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This made me feel so old:


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It was awfully awesome. Although I don't remember much, apart from: I think the protagonist's name was Dex. And there was a little black lad, whose friend was some sort of furry furby-esque creature who once won $50,000 or something.
Yeah it was from the people who made Power Rangers, I vaguely remember it,


Power Rangers IT WASN'T!!



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Oh power rangers. I hate the fucking thing. Ever since i found out it was responisible for cancelling satam.


I was pissed

Power Rangers was amazing. I remember on GMTV they had Mr Motivator in between episodes, and one time Tommy was with him lol. What's satam btw? Sorry for being stupid.

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Power Rangers was amazing. I remember on GMTV they had Mr Motivator in between episodes, and one time Tommy was with him lol. What's satam btw? Sorry for being stupid.


I was thinking of Mr Motivator last night for some odd reason. I'm going to google him to see what he's up to at the moment. I'm sure he did something for a plane once to relax people on it...


"He now spends his time self-publicising on Wikipedia"

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What about Catchphrase, Knightmare, Whose Line is it Anyway and The Crystal Maze?


I watched The Crystal Maze this morning, with Richard O'Brian. Fucking Legend, and one of the few people on TV who could pull off baldness.


But what do we have these days...Braniac?

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Although I was born in 91, I don't feel like I got to enjoy the 90's that much. I do remember shows like Power Ranger, Ren & Stimpy, Pinky and the Brain, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It was also the time when here in Portugal cartoons were on ALL afternoon long. I miss those days. And I loved pogs! Gee, I really miss pogs... I also remember when I once had light-up trainers. And I still remember the Tamagotchi craze. And I still have some of the "Where's Wally" books! But I got in contact with this stuff through my brother and cousin, that although were born in the 80's, were genuine 90's kids.


And over here there was also the "Dragon Ball Z" craze during the 90's. My brother once told me that there used to be kids skipping school just to watch Dragon Ball Z. Was there ever this craze over Dragon Ball where you live?

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Trip down nostalgia lane.


Life was so much better back then. No exam worries, saturday jobs and School/ University stress and Christmas was actually fun and Action Men were the coolest thing ever, and just going to Toys R Us was like an amazing day out!


I would do it all over again in a flash.

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