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Wii60 love is increasing!


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To say everyone is just a gamer and there are no variations of gamers is a very untrue comment. There are clear differences between people who play games and these differences need to be labeled so people can explain points they're trying to make.


A person (Gamer 1) who plays Pro-Evo every Friday night when his mates come round and nothing else all week is clearly different to someone (Gamer 2) who plays Halo 2 every night, Final Fantasy 12 at weekends, goes on gaming forums and checks gaming news everyday.


But to explain the difference between those two gamers clearly wastes time so you would label Gamer 1 a 'Casual Gamer' and Gamer 2 a 'Hardcore Gamer'.


well the what happens if someone plays a range of games, from brain training to oblivion. What does someone have to label them?


I just mean there are masses of variations, people play game according to taste. You see what I mean?

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well the what happens if someone plays a range of games, from brain training to oblivion. What does someone have to label them?


I just mean there are masses of variations, people play game according to taste. You see what I mean?


I defined it according to life-style, people that play games for fun and nothing else are casual gamers, people who play games because it's their favourite thing to do, and let it consume a large part of their lives are hardcore gamers.


Gamers are not defined by the games they play but by how large a part video-games plays in their life-style.


Although people label some games either hardcore or casual because of the target audience they are aimed at. Wouldn't you agree that Nintendo aimed Brain Age at a casual audience and that was the reason it sold so well.


Someone who plays a range of games from Brain Age to Oblivion, I'd say would be a hardcore gamer because they are willing to pay to play many games and devote a large amount of their time to complete a beast like Oblivion.

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I defined it according to life-style, people that play games for fun and nothing else are casual gamers, people who play games because it's their favourite thing to do, and let it consume a large part of their lives are hardcore gamers.


Gamers are not defined by the games they play but by how large a part video-games plays in their life-style.


Although people label some games either hardcore or casual because of the target audience they are aimed at. Wouldn't you agree that Nintendo aimed Brain Age at a casual audience and that was the reason it sold so well.


Someone who plays a range of games from Brain Age to Oblivion, I'd say would be a hardcore gamer because they are willing to pay to play many games and devote a large amount of their time to complete a beast like Oblivion.


Okay, I mostly agree with you, basically the part I made bold sums it up. But one thing, surely everyone plays games for fun? Isn't that the whole point?

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A person (Gamer 1) who plays GoW every Friday night when his mates come round and nothing else all week is clearly different to someone (Gamer 2) who plays Wii Sports every night, BBA at weekends, goes on gaming forums and checks gaming news everyday.



Enlighten me on Gamers 1 & 2 again!

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I pretty much agree with everything McMad has said, excellent posts by the way.


Also I agree with what Flinky said regarding how its too early to start slagging off the new consoles, a statement many people should consider before starting on the PS3.


Being the owner of all 3 I can safely say that all 3 have their own strengths and weaknesses. What Caris said though holds true, having PS3/Wii OR 360/Wii combo is the way to go especially if you want to get involved with all the great 3rd party games coming out on the 360/PS3.

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Ive got Wii60, its the way to go.


I have Wii60. And I have barely played my 360 (see sig for proof :P)


And yesterday, I got the red ring of death when trying to boot Forza 2 O.o


Wii > 360


They are pretty unreliable aren't they, anyone who read gamecentral on teletext in the past couple of weeks will know how bad it seems to be. Still, at least Microsoft have increased the warrenty now.

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I'm holding out for a little while longer to see if PS3 stabilizes itself within the market.


Originally it was going to have to be the PS3 for MGS4 and FF13 but after

playing FF12 and hearing about Kindgom Hearts style gaming for 13 along with the franchise dedicating the next 10 years to producing it's sequals it's kinda only left me with MGS4.


A PS3 for one game is not a very sound investment, I must admit that games like Heavenly Sword etc. look nice but the gameply just seems to be nothing short of a button bashing extravaganza.


Unless PS3 gets something that can genuinely make me think it's more than just next generation graphics then I'll just head unto Xbox360 where at least I can get a back catalouge of the xbox that I never got and most of the 3rd party games that are coming out for the PS3 anyway.


The price of the console doesn't bother me, it's the quality of the software I'm keeping my eye on.

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The price of the console doesn't bother me, it's the quality of the software I'm keeping my eye on.


Agreed. I don't have any of the latest consoles yet, but my first purchase is going to be the 360 elite later this month. I'm not getting a Wii until MP3 comes out. In the mean time I have my DS which has more good games than I even have time to play.

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ok i would like to hear the story about that? your on N-Europe but still you hardly play on the Wii.... interesting ^.^


I've hardly touched my Wii since getting it on launch day really. Still haven't completed Zelda. The only games I have are Sports, Play and Zelda. My 360 is far more played and I have loads(ish) of games for it.

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I've hardly touched my Wii since getting it on launch day really. Still haven't completed Zelda. The only games I have are Sports, Play and Zelda. My 360 is far more played and I have loads(ish) of games for it.



What a strange statement???!! :blank:

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I've hardly touched my Wii since getting it on launch day really. Still haven't completed Zelda. The only games I have are Sports, Play and Zelda. My 360 is far more played and I have loads(ish) of games for it.


you should at least try excite truck! and Big brain academy. but i cant help thinking that you do not play with friends often. am i right?


Nintendo always been the friend console as for other consoles were more single player based. i bought 4 controlers for the 360 but there are no good games that use 4 players for the 360. unlike the Wii who does use all my controlers

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I'm a Wii60 follower. I must admit i play on my 360 a lot more than my Wii thou, don't get me wrong i love the Wii but for some reason i just prefer getting games for my 360 atm.


I'm sure as soon as metroid and mario come out my 360 will be pushed aside thou :heh:

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I'm a Wii60 follower. I must admit i play on my 360 a lot more than my Wii thou, don't get me wrong i love the Wii but for some reason i just prefer getting games for my 360 atm.


I'm sure as soon as metroid and mario come out my 360 will be pushed aside thou :heh:


I perfectly understand you there its the same for me at this moment but looking at the future this will definitely change.


ps my 360 died on me today for the 3th fucking time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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ps my 360 died on me today for the 3th fucking time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This is the reason why I have not got a 360 yet. I'm not gonna spend £300 on the console and some games only for the bloody thing to break down. I don't care if Microsoft have increased the warranty, its just not good enough.


I really do want a 360, but its most likely I'll be patiently waiting for the Elite version. :smile:

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It's funny cos I always thought people who said 'Try Excitetruck' were dumbasses...but it's an amazing game. Super controls aswell. Infact, watching F1 has got me in the mood for it !!


yeah i was very skeptic about this game but like i said "was" now i say its one of the best the wii!


This is the reason why I have not got a 360 yet. I'm not gonna spend £300 on the console and some games only for the bloody thing to break down. I don't care if Microsoft have increased the warranty, its just not good enough.


I really do want a 360, but its most likely I'll be patiently waiting for the Elite version. :smile:


well the first 2 times it was fixed but now ill get a new one ^.^ one that has the new cooling in it!! ps you can buy a 360 now because they all have the new cooling in it now!

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