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Mario Kart Wii

Zechs Merquise

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I've just been playing in an worlwide online race and came up against the toughest opposition I've played yet. I'm at 7700 now and at times my rating was the lowest. One guy "Paco MT" was at 9999 at one point. I also had another 9000+ and several in the 8000s and a couple in the 7000s. I found playing against them very enjoyable; very hard, but it was great fun to compete against some of the best. I did come 2nd a couple of times, and even when I was as low as 5th I still gained points ;-)


I'm Pierrepont and I guess my friendship with Dani hooked me up with some of these guys. Hope to see some of you online : peace:

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Just played some good worldwide matches along with redshell and cookyman! we were always in the top 3 or there abouts!


Great games guys :)

Yeah good games. although I was getting seriously raped on most of 'em! :heh:


My plan to take advantage of the Americans majorly backfired tonight as I ended up against loads of very good N-E peeps, must have dropped at least 700 points.

Awesome games though. :grin:


I reckon this is easily my most played Wii game now, have racked up an insane amount of play time. Can't see me getting bored any time soon either, still got competitions to look forward to as well! Hopefully we'll get one this week.

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I've just been playing in an worlwide online race and came up against the toughest opposition I've played yet. I'm at 7700 now and at times my rating was the lowest. One guy "Paco MT" was at 9999 at one point. I also had another 9000+ and several in the 8000s and a couple in the 7000s. I found playing against them very enjoyable; very hard, but it was great fun to compete against some of the best. I did come 2nd a couple of times, and even when I was as low as 5th I still gained points ;-)


I'm Pierrepont and I guess my friendship with Dani hooked me up with some of these guys. Hope to see some of you online : peace:


Wow, there's some good scores out there! How come I don;t seem to meet these legends?

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I thought there was a matching service where it pits you against similar players?!?!


How do you send a time trial to a friend?


He mentioned that he played these people because of his friend Dani, so I am assuming that his friend has a high rank, and he dropped into a gap in his friend's session. Wish I had my wii. It's decided! I am heading back to london to reclaim what is rightfully mine! (getting my wii and bringing it back to leeds with me :yay: )

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I had a similar match just now, two 3-star players, two 1-star players and noone below 7000. And then they select tracks like moo moo meadows and luigi circuit...:p


Closing in on 8000 now and for some reason, the tracks im good at seem to change. Daisy Circuit and Rainbow Road tend to be a guaranteed win, but Maple Treeway doesn't seem to work for me anymore. Maybe it's because it always comes up in mirror mode :(


I just had the closest finish ever as well. 7 people ALL together in the last turn of daisy circuit. I got a pow block at the last item boxes, so i use it and pass everyone. 2 seconds before the finish a red shell gets tossed at me, i get hit and end up last :p

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Damn Grand Prix is a test of my patience!!


Working through 100cc right now, don't move on to the next cup until I have a Star or Double Star rank.

How many times are they gonna make me loose on the last lap of the last track, it's SUCH a waste of time!! and the Wii-Wheel is getting mighty close to getting frisbied [wd?] out the window!


What combination does everybody use for each cup?

I beat 50cc easily using Koopa Troopa + Standard Kart,

And I'm currently trying to advance through 100cc using Diddy + Standard Bike.

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Guest Jordan

Dry bones + Standard got me through 100CC with **'s on each cup.


I suggest you ditch the Wii Wheel and use a controller with some accuracy.

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Dry bones + Standard got me through 100CC with **'s on each cup.


I suggest you ditch the Wii Wheel and use a controller with some accuracy.


i have been using the Wii wheel, i have just completed 50cc and done first race in 100cc got a silver. if i change controller will i get better results? (apart from my skill level being low)

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i have been using the Wii wheel, i have just completed 50cc and done first race in 100cc got a silver. if i change controller will i get better results? (apart from my skill level being low)
Your at the same stage as me! Completed 50cc and I just ** the first cup in 100cc.


I actually feel I'm really good with the Wii-wheel and I'm not sure how much of a difference adding the nunchuck will make, but I guess I may aswell give it a go if I don't make much advance!

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He mentioned that he played these people because of his friend Dani, so I am assuming that his friend has a high rank, and he dropped into a gap in his friend's session. Wish I had my wii. It's decided! I am heading back to london to reclaim what is rightfully mine! (getting my wii and bringing it back to leeds with me :yay: )


Yeah that's what I thought, but having spoken to him, it seems it was just a fluke. He thinks that maybe his "MT" clan members helped him reach the 9999 feat (by only shooting at others etc.) so I don't know how "real" his ranking is.


I'm also trying to get at least 1 star on every Grand Prix, but it's really difficult, blue shell there, red shell there. Of course it's been said before, but it's damn annoying.


Not entirely sure what the rank is based on, but I think it's predominatly time. Therefore if you fall off a circuit, it will naturally effect your time and rank.

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Yeah it's probably worth a try.


Also what's the difference between ranks A, *, ** ? Is it basically...


A = Win all races

* = Win all races and good use of drifting/tricks etc...

** = Win all races and great continued use of drifting/tricks etc...


I don't think it can just be that as i have one 3 races before and come 2nd in one and got a star! :D


And come first in all 4 and got an A! :)

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The lightning cloud is pretty funny to be honest :) Should only get it when you're in the lead though - do you slow and pass it on or do you shrink? Dilema.


Or the cloud should make you go much faster so you can catch up to people to pass it on!


I really don't mind all the assault you get on 150cc, for me that's Mario Kart, it can be frustrating, but it's fun still! I love the unpredictability of it all, and I don't care what people say, the best racers win out in the long run!

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