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Guest Stefkov
I'm trying to do Shock and Awe on Veteran. It can fuck right off. As can the metagame achievements for Halo 3, fuck that..

Shock and awe was annoying at first. But then yoi play No Fighting in the War room.

The metagames aren't hard. If you have some skulls on you can get it with 3 people playing.

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I tried doing Sierra XXX on Normal with 4 skulls on (The nade dodging one, the one that gives them uber amounts of nades, the field upgrade one aaaaand one other one). I got stuck at the bit just before you get the Sniper Rifles.


Just did Shock and Awe. Forgot about the bit where you had to rescue the pilot but I did it with relative ease after a while. The hardest bit was getting to the damned pilot.


Still, that nuke looked fucking epic on the 360.

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Guest Stefkov
I hate not being able to things like they are in my head...-.-

I know exactly what you mean. I have had this picture of a water skiier type person, the people you see on wave race, in my head for years. It looks so good but I don't want to try it on paper. I know it'll be bad.

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hmm well I don't have to be brilliant really but it's an effort at least...fireworks sometimes can be so difficult to work with, as long as I get some photographs I should be fine...and some sketches...see sketches are easy as long as something is in my head ^.^


oh well I'm finished for the night I'm about ready to die.


Not to mention I'm feeling quite fucking unloved and it's doing my head in..

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Guest Stefkov
Hate the feeling. Expect a flood of "Aww <3 you nightwolf posts" though.

It's inevitable really.


I am just gonna set off and take some photographs of my own actually for college. Seems about the right time I should start working.

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haha nah I want non e-lovage really.


Hmm, I suppose I just need to sit down and think about it when I actually feel like doing some work. I've got a ton of ideas in my head but nothing to do, I don't need everything to be perfect for them, but I want it to be perfect so they accept me on the course.


I suppose I just need to start taking piccies on tuesday and grab some art stuff from college on monday ^.^ once I do that everything should be alright.


Eurgh work tomorrow...

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For those who read about me and my adventures in buying a car on ebay last night, I spoke to the guy earlier and he *seems* all right, so I'm feeling a little more at ease about it. Gonna go check it out tomorrow and then if it's everything it said it was, I'll pick it up and pay on tuesday or so. Can't believe I'm gonna have a car! Hope it turns out all right. You may be wondering about the £2, my mate decided to go that, and so he owes me £2 and in return he is going to own my cigarette lighter or a bulb somewhere.

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Apparently someone has been trying to call me on my cellphone six times tonight. But didn't have my phone with me... and since it's a private number I'm not calling back. If it's someone I know they should just send me a message or make it so I can see who is calling. -____-;


I'm home alone right now and honestly I always get so freakishly paranoid and scared when I am. >.<;

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Its amazing, Its called "Invincible" its about a guy who starts developing super powers, hypersonic flight, super strength etc. The government catches wind of this and employs him, whilst he struggles balancing his life with this. Its got LOADS of twists and its just extremely well written indeed. Never thought Id say a non-Marvel comic is my favourite but this is. Its available on Amazon and Play, combination of for the graphic novels. Theres about 7 or 8 graphic novels.




Ah right, looks pretty cool from that pic too, and the fact you choose it over Marvel must speak well for it! I'll probably look into it in a few weeks after my dissertation is done and handed in. I started reading about Spawn earlier after reading your post too, never read it, but the wiki page makes me mighty tempted.

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Ah right, looks pretty cool from that pic too, and the fact you choose it over Marvel must speak well for it! I'll probably look into it in a few weeks after my dissertation is done and handed in. I started reading about Spawn earlier after reading your post too, never read it, but the wiki page makes me mighty tempted.


Spawns good if you like that kind of thing, dark demony etc. And if you can stand MacFarlanes (admitadly gorgeous) artwork of him basically wanking over himself. Lol.


But yeah as I said in my letter I recommend Invincible to everyone. The artwork is just AMAZING. Like amazing. The writing exceeds the art work. Just imagine like a huge twist or reveal every 4 issues. And its amazing how he sowes seeds x issues in advance and then uses them later. Like for example, he just randomly showed two guys recently plotting to get the declaration of independance, and thats all he showed. Its just amazing and I cannot recommend it enough. Buy the first two graphic novels and you should love it, by number 3 youll go nuts for it and be like me URGING people to buy it.

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haha nah I want non e-lovage really.


Don't we all... :heh:


Today, got home at 9am, walked from Henham on no sleep. So at the moment I'm fucking knackered. Had an arguement with one of my best mates about goign out tonight (He wants me to go fucking biking again, I'd probably collapse from exhaustion due to only having about 3hr sleep a night for a week !_!)



Needless to say at the moment I am pretty much a zombie ¬_¬

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I have a cold and a fever.


I'm coughing so hard I'm giving myself a headache.


My headache hurts more when I cough. Its a vicious cycle.


My mum keeps having a go at me because she thinks I'm ill because I didn't wear a jacket when she told me. A lot of use that is to hear ten times every minute.


Also I got kicked out of the living room because my coughing was annoying everyone trying to watch the film...The film that I put on.


So it hasn't been the best of days.

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I've had a good day! :D


I Woke up early but just lay in my bed for a while!


Then i had some tasty cereal which was fruit and fibre! and a lovely Salad (with Pitta Bread :heh:)


I had a load of essays to do today but i got them all done and managed to watch Spice and Wolf and play Advance Wars in between that!


This evening i had chinese for dinner! :grin: and have been playing guitar Hero on Hard! I won't let it beat me!!!

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oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god >_<

i'm literally running on caffeine right now O__O <--wide awake.



blockbuster closes at 10pm right? HOW many people on earth thinks that means "come in to rent stuff at 9:58" .... X__X

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Just returned from seeing Michael McIntyre's stand-up gig. Fantastic it was! Had many jokes about the Welsh and our language at the beginning, and his set was full of routines I had not heard before. During the first half, about 15 people went to the toilet! This resulted in him having to improvise and even jumping off stage and chasing after people! Hillarious. When the show came to an end, he pointed us out to a member of the audience, who had been asleep for most of the second half! Naturally, everyone got out of their seats to get a better look and it dawned on some of us, that this guy was a local celebrity, who star's in S4C shows. After many roars of laughter, shouting and nudging he still wouldn't wake-up. People began to fear the worse of course, but while we were walking out he finally woke. Phew...


After walking my friend home, I decided to go back to the theatre to see if there was anyone hanging outside waiting for an autograph. There were 2 other lads there so I joined them. Had a bit of a chat for 10minutes, and then we saw this cloaked man with a briefcase being lead to a taxi by one of the theatre's staff. We thought nothing of it, but then it clicked, it was Michael McIntyre! Eek!! We walked down the slope and noticed the taxi driving away, but then it indicated to the right, and did a U turn. Yay, he came back to see his 3 fans! Legend! He signed our tickets through the window of his taxi and we had a bit of a banter about the show and he told us that he had tried selling his own signed picture on Ebay, but had had no success. The other two guy's asked for a picture, but he seemed reluctant to do this, so I decided not to bother him for one, but the other 2 guys did get one. :indeed: We waved goodbye to him as the taxi went, and walked away with our signed tickets (which you can see below).





Big thanks to ReZourceman, who introduced me to this great comedian, thanks to the thread he created about him a few months back. :)

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Today has been good, again - I went into St Albans with my gf and a friend of hers, who is also the little sister of one of my best mate's, and many embarrassing stories were exchanged about him. :heh: As planned, we met up with some friends, and went to Riley's, where I demonstrated to the world that I am a brilliant tactician at pool, but I lack any actually ability when it comes to getting the cue ball to go where I want it... :indeed:


I also did no work, at all, so tomorrow should be nice and dull, which kinda balances things out, eh? Not seeing Em till Wednesday though, but, ah well, such is life...

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Today has been brilliant for me


Started off with going into town to see the new Rambo movie (see my rating in the film topic), couldn't even get on the train due to the Rugby of which Wales won. Film was brilliant and more thrilling than i thought.


Then decided to go into town and go shopping, bought a few things will post up tomorrow and then go into Rileys to play some pool during the Wales game, it was empty on the tables.


Came home, had a shower and headed straight out the door again to the pub where Pool came into force and Snooker. Brilliant night, got a few photos of the evening as well.


Then my mate got into a fight he claimed he never started but after all, he does over-exaggerate a lot of the time about the cause of things.


And now, just got into my house after 20 minutes trying to get in due to parents locking all the doors and turning the keys in a way you cannot push them out with another key, ended up waking them up just to let me in, they weren't too happy with getting woken up but laughed when it was me on the end of the phone when i couldn't get in.

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Today has been good, again - I went into St Albans with my gf and a friend of hers, who is also the little sister of one of my best mate's, and many embarrassing stories were exchanged about him. :heh: As planned, we met up with some friends, and went to Riley's, where I demonstrated to the world that I am a brilliant tactician at pool, but I lack any actually ability when it comes to getting the cue ball to go where I want it... :indeed:


I also did no work, at all, so tomorrow should be nice and dull, which kinda balances things out, eh? Not seeing Em till Wednesday though, but, ah well, such is life...

St. Albans eh? Hmm, not been there much after leaving school, but used to go every day. Which bit were you in?


As for me, I slept until 5pm... again.

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