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Resident Evil 5


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The demo is only a small taster of the game & i must say i was a little dissapointed when i first played the demo but like i said before i probably expected too much but after giving the demo a good play got more into it & can't wait till March.

I'm not looking for a game that's just like Resi 4 because i could just play Resi 4 but one as addictive in it's own way. ( if that makes sense)

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Huh? I thought the demo was too different. It's RE4 with all the horror and difficulty aspects taken out...
You didn't find the first level of the demo hard? :blank: I did....


I don't care if the gameplay is the same, RE4 was awesome! It would bother me however if the game is the same! with recycled bosses/locations/set pieces etc...
Just because one person says a hut in a swamp looks like a creepy village in Spain doesn't mean they really recycled anything. None of it felt familiar when I played the demo.
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Kotaku hands on with 2 new levels. The spoilers aint really spoilers at all but I have bolded them just in case.


Two new levels were shown off at the Capcom Resident Evil 5/Bionic Commando event, but we were sternly told we couldn’t take pictures and screenshot coverage is limited.


Only four consoles were set aside to demo the two “never-before-seen†levels – and they had blown out the power strip just as Joystiq’s Randy Nelson and I got to them. While we waited for the techies to fix the problem, Randy and I tried out the PS3 version of the Japanese demo levels to compare graphics and playability.


The PS3 version of Resident Evil 5 looked lousy compared to the 360 version. The environments weren’t as sharply defined, the colors were duller, and that “dusty†layer that covers the Shanty Town in the 360 version came off as “you need to wipe down your TV screen.†At least the controls handled the exact same.


We wandered back over to the special consoles for our sneak peak. The guy demoing for us on PS3 introduced them as “We can’t tell you what levels they are – they’re just new.†He loaded up the game and for a few moments, we saw tantalizing glimpses of the opening cinematic. There’s a guy with a hood and a beaked facemask standing over someone crouching/kneeling/bowing, followed by a wide open African landscape with a jeep driving through it.


“Dude – we’re not showing that yet,†snapped another demo guy. Button presses were made and the cinematic went away. But not before crashing the PS3.


*Warning – potential spoilers follow. Although I defy any of you to make any sense of the plot based on these meager snippets.*



After being shuffled over to the 360 version, we finally got a look at the promised levels. The first was what looked like mining facility: there was a cluster of rundown buildings, scattered bins loaded with rocks, and further inspection revealed that we were on top of a cliff. The demo guy explained that this level occurs just after meeting some villain named Irving who has run off after a dramatic confrontation (that we didn’t get to see). Chris and Sheva start out by going through Irving’s abandoned office for clues to his whereabouts. Oil fields are mentioned, and then zombies attack.


This level was like a shooting range. You can poke your head out of the elevated window of the office and fire down at zombies that pop up from behind trucks and rocks in the plaza down below. When you get tired of that – or you kill them all – you can leave the office, cross the plaza, and take off up the road after Irving.


This is where we saw our first boss fight with some kind of monster that fell off a truck. The demo guy said he wasn’t allowed to tell us what the thing was called – but “zombie bat caterpillar thing†just about sums it up. This boss fight was all about quicktime events (boo!) and making use of Sheva to get behind the zombie bat caterpillar. There was also minor babysitting of Sheva involved whenever she’d fall off a cliff and need pulling up.


I imagine this would have gone more smoothly had a real person been playing Sheva instead of the AI. The entire game can be co-oped, so you might want to take advantage of that if you get a particularly lousy boss fight where you don’t have the time/energy to babysit.


As soon as the boss was dead, a “teammate†of Sheva and Chris pulled up in a jeep and whisked us away from the mining facility. Another cut scene ensued that didn’t really reveal any plot points and then a biker gang swarmed up behind us. Apparently, Sheva and Chris had run into them before and had cause to shoot at them with the machine gun mounted on the back of the jeep.


The demo guy let us stay long enough to see Chris manning the gun and Sheva covering from the sides of the jeep before skipping the level with the debug option. An end-of-level screen popped up, indicating we’d just finished Mission 2-2 and then the game loaded into an inventory screen where the player can equip, trade, or sell Chris and Sheva’s items and weapons. The demo guy loaded himself up with a shotgun, a machine gun, and unlimited ammo (gotta love debug) before loading in the next sneak peak level and handing me the controller.


I found myself in the oil field mentioned back in 2-2. The oil field level is like a puzzle instead of a shooting range. You have to go up and down ladders and zip lines, turning valves while Sheva covers you. You’re also introduced to a new “mini boss†zombie in this level – a chainsaw-wielding maniac with bandages wrapped around his head.



One hit from the chainsaw is insta-death, so the demo guy advised me to aim shotgun blasts straight at his face. Eight direct hits later, he was dead. Maybe it would have been scarier without the unlimited ammo cheat…


After turning all the valves in the level to shut off flaming gas mains blocking my path, I made it to a building where Sheva and Chris met another “teammate†of theirs named Josh. Another cut scene occurred wherein names like “The Bow Experiment†were dropped and then the zombies attacked again (I’m sensing a pattern here). The section that followed the cut scene was all about covering Josh while he hacked various terminals to open doors and activate elevators. More chainsaw guys spawned in, and eventually I worked my way up and out of the building to find – Irving!


This nefarious scoundrel looks like Samwise Gamgee with a bigger forehead, smaller facial features and a predisposition toward evil. He was boarding a boat and delivering some “you’ll never catch me†monologue while another person – that masked man from the cut scene we weren’t supposed to see – jetted off in a much smaller boat. Sheva seemed to know who the masked man was, but of course she said something non-specific like “Isn’t that…?†instead of “Hey, that’s so-and-so!â€


Irving took off and Josh scored the team a boat. Now the level turned into a time trial where I had to dash across the dock in less than two minutes to make it to the escape vessel. Again, it’d probably be more challenging if you didn’t have unlimited ammo. And I’m not sure if this is a bug, but you can totally ditch Sheva because the level ends when Chris makes it to the boat – not her.


Boat boarded, the oil field exploded and our heroes jetted away. The end of level screen appeared again, telling us we’d just finished Mission 3-2 (guess we level-hopped quite a bit with the debug option), and the demo guy shooed us to let other games journos have a turn.



*End Spoilers*


I came away with from these new levels with three major gripes:


1) It’s not scary. Not even a little bit. Part of it is the atmosphere – you’re running around in broad daylight and can pretty much tell exactly where the zombies will be coming from. The other part of it is Sheva – she’s always with you and relatively capable, so you’re never really lonely or anxious the way you’re supposed to be in zombie games.


2) You could swap the zombies for Nazis and not know the difference. Resident Evil 5 seems more like a generic shooter than survival horror, complete with gray and brown backgrounds and the occasional bloom effect. I quipped that it was like Gears of War without the cover and Randy compared to Army of Two. So – we’ve got Gears of the Zombie of Two instead of Resident Evil. Great.


3) The zombies have machine guns and flaming arrows. That just doesn’t seem right. Oh, alright – fine. They’re “infected villagers,†not zombies, but even then the premise of having twenty guys running around with chainsaws and crossbows feels like it’d be a better fit for a different game.


I also came away with three things I liked (or at least didn’t hate):


1) The facial expressions (on the human characters, at least) look real. That moment when Sheva sees Josh for the first time, her eyes widen and then narrow in recognition. I’ve never seen this somewhat subtle facial expression done as realistically in any other game.


2) The PS3 version looked almost identical to the 360 version in the secret levels. I was really worried there, having seen the disparity between the 360 and PS3 on the Japanese demo; but it looks like the demo is way older code.


3) Flamethrowers. We weren’t supposed to see them, but a saucy demo guy spawned Chris in with one for the oil field level.


All in all, I came away from Capcom feeling a little disappointed. It was like getting the kind of gift I wanted, but finding out it’s the wrong type – a Nerf rifle instead of a Super Soaker. I realize Resident Evil 4 was a total departure from the straightforward survival horror genre what with the over-the-shoulder cam and daylight sequences where you’re leading Ashley around. But for some reason, I still felt like it was true to the original Resident Evil because it was upsetting and scary. RE5 doesn’t have that, or at least didn’t show it in the demo or these new levels. What I saw played more like a bland shooter with occasional stressful moments where I was trying to juggle the needs of my partner versus how much ammo I had left. I was never lonely, never anxious and never scared.


At least I was never bored. And unlike the analogy in the previous paragraph, I can’t return Capcom’s gift on December 26 for store credit. So I’ve just got to wait ‘til March 13, 2009 and hope that Resident Evil 5 is better than what I saw.

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another new video


US boxart



Resident Evil 5 demo hacked infomation:












Beretta M92f

H&K P8

Sig P226

Beretta M93r

Beretta PX4


Samurai Edge




S&W M29

Desert Eagle

S&W M500




Ithaca M37

Benelli M3


"Mad Max"


Sub-machine guns:





Assault Rifles:



SIG 556

Gatling gun


Sniper rifles:


Sako (rifle from the demo?)






Flash grenade

Explosive greande

Flame grenade

Grenade launcher

Grenade launcher "I", "S", "N", "L", "H", "F"

Rocket launcher (RPG-7)

Noctovision rocket launcher (nightvision?)

Infinity rocket launcher




Egg (ooh, deadly!)








Satellite laser

Gun emplacement

Jeep machine gun

Jeep grenade launcher

Jeep gatling gun



Weapons used by enemies:







Huge axe




Iron pipe


Wooden shield

Duralumin shield


Grenade launcher










Majini indiginous

Majini large

Majini soldier

Majini researcher

Majini speech (guy with the megaphone?)

Majini chainsaw

Majini gatling

Majini shotgun

Majini chieftain






Bike Majini

Dog normal

Dog boss

Stealth licker


Uro 1 (I'm fairly certain the Uros are those wiggly wormy things we saw in the trailers)

Uro 2

Uro 3


U8 child

Big bat

El Gigante

El Gigante Plagas


Irving Opt1

Irving Opt3

Irving Opt4

Jill 1

Jill 2

Wesker 1

Wesker 2

Wesker 3











Green Herb

Red Herb

Green herb in test tube

Red herb in test tube

Green & red herb mixed in test tube

Green & green herb mixed in test tube

Yellow herb mentioned only once much later in separate scetion. Redundant?

First aid spray

Egg Gold

Egg Brown

Egg White









Money large

Money medium

Money small

Money_local (16 types)

Money_jewel (35 types, Sapphire, Diamond, Blue Diamond mentioned)

Money_mony (9 types, Ore is mentioned)


Key items - 50 types





Jill (Jill & Wesker mercs mode only)





Ricardo Irving 1

Ricardo Irving 2 (2nd costume most likely)

Josh Stone <- him and 3 names below are all BSAA guys

Dan DeChant

Dave Johnson

Kirk Mathison

Ozwell E. Spencer



BSAA alpha

BSAA bravo

BSAA delta

Majini man

Butcher aka Reynard Fisher (probably the guy in the trailer who passes info to Chris & Sheva, then gets his head chopped off.

Civilian corpse

Uro man 1

Uro man 2




I have recorded the levels with any interesting words by them, Japanese or otherwise. The levels are in the order they were in the files. I think you do a fair bit of backtracking after the jeep chase


1-1 [ichiba]

1-7 [mati boss: hitozuma]

1-7 [syoukyakuro boss: uro1]

Uro burnt

2-2 [hashi]

2-4 [sigaiti boss: chainsaw]

2-5 [eki zenhan]

3-2 [tika kouzan]

3-3 [kouzan boss: big bat]

3-3 [jeep sen]

3-3 Jeep ride on

barricade battle

Bike appear

3-5 [minato yoru boss: El Gigante]

jeep ride on

2-3 [minato hiru]

1-4 [syuukaijyo boss: syokei]

1-2 [uraroji]

1-3 [hatu Majini goya]

Act close bolt

1-6 [torihiki biru]

2-1 [souko]

3-1 [eki kouhan]

4-1 [shittitai boat]

4-3 [shokeijou]

Majini pond

4-2 [sonraku]


Bolt door

Act fall bridge

5-2 [syou yuden B (Josh 1)]

5-4 [boat sen]

5-5 [iyunsitei boss: Irving]


5-1 [syou yuden A boss: chainsaw]

5-3 [syou yuden B-2 (Josh 2)]

Ship environment

6-2 [houkai iseki 2]

6-3 [tika iseki boss: big bat]

7-1 [houkai iseki 2]

7-2 [pyramid]

7-5 [jiltuken sisetu boss: U-8]

7-4 [Virus house]

8-2 [missile 1f]

8-3 [uro kenkyuu sisetu boss: uro 2]

9-4 [ounoma boss: Jill]

8-1 [douryoku ku]

9-3 [ounoma iriguti]

7-3 [sisobana area]

6-1 [idoukutu]

9-1 [missile 2f]

9-2 [jikken sisetu 2f]

10-1 [kanpan zenbu]

10-2 [sennai zennbu boss: gatling]

10-3 [kanpan center]

10-4 [bridge naibu]

11-2 [sennai koubu]

11-3 [hanger boss: Wesker 2]

11-4 [Volcano boss: Wesker 3]

00-0 [big port]

00-0 [Ending]

10-5 [kanpan okujyou boss: uro 3]

11-1 [bridge naibu]

Spencer tei <- translates to "Spencer estate"

kamotusen dock

stealth kinai

ending (heli)



There are 15 files (unsure)

As well as a Mercenaries mode, RE5 has a "Versus" mode. Each mode has 8 levels (share the same levels?)

"History of Resident Evil" unlockable


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Umm... Gears of War and RE feel nothing alike. They're in completely different worlds. Their only similarity is, almost, the perspective. In RE4 do you charge to rocks for cover then empty round after round of machine gun fire into something's head before it finally dies? Are the only methods of progress other than killing enemies things like: kill big enemies, shoot tanks, shoot switches, kick doors? No, it has puzzles and keys and collectibles and money/health packs.


So suddenly you can heal your co-op partner and Resident Evil is Gears of War, pfft, have you people even played either of these games?

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In terms of visuals, locations and art style [from what we've seen], Resi 5 is closer to a Gears game than the Resi series has been in the past.


Also the fact they are introducing changing weapons on the fly, and the ability to cling to/peer round a wall to fire, also shows they are definately drawing on influences from such games as Gears [and others] in an attempt to make the game a lot more accessible and mainstream.

This is also highlighted my making the game a co-op experience.


Resi didn't need these things in the past, but the series is now going with the direction of the rest of the market in order to try and benefit sales.

I certainly wouldn't say it's copying Gears, but I don't think you can deny the series is now trying to [and having to] keep up with such games.

Resi 4 kept quite true to the Resi series, whilst adding new gameplay elements to move the series forward. Resi 5 does seem to have taken things a bit too far, but you could say it's necessary!

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Ok your first point, they look graphically similar: both games look amazing graphically, they're practically at the peak of graphical capability, so of course they're going to look alike in quality. But I don't think they look similar in any other way, the art is different, the characters aren't exagerrated in RE5, the enemies don't have the same quality of detail as the locust.


As for duck and cover, is that really something you can say has come straight from Gears? I mean I remember doing that on Metal Gear Solid, in 1999. The fact it is a co-op experience has perhaps the strongest direct comparison but I think that's because of a growing interest in co-op gaming. The world loves it right now, so why not give them it? It's not because Gears did it first/recently, it's because it's a heck of a lot of fun and we finally have broadband capable of making it work on most of the globe.


Resi 5 may be a serious detachment from the old Resi games, but I don't think that's such a big deal. The old slow moving alone in the dark feeling has been done to death now, it couldn't keep up in the modern world. We're not scared as easily any more, certainly not by zombies. Resident evil is progressing like an underground band that has sold out. It may not be the same dark grungy feel that people who can't let go of the playstation are after, but it's doing what it needs to do to keep up with the modern day game. And from my own playthrough of the demo, it's doing it damn well.

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I don't mind more-of-the-same, so long as it isn't hyped up too much (like Gears 2 kinda was), I'm just worried that RE5 will lack a certain charm in level/character design, rather than just new drab-yellow, rather than drab-blue, colours... That wasn't phrased well but I think you get my gist. It could just be that I know nothing about teh story, too.


Adding co-op to games is fine by me. I find co-op to be what I look forward to the most in games because it stops me feeling unsociable when I'm gaming :)


And regarding the images - woo Mercenaries :D

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