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Big Fucking Regrets


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Anyone else feeling a nagging regret which is penetrating you like an unconsenting rhino?


I have a massive arse raping regret which I experienced two days ago. At work I served this smoking hot lass. I'm talking I was on the verge of busting my flies with a mighty erection kind of hot. I just opened my till and she was about to be served on the opposite till but sees me and comes over. During serving her [sadly not in the way I would've liked] there was some lovely banter and shizzle. I'm now kicking myself that I didn't even ask for her number or anything, I don't care what trouble I would've got into. I hope she'll return so I can have the stones to do it next time.

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Id say mine is from college.


I really really liked this girl in college, her friend found out and decided to pry a bit. I got invited over to their table to play truth or dare. I got asked if I had a girlfriend, to which I answered no. Then it was the girl I fancied's turn, she also went for truth. Her friend then asked her "Would you?" (now im pretty sure they'd spoken about me previously and this was the "Would you ever go out with him?" question). Now here is my biggest regret, somehow I missed the answer! And of course being the idiot I am, I never asked her out over the remaining last year and now shes off at uni or something.

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I think all of the 'major' regrets I have can come down to one simple sentence; putting others before myself.


But still, when all is said and done what's happened has happened and who knows what would have happened if things were different. Live and learn I suppose.

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i try not to regret, i mean, theres no point in wasting your life feeling bad, make your self feel good by learning were you went wrong and trying to put things right.


as for who ever said they regret putting outhers first, don't if its in your nature to put outhers first then dont fight it, its all well and good people saying be selfinsh but if it dosent sit right with you then dont do it.

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i try not to regret, i mean, theres no point in wasting your life feeling bad, make your self feel good by learning were you went wrong and trying to put things right.


as for who ever said they regret putting outhers first, don't if its in your nature to put outhers first then dont fight it, its all well and good people saying be selfinsh but if it dosent sit right with you then dont do it.


Its not that I don't wish to put others in front of myself, its that it always tends to lead to me getting worse off. I put my mother first and decided not to move out when my brother went to jail and ultimatly it led to me being arrested, alone, bitter and miserable.


But as I said. Things happen and theres no point in dwelling. If I had moved out I wouldn't have some of the friends I have now, I wouldn't have as much money (despite what people say, money can buy you happiness) and other things. Its a trade-off.

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About a minute ago...i just told this girl i like that i fancied her.

I've tried finding the "site" in question, which was a feature on Yahoo about "tips" for men and shit like that. And it said, which I must agree with, that doing such a thing is better than not doing it at all.


The "example" given apparently by a real person! O_o was in a supermarket, so not far from my situation. I'm going to rape my history, see if I can find it...



Lesson 5: The outcome doesn’t matter

Maybe you’re not her type. Maybe she’s just out of a relationship. Maybe she’s having troubles at work. Maybe she’s not perceptive enough to recognise your worth. You never know why someone may not be interested in you. Truthfully, it doesn’t matter. It’s more diminishing to your self-esteem to let fear run your life than it is to get rejected. Here’s one story that showcases this in a big way.


So I was on the checkout line at the grocery store, and I was waiting for a woman with 400 coupons. In the meantime, I was talking to the tall, raven-haired cutie behind me. We were making jokes, laughing, passing the time. All in all, a very pleasant five minutes of my life. The coupon lady finished up. I paid for my stuff, said goodbye to my new friend, and rolled my cart out the door.


The second I hit the fresh air, I was kicking myself: Idiot! Why didn’t you ask for a phone number? Because I got all embarrassed due to the other people in line and the woman swiping my bar codes. Because of all the other reasons that nice guys wimp out. I decided that this would not do. I was going to wait until she came out of the supermarket and ask her out. And that’s what I did.


“Hey, it was a lot of fun meeting you in there,†I said to her as she emerged with her bags. “I was wondering if you’d like to grab a drink sometime.â€


A big smile came across her face. “You are so cute and I couldn’t be more flattered, but I have a serious, live-in boyfriend. But I really want to thank you for asking. You totally made my day.†After she said goodbye, I went home, walking on air, so happy that I did it, instead of wishing I did it, like so many times before. It didn’t matter if she had a boyfriend or if she was lying or being polite or whatever – all that mattered was that I took a big swing at the plate and even didn’t hurt myself in the process.


Feel good my friend. Feel good.

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All that mattered was that I took a big swing at the plate and even didn’t hurt myself in the process. [/i]


Feel good my friend. Feel good.


So what if you did something and you did get hurt.


Regret of the day- my gilfriend. Damn I got owned :/

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ok, this isn't a regret so much as somthing i feel bad about.


I bought a three man catuerpult online, beast of a thing, to take to my cousin's house. We had a bit of a play with it, its ment to shoot waterbombs but it also fired tennisballs well, and golfballs went a fair way. any way, there we are mucking on in a feild with it when we all have the same idea, the cows.


Under cover of night we crept into the cows feild and made our way towards our targets, set up and fired. the waterbombs burts and mae a great slapping sound, the cows looked un interested, even a head shot was shrugged off, only the legs seemed sesitive. our ammo spent we went home and ammused our uncle with the story.


next day he came back from his walk and told us the cows had been moved from the feild, which made us think they must have marks. in the name of science, we got one of our number to hold a thick peice of chip board, to thick to break by hand, and fired at him, same size bomb, same power in the caterpult, same distance. he fell clutching his side, and coverd in wood, wed shot through the chip board! a water bomb periced the chipboard and gave his ribs a bruising.


i now know that this was crule, and only slightly funny. i feel bad for the cows, especialy the one i hit on the back.

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I only regret one thing, not buying shares in Corus when they were 3p each. They stopped trading at over £5.00 a few years later (they were amalgomated 5 to one, but its still 3000%-4000% increase). Turns out even if the company had gone bust the shares would be worth 15p, so there was no chance of loosing anything. Would have made uni alot easier.


There isn't anything else I regret, most things I just learn from and carry on. If you spend all your time moping around about the past, your never going to enjoy the present.

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