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Why more blood? I mean if there will be more blood it would imply that the first one had blood - shouldn't it say "with blood" instead :D


I hope they sort out the swordfighting a bit more.

I mean I got behind some of the enemies and when I tried to hit them they turned around in an instant and blocked my stab. Now whtat is that? I don't expect realistic swordfighting but I don't want "I block everything and can only be attacked in a certain way" enemies.

So later on I just ended up breaking their swords because I went mental killing them by blocking their attacks.


I only hope Ubisoft won't continue the route of making a lot of profit with pretty effort-less games on the Wii to finance their other projects.

Because this time it's no launch title and little effort in the graphics department surely won't be forgiven so easily and I don't see how I as a Wii owner should pay for a game with bad graphics to finance high-end graphics on other systems instead of getting the best out of the Wii.

Ok but I'm getting off-topic and talk about possibilities.


The matter of the fact is, I liked the first one despite its flaws and if they built on its strength I'll get this one too.

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I've only played the original in multiplayer since I don't own it, and although I had fun, the controls weren't the best. If these can be sorted for the next game, along with better graphics, I might be getting it.

  triforcemario said:
And the crap voice-acting really needs to be sorted out...


The crap everything needs to be sorted out. But I'm sure the hard working people at Ubisoft will be doing their best to produce a quality title to be heralded at the top of any slobbering fanboys LIST WAR thread, after all they just need to tune up the level design, and sword combat, and AI, and the level design, and the graphics, and the shitty multiplayer, and...


I really enjoyed Red Steel despite it's shortcomings..


However, the one element which really just didn't seem to work well was the Sword Fighting. There were some fights you could win by just constantly slashing the remote. I would like a bit more freedom with the sword controls, perhaps with the ability to stab included..


It would be nice to be able to switch between the sword and gun at will too.. maybe a few stealth sections where you have to sneak around and use your sword to kill guards :hehe:


I enjoyed Red Steel as well, despite it's shortcomings. I have high hopes for its sequel. The first one was rushed with some weird bugs.


Graphically, the game got better the further you got in the game. If they can maintain the quality of the second half of the game, I'm happy.


Things I want to be different are the swordfights. I want to be able to use that whenever i want. How about make it a bit more stealthy.


The other thing that bothered me were the abundance of save points. It made the game way too easy and not thrilling enough. I remember those days in GoldenEye that had me pumped when I reached the last part of the level with very little health left. Once you've made it, there was such a great level op accomplishment. Oh and leave the health regeneration out while at it.

  IMJ said:
Oh and leave the health regeneration out while at it.


Yea, health regeneration is one of the worst ideas ever. Why do more and more games use it?


Anyway, I think that the A button should be a full-on lock on similar to the one in MP3. That would also work with using the sword at anytime, too.

  IMJ said:


The other thing that bothered me were the abundance of save points. It made the game way too easy and not thrilling enough. I remember those days in GoldenEye that had me pumped when I reached the last part of the level with very little health left. Once you've made it, there was such a great level op accomplishment.



Control (the mission in GoldenEye) springs to mind when you say that. It was great to finish that after protecting Natalya from a seemingly endless stream of guards. Those other levels with the Baron and Jaws were no doubt the same, but I've blocked them outta my memory cos they were sooo annoying to get the cheats opened up on.


Hmm, we needa let go of GoldenEye. :heh:

  • 4 weeks later...

Another month another ONM cock up. Seriously, can these guys get anything right?


From GoNintendo


A few weeks back, we posted a teaser from an issue of ONM that was hinting at their next exclusive. Based on the imagery and small bit of text, many believed that the game that would be shown was Red Steel 2. Unfortunately, the most recent issue has no such exclusive.


I was hanging back from posting this story as to keep everyone from bashing the magazine. While tons of you have emailed me about the story, readers theReal_weeman and Adam were nice enough to shoot me the response that on of the ONM editors (Chris) left on the magazine’s official messageboards. The portion below explains what happened, but is not the full post.


As for last issue’s Next Month page, the feature on the game in question fell through because it wasn’t ready to be shown off yet. That wasn’t due to us, it was due to the game’s developer and publisher.


Deals are made to secure games for future issues, but sometimes (for reasons outwith our control) these deals fall through or are put back when a game needs a bit more work. So while we make every effort to guarantee that what’s on the Next Month page will indeed be in next

month’s mag, there are the odd occasions when due to extenuating circumstances it can’t happen for another month or two.


We do say “we reserve the right to change content†on each Next Month page, and this month was unforuntately a case when we had to make use of this right. We will not preview a game until it’s in a previewable and playable state, and for reasons beyond our control the game in the Next Month section wasn’t at that stage yet.


If I were them, I just wouldn't bother announcing things like this - they should just make any exclusives they do get nice surprises, not that they ever get any. I do feel sorry for them, though - it's not their fault companies keep pulling out. Still, that doesn't excuse most of the other rubbish published in ONM. Their 'Ask Nintendo' page is the most pointless thing ever in a magazine, and I had to laugh at one of their highlights this month being 'nominated for the best Nintendo magazine'. How many Nnitendo magazines are there in the UK? Three?


It's not great, however I do have a certain sympathy with all publishers of traditional mags as they need to do more every month to attract readers as most info is out online before they release their mags and it gets harder and harder for them to break any news or exclusives.


However, ONM seem to have more than their fair share of 'bloopers'

  Zechs Merquise said:
It's not great, however I do have a certain sympathy with all publishers of traditional mags as they need to do more every month to attract readers as most info is out online before they release their mags and it gets harder and harder for them to break any news or exclusives.


However, ONM seem to have more than their fair share of 'bloopers'

I do agree, no doubt it was external reasons that made them drop this one "exclusive" as on the other times... but that's also where planning comes in.


They have a reputation to keep (or in this case "build") so they must deliver results... This magazine needs a manager lifting, or it's gonna keep going like this endlessly... It's turning into a joke.

  pedrocasilva said:
I do agree, no doubt it was external reasons that made them drop this one "exclusive" as on the other times... but that's also where planning comes in.


They have a reputation to keep (or in this case "build") so they must deliver results... This magazine needs a manager lifting, or it's gonna keep going like this endlessly... It's turning into a joke.


I agree that there needs to be change, however things used to be a lot worse with ONM believe it or not! I remember a very dark era when they actually dropped full written reviews and just filled the page with screenshots and boxes with litte captions about the shots. All you'd get for a review was a final summation box in somthing like size 18 to 24 font which would run to about 40 words tops. It was bloody awful, there wasn't actually any reading in the mag other than the Editorial and the letters page!


I haven't purchased a copy since the beginning to middle of the GC era, and the issues I had were improved massively, long well written proper reviews in a decent font size and a much more adult look. But now I get all my gaming news on the web, so sadly I suppose I'm one of the many reasons why mags need to pull stunts these days to attract readers.


Its a pretty shoddy mag, but a £10 subscription and you get a free game - I couldnt turn it down!!! Bit gutted though, when I did it it was Cooking mama, this month is harry Potter - I dont want it, but my girlfriend realy wants to play it so it would have been great for her!!


This months issue is pretty good (free animal crossing toy), though I am eagerly awaiting news on Red Steel 2!!!


Another month, another ONM-screwup.


Sure, you might be promised an exclusive, and then the deal falls through. Could happen to anyone. But with ONM it's more the rule than exception.


They'd lose creditibility, if they had any left. For an official magazine, they are seem to be completely clueless as to anything Nintendo. Shameful. Utterly shameful.


I hope res steel is good though... It has a lot of improvements to be made but the original has the building blobks..


Better graphics,controls,ai,voice acting,level design in fact the only thing it reallt got right was the music and even that was jumpy and random at times...


It's got a lot of imrpoving indeed

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