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  Wes said:

EDIT: Yeah The Village too....


Really? I thought it was one ofthe worst twists in anything I've seen.



Anyway, I'll agree with Oldboy and The Usual Suspects. Also Memento. Surprised that hasn't been mentioned yet.

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  Wes said:
Saw, Unbreakable and The Others spring to mind but there's probably more.


EDIT: Yeah The Village too....


The Others was brilliant...the Village not so much.


Oldboy is great.


Alot of effort and skill went into it's creation and it shows from everything to the top notch, unique storyline to the ingenious, inventive styles and shots incorporated aka tooth hammer scene/1 shot fight - amazing choreography and creates an undeniable realistic scene, moreso than any other film I've seen.


It's a film that dared to be different, coupled with a crew who actually gave it their all to create what is none other than a piece of cinema masterpiece.


Add an amazing actor into the fray and you have one of the greatest movies ever perceived by mankind. Enjoy.


Millers Crossing has an awesome twist, I also concur with those that believe the Village was shite.

  Wes said:
The Village is hated by so many... :(


I admit, I didn't know what the twist was untill it happened (does that make me slow?) but it was still a little..meh.

  Sanchez said:
Lucky number Slevin has the cleverest twist I've ever seen in a film, maybe im under exposed.


It did have a twist but I guessed it during the film, didn't really like it all that much. Did the same for Smoking Aces actually and I quite enjoyed that.


The Village had a good and clever twist imo, it just didn't handle and deliver it well.


The Prestige had a good one, but it wasn't shocking, it just made you think about it for a while.


Of course, Star Wars had one of the biggest twists ever, but seeing as most of us were not from that genration, we allready knew about it before seeing the film.


Best twist ever is in "Gentlemen and Players" by someone Harris. (woman)


I actually like gasped and started screaming when it happened. It like makes you go crazy.

  mariosmentor said:
It did have a twist but I guessed it during the film, didn't really like it all that much. Did the same for Smoking Aces actually and I quite enjoyed that.


Wow, really? The entire concept of the twist of the film was beyond the realm of my imagination when I watched it, I was completely blown away.

  hobbzinio said:
It is still beyond me how people enjoyed Old Boy so much. To me the film had good ideas but was a over-complicated mess that got lost in its own mythology. Didnt match the hype what so ever



I don't really understand you're critisism, but I thought what made Oldboy such a fantastic film was the obvious and well organised style, and the well plotted, paced and mature storyline, which came to a shocking, twisted and ultimately one of the best twists ever.


One thing that I didn't like about Oldboy, however, is (and I'll use a spoiler thing for this just in case)...



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The Crying Game. It sure as hell took me by surprise.

I didn't see the twist in The Village coming, but it doesn't change the fact that it was shit.

EDIT- Fight Club had a pretty good twist. I had the good fortune of not having it ruined before actually watching the film.


Lucky number slevin was a great film, and the twist made it greater. Especially at the beginning with Bruce Willis killing that guy. I thought that was just showing he was a hitman. =]


Also The Others= one of my most hated films ever. Its so rubbish :/


Lock stock! In terms of the guns... The Italian Job and the cliff... Eternal Darkness (the game) and just the general twisted sanity effects... Those books by Paul Jennings - particularly the one where a kid gets bitten by a new type of invisible ant and runs away... Most books by Chuck Palahniuk, in particular Survivor and Lullaby... Sasuke getting badass on Naruto... Chinatown ("mother... sister... mother...") ... The '99 champs league final.


And Twister.

  Monopolyman said:
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  welsh_gamer said:


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metroid fusion actualy had a decent twist,



ffVII had few good twists


oh, and the roses are red/violets are blue twist as to who the killer was was great. patterson is a sterling writter.


oh, and angels and demons had some awsome twists




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