it’s length thirty meter and width six meter. Filtration system a marvel to behold. It remove 83 percent of human solid waste. Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan you very nice place, From Plains of Tarashek to northern fence of Jewtown. Kazakhstan friend of all except Uzbekistan, They very nosey people with bone in their brain. Kazakhstan industry best in the world, we invented toffee and trouser belt. Kazakhstan's prostitutes cleanest in the region, except of course Turkmenistan's. Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan you very nice place, From Plains of Tarashek to northern fence of Jewtown. Come grasp the might penis of our leader from junction with the testes to tip of its face!


Btw, a little bit of trivia. I know that song off by heart, and often sing it with friends at school.

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Kazakhstan greatest country in the world, All other countries are run by little girls. Kazakhstan number one exporter of potassium, all other countries have inferior potassium. Kazakhstan home of Tinshein swimming pool, it’s length thirty meter and width six meter. Filtration system a marvel to behold. It remove 83 percent of human solid waste. Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan you very nice place, From Plains of Tarashek to northern fence of Jewtown. Kazakhstan friend of all except Uzbekistan, They very nosey people with bone in their brain. Kazakhstan industry best in the world, we invented toffee and trouser belt. Kazakhstan's prostitutes cleanest in the region, except of course Turkmenistan's. Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan you very nice place, From Plains of Tarashek to northern fence of Jewtown. Come grasp the might penis of our leader from junction with the testes to tip of its face!


Btw, a little bit of trivia. I know that song off by heart, and often sing it with friends at school.


I like you. Do you like me?

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Been a really good day just hanging with friends and enjoying the sunshine. Plus our landlord contacted us and there seems like the psycho neighbours may get evicted when their contract is up (in a few months).


Although our friend who always hangs out here has just go on in a huff because we won't let his ex come here (as shes up this weekend) because she is just wrong for him, and we're all bored of hearing him moaning about her.

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Dear Sir or Madam,




The above sentiment summarises my feelings over the past few days: I have, in effect, succumbed to the anomalistic state of blarg, and the many woes with which the academic community has recently begun to associate it. While it may seem depressing to admit, I feel I ought to expose the truth behind the matter at hand, which is that though the degree of blarg experienced has at times fluctuated, a modicum has at all times been the minimum amount present, and so I believe it not to be unreasonable to describe the aforementioned blarg as omnipresent.


This is a situation which is understandably undesirable, and although I strive to appeal against the toll it is taking upon my essence, no success has resulted, and I am unable to dispatch the idea that my efforts have been, and forevermove will be, futile. Notwithstanding, my ego expresses at the very least a minor desire to be rid of this condition, and hence I endeavour to find some manner of a solution.


It is here that with a fanfare you make your entrance - I have reason to believe that it is not without your reach of power to obtain some method by which you would be able to expunge my ailment entirely; in effect, I feel you have the means necessary to reduce me from a state of blarg to one of normality, albeit with the prequisite that this earlier defined state of normality carries with it an appreciable degree of moderation. I would be most grateful if it were possible for us to work together to reach a shared goal: that of vanquishing blarg and all that it stands for from my system, and perhaps from the Universe itself. It is my wish for you not to haphazardly discard my suggestion, but to consider it piece by piece and ideally come to some form of agreement.


I trust this will meet with your satisfaction, and feel it pertinent to once again stress my hope for a collaboration and the felicity that such an outcome would bring me.


Yours faithfully,



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Well, what can i say came of last night good. Started off well at the Measure, having a laugh with some mates with a beer or two, then Linzi shows up which makes the night even better. Karaoke for an hour, and yes i sang but not well as i already had a few pints inside of me by then.


Went to the club to finish the night off with a few cheap drinks and to meet Rob. Then trouble began about 12:30am when Rob finished his drink and burped, which caused someone to get mad and go in his face and complain about it with excessive shouting. Me and Andrew separated both of them, Andrew took Rob outside and chatted to him while me and Linzi walked on. She had arranged to meet someone else and for all of us to go back to hers for more booze.


Then more trouble starts with her and this Ricky bloke, which resulted in both of them shouting verbal abuse and nearly hitting each other. She pushed Ricky away and shouted for me to go over and help out of which i did, but Ricky was getting in a violent mood and told me to literately f**k off before he kills me, of which i back off and leave them to it. In the end, she crys on my shoulders in the street with Rob trying to hold Ricky back. I was going to take her back to mine for safety as Ricky by now had smashed a few things, but she wanted to go home and Ricky wanted to clear the air with her, me and Rob let her. She had already said a few times that her and Ricky had nothing going on, shouting it as well and telling him to leave her alone. We then decide to get the Vodka from her house and go home ourselves.


And lo and behold, she goes in gets the Vodka which Rob left behind, Ricky still wanting to go in and by then i told her to get in the house close the door and lock it before he has a chance to get in. She listens to a point, but leave s the door open to let him in, of which he goes in leaving me and Rob extremely pissed off as it were, all that effort for nothing. Suppose the only good to come from it was that we got the Vodka back. If i see Ricky, he is one dead person once i have finished with him from what he done to her on the way home.


And with that night over, it is time to get my old life back. The life i had before i met her and actually have a good time instead of worrying about things.


Phew, rant over and done.

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Yeah mine have always been kinda yellowish too, according to the dentist it just runs in the family, nothing I can do about it (other than bleaching). =/

Bah. Honestly at this rate I won't have any teeth left when I reach the age of 35. D:


Snap, I have the same, my teeth are slightly yellow, they always have been, though my sister eurgh doesn't tend to bother with hers at all and has nice white teeth.




Today just got back from liverpool, was really nice, played poker last night too, for the first time ever and I didn't lose which was cool, the guys (three guys infact all 20+ >_> pssh) were apprently shocked I was good at it ha!


Good news on the horizon, told my mum I'm quitting my job like nowish, as I've got work today so I'm gonna ask mum about it, I don't want a job during college, just to work four days in a month (thats how little hours they are giving me...its not even worth it). So thats good, means I can grab myself a new FULL time job instead...well 20-30hours a week ish xD.

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Today just got back from liverpool, was really nice, played poker last night too, for the first time ever and I didn't lose which was cool, the guys (three guys infact all 20+ >_> pssh) were apprently shocked I was good at it ha


I played poker the other day aswell from like 9pm till 3am >.>


I have to say its a complete game of luck! I dont even play at all and have to be constantly reminded of the priority of the winning hands but yet I cleaned up!


Caus poker = probability + luck =/= skill XD

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