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A portion of my eye went a bit blind earlier, for about 30 minutes which was more than worrying. I couldn't see like the left side of my left eye. I waved my finger at the affected area, but couldn't see anything. Very strange. Completely fucked with my depth perception, nearly walked into a few things when I walked back to work. (not square on, obviously, that would be silly) but yeah.


Then it cleared up, so I'm pretty relaxed about the whole situation.

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A portion of my eye went a bit blind earlier, for about 30 minutes which was more than worrying. I couldn't see like the left side of my left eye. I waved my finger at the affected area, but couldn't see anything. Very strange. Completely fucked with my depth perception, nearly walked into a few things when I walked back to work. (not square on, obviously, that would be silly) but yeah.


Then it cleared up, so I'm pretty relaxed about the whole situation.


you NEED to see the doctor/optician. Blindness!!!


No depth perception; welcome to my world =P

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A portion of my eye went a bit blind earlier, for about 30 minutes which was more than worrying. I couldn't see like the left side of my left eye. I waved my finger at the affected area, but couldn't see anything. Very strange. Completely fucked with my depth perception, nearly walked into a few things when I walked back to work. (not square on, obviously, that would be silly) but yeah.


Then it cleared up, so I'm pretty relaxed about the whole situation.


You do realise that during the themefest, I'll be spending most of my time saying "Hey ReZ, I'm over here", even if you're looking directly at me.

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bit annoyed with my friends at work, left the night shift guys my pokwer set cos they begged. i was assured id get it back, un supprisingly, it wasnt left were id be told, and i found a chip on the floor. a few texts located the set, but i dont appreicate people making promises and then not keeping them. also, i find it annoying that i pay for a a poker set and am left unable to play because someone else takes it home.


no respect for outher people's property, there is a black chip missing, which, while not totaly ruining the set, is a right pain, making things unballenced.


also, a guy was fired for somersaulting over chairs and breaking the floor. fair enough i say.

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Work was a bit more lively today. All the lecturers returned and for some reason they get free tea/coffee/biscuits, don't see why they should since they've been off swanning about to FA for the last 6 weeks. Anyways this of course puts the restaurant staff on the back foot, having to traipse after their every (all be it beverage related) whim. I swear out of the 150 odd who had some we'll get maybe 10 who'll actually come into the restaurant during term time. The rest are just vultures after free stuff, who half the time tell the students to go else where to eat :mad:


But at least it made the day go faster, didn't have time to check Facebook until about... *goes off to check when he updated his status...* 3:30ish which isn't bad going! :heh:

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Had some pretty bad news tonight... My mum was seeing a specialist about the knee injury she had.. apparently its pretty much inoperable. She'll have to live with it forever. She cant straighten her knee fully, and its more than likely to become arthritic. So she's basically permanently disabled ;__;


All they can do is inject her with steroids to help it (and even that's not a cure) and I've heard from contacts I know with PS.A that those injections are mega painful.. Urgh.

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Had some pretty bad news tonight... My mum was seeing a specialist about the knee injury she had.. apparently its pretty much inoperable. She'll have to live with it forever. She cant straighten her knee fully, and its more than likely to become arthritic. So she's basically permanently disabled ;__;


All they can do is inject her with steroids to help it (and even that's not a cure) and I've heard from contacts I know with PS.A that those injections are mega painful.. Urgh.


Aggh, that's sounds awful, so sorry to hear it. =( *hugs*

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The specialist asked her what painkillers she was taking for the pain, and she said none...


He looked at her like she was plain mad.. haha. Awesome. :D


She can't go back to the gym at all, but they have highly recommended swimming because its non impacting. It's basically arthritis, and as most people know there's no cure for arthritis.. boo.

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The specialist asked her what painkillers she was taking for the pain, and she said none...


He looked at her like she was plain mad.. haha. Awesome. :D


She can't go back to the gym at all, but they have highly recommended swimming because its non impacting. It's basically arthritis, and as most people know there's no cure for arthritis.. boo.


No painkillers? :o shit... also lol @ the doc's reaction, your Ma is awesome :) still it's a real shame that there's no cure for arthritis. :/

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Had some pretty bad news tonight... My mum was seeing a specialist about the knee injury she had.. apparently its pretty much inoperable. She'll have to live with it forever. She cant straighten her knee fully, and its more than likely to become arthritic. So she's basically permanently disabled ;__;


All they can do is inject her with steroids to help it (and even that's not a cure) and I've heard from contacts I know with PS.A that those injections are mega painful.. Urgh.

Jesus, you must really have pissed off God or been a real jackass in a previous life. I can't see how else you can be so followed by misfortune. :(


*even more hugs for Raining*

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Really sorry to hear that Raining :( *big warm hugs*


So this family meal thing went okay. I was attacked because I only weigh eight stone and I was like "but I tend to get five a day!" (when I cook a meal for myself, which is often, I chuck in a load of different veg) and I know nobody else in my family eat as much f&v as I do but no, because I don't eat meat I'm unhealthy. But ah well, it was alright anyway. Although do you ever feel like you reactions aren't natural. Like my grandad was talking to me and I was thinking "look shocked now....now return face to normal...smile...nod and laugh".


All packed for my trip to London tomorrow. Rocking the suit-on-a-train look. Also taking my figure hugging formal trousers and will not eat anything in the morning (or at least not much) and change into them just before the interview I think. S'all about the ass :heh: Then photoshoot on the night, hanging out with Jodie on the wednesday and then meeting Bluey for a nandos before my 'cheap last train home' train. Should be good ^_^

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Jesus, you must really have pissed off God or been a real jackass in a previous life. I can't see how else you can be so followed by misfortune. :(


*even more hugs for Raining*


God is annoyed that humans were able to create a being more awesome than the baby Jesus all by themselves and so is punishing her due to her excess awesome.

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Tell me about it!


I cycled my new bike to work and then a lot more after work. I haven't ridden a bike for about 10 months so I'm getting used to it again. If bikes could rape, this is what it would feel like.


The new bike seems to be going down well with everyone. Someone asked if they could take a photo of it when I was walking on the South Bank.


I still haven't given him a full name. I'm working on it. His first name is Charge, he just needs a surname. I'm thinking 'Charge Sunday', since that's the day I bought him.

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