James McGeachie Posted February 4, 2009 Posted February 4, 2009 ^If you haven't played any previous games I don't think this is for you. It's a game that mostly people who played RE4 at the time are hyped for, because RE4 at the time was widely regarded as one of the greatest action games ever created (and anyone who didn't play it back then sorely missed out, big time) Problem is going by my own experience with the demo it doesn't even properly cater to the audience it's aimed for. The control schemes all feel a awkward and like a step down from before, the new changes to the formula only serve to take away from the experience (real time inventory, constantly having to interact with AI partner) and eh...I just didn't find it fun. I could go back and play through the Wii port of RE4 now and still have a blast but I got so bored with the RE5 demo in such a short time. I'm a hardcore RE fan, have been since the psx titles and have bought most of the titles since then on release. I don't think I'll be buying this at all unless the full game ends up far more refined, or maybe I'll consider it at a budget price later.
Chris the great Posted February 4, 2009 Posted February 4, 2009 After waiting god knows how long for the download to finish, it was probably just me, but I felt like the game was shit. It's my opinion, I thought why can't I at least walk forward whilst wielding the knife. Yeah I haven't played any previous games, this demo didn't really give me the urge to go and play them though. Graphically it was awesome, apart from the cut scenes which seems to have the shittest frame rate ever. the controles are restrictive, but it sort of works for the best, its alot more tense. plus, why walk with the knife out, run where you need to go and slash. as for walking or running while shooting, it would be way to easy if you could, stopping to shoot in resi 4 made shooting a tactical thing, a mechanic to consider. it seems strange at first, but once you get used to it, complaing about it seems like saying why cant you keep attacking in the enemy turn in advance wars.
tapedeck Posted February 4, 2009 Posted February 4, 2009 Got a hold of the demo...add me to the list of those underwhelmed. Slow controls for a fast moving, hectic environment doesn't increase tension in-game, it creates tension in my fist!
dwarf Posted February 4, 2009 Posted February 4, 2009 Well I think the game will be great. Won't be as big a hit as 4 but if you can somehow remove your mind from that it is a great game I think. Controls aren't great atm but I've only tried type D, you may get used to them after a while.
Pit-Jr Posted February 4, 2009 Posted February 4, 2009 This demo isnt doing Capcom any favors. I probably wont get it immediately but i never intended to anyway. My plate is gonna be full with KZ2 and SF4 for the next month or so, so i may pick it up later during a lull period
Dante Posted February 4, 2009 Posted February 4, 2009 The German GamePro indeed is the first magazine on earth to completely review Resident Evil 5. Unlike the previous reviews from magazines like OPM US, GamePro was able to play through the whole game and therefore is world-exclusively reviewing Resident Evil 5. GamePro could only make their own screenshots of the first three chapters. The later ones, they had to use Capcom's images due to an embargo It is all about the Progenitor virus Resident Evil 5 changes locations more often than Resident Evil 4 and the pace moves on immensly, especially after the first 10 minutes. The game is about 18 hours long. There's no location that is as big as the castle area in Resident Evil 4. The game is divided in 6 big chapters, each of them again divided into 3-4 areas. After the refinery, the game goes more for darkness (pyramids) GamePro counted 1 (!!!) real puzzle in Resident Evil 5. The emphasis is clearly on Co-Op. When a character is investigating something alone it usually deals with finding a key or moving something. GamePro says that these are the most intriguing situations as you wish your partner would be with you and help you fight the hordes of enemies. A few classic enemies are indeed in Resident Evil 5 (like the Licker) GamePro found the fights with Wesker very cool. They are absolutely dramatic and stunning. The visuals and audio are top notch. The PS3 version suffers a few glitches here and there, but they are not heavy. Resident Evil is gone, long live Resident Evil. They describe the game as an extremely entertaining, quick Tour de France with less horror. The overall review score is 93% for both PS3 and Xbox360 versions. Added to the PS3 graphics score was a note that the PS3 version suffers minor issues. GamePro's usual, separate multiplayer score for the game is 10/10. After completion of the game graphic filters, unlimited ammo, alternate costumes and an "arcade mode" among other things become available. PS: I love how GamePro made it very clear that this is not Survival Horror, instead labeled it "Terror-Action-Game" or just "Action-Game"
Gio001 Posted February 4, 2009 Posted February 4, 2009 Cheers Dante for all the updates on this game. Still a day 1 for me as i've waited so long for this game & despite all the changes to the resi formula & the co-op & negative comments from the demo i'm still so looking forward to this game though i think i'll have to get out of leisurly fallout 3 mode & being able to arrange inventorys at leisure as this sounds fast paced throughout.
Goron_3 Posted February 4, 2009 Posted February 4, 2009 Argh played the demo again and it just felt like a slower version of Gears of War..which is weird because i played the Wii version of RE4 today and it felt completely fresh and so much more well done than RE5. Argh considering completely skipping this game until i find a cheap second hand version.
Caris Posted February 5, 2009 Posted February 5, 2009 Exactly. Its pathetic. Agreed. I still have it preordered but its a misstep. The coop antics are just frustrating and do not add to the fun. RE0 was worse than RE because of that. They made the same mistake twice. It's like that on Halo 3 as well. When you have 2 Widescreen pictures on a TV you have to have borders...
Diageo Posted February 5, 2009 Posted February 5, 2009 If anyone hasn't played the demo with someone else i suggest you do. I'm willing to play with anyone that asks.
Babooo Posted February 5, 2009 Posted February 5, 2009 I'm starting to have second thoughts about this now....it looked soo good before but judging by people's opinions after actually playing the game, it doesn't sound too good.
Diageo Posted February 5, 2009 Posted February 5, 2009 Its way easier with 2 people, and as long as you dont stand for more than about 10 seconds exactly in front of chainsaw guy, he won't get you.
killer kirby Posted February 5, 2009 Posted February 5, 2009 Its way easier with 2 people, and as long as you dont stand for more than about 10 seconds exactly in front of chainsaw guy, he won't get you. Thats one of the problems with the demo of the game for me, you had no time to aim and shoot since all the men got to you way to fast, and there were a lot of them right up in your face. I don't know....this game has gone way done on my want list to now just hire it and see if it's any good.
Aimless Posted February 5, 2009 Posted February 5, 2009 The more I play the demo the more I get out of it. Initially I was a bit underwhelmed, but now I can't wait for March to come around!
Diageo Posted February 5, 2009 Posted February 5, 2009 I'm definitely just renting this one, probably just gonna finish it then off it goes.
Gio001 Posted February 5, 2009 Posted February 5, 2009 I was underwhelmed when i first played the demo but it does get better the more you play & i cannot wait for the full game.
Aimless Posted February 5, 2009 Posted February 5, 2009 Right, perhaps people will warm to the demo once they've a better handle on things, so here's a few tips: If you hold B/Circle you can put your AI partner into attack mode; they'll be more aggressive and use their primary weapon more readily. Holding down the button during co-op allows you to issue a few simple voice commands. You can move items around your inventory by highlighting them and pressing X/Square. The spaces with arrows behind them correspond to directions on the d-pad; items and weapons in these slots can be quickly selected during combat simply by hitting a direction. Also, if you highlight an item and press the aim button you will equip it instantly. If you rely on nothing but your guns you'll run out of ammo quickly. Lone enemies can be quickly and efficiently dealt with by popping a bullet in their knee; when they recoil run up to them and punch/kick them, then once they're downed stamp/stab them. Also, if you stamp/stab a floored enemy whilst their head is at your feet you'll kill them instantly. There is plenty of environmental assistance if you keep an eye out for it: exploding barrels, flammable cannisters, and even electricity boxes can be shot at to disrupt large groups of enemies. And that's all I can think of at the moment.
... Posted February 5, 2009 Posted February 5, 2009 I'm starting to have second thoughts about this now....it looked soo good before but judging by people's opinions after actually playing the game, it doesn't sound too good. Don't listen to that crap, I think people are being way to unfair to the game and I really don't understand why. If RE4 is so beloved, why are people backlashing on RE5? It escapes me. I understand it's a bit different, I've played and beaten both scenarios of the demo, but it's not bad at all. It's going to be another great game, much like RE4. My main issue with the game is just that it doesn't pause when you access your inventory, whilst every other RE in the past paused. The inventory also seems a lot smaller than even the initial small case you carried at the begining of RE4. And I'll be damned if I'm going to be less enthusiastic about the game just because of that! It's basically RE4 with beefed up graphics (and pecs and biceps since Chris is basically "Schwarzenegger" next to Leon's "Keanu Reeves").
dwarf Posted February 6, 2009 Posted February 6, 2009 ^ Yeah I agree with you, the game will still be fantastic. Everyone has judged the demo against the full RE4 experience and adventure which isn't fair.
Diageo Posted February 6, 2009 Posted February 6, 2009 I was judging the controls and not the story. The controls are slow and fidgety. I never really liked the dualshock and this isn't helping. Makes me think how great this game could be if u could use the wii remote with it. Also Aimless, could you explain a bit further how to command sheva effectively?
dwarf Posted February 6, 2009 Posted February 6, 2009 Can you tell her to leave you to do the job yourself because this is meant to be a survival horror game?
Mundi Posted February 6, 2009 Posted February 6, 2009 In my opinion RE4 and RE5 are closer to an action horror then a Survival horror game. The old ones definitely Survival Horror, the last two ones not as much.
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