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Mario Kart Wii

Zechs Merquise

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I have no idea how people can say "Snake or dont play this game" that right there is just rude

It was never put exactly like that (well, not by me). It's a good point though. If snaking is in the Wii game, then people are going to snake. And if you don't like people snaking then you would be better off playing something else.


For the record, I did suggest people just play with other people who they know don't snake, or stick with the single-player. But that obviously wasn't a good enough suggestion!


I can just see it now Tales having a go at me for excessive use of shells :heh:

It's shells as well now then for some?


At this rate pressing the accelerate button will soon be considered a 'major advantage'. :laughing:


I hate people who accelerate! It completely ruins my fun of just sitting here on the starting line.


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You know, this whole debate about snaking is related to why Nintendo used friend codes in the first place and shunned online for so long. It's also why wavedashing is out of Smash Bros Brawl (i heard it was a glitch anyways).


The friend codes are there so that we only have our online experiences with friends who would hopefully be on the same wavelength and skill level, keeping the fun in the game rather than meeting random people online who 'pwn' you with their '1337' skills and tactics. Shooters typically have this sort of thing, but then, the context of the situation, shooting someone in the face, makes it hard to reduce the aggression that fuels he hunt for tactics and skills giving one an edge.


Smash Bros is being developed with this in mind, and its what Nintendo are aiming to head away from. It's probably why we have no Voice chat yet.


This is what I have gathered from Iwata asks anyways.

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For goodness sake.. can you stop saying "You can't do it"?! I will reiterate again! I can't see how snaking is fun! Constantly wiggling left and right the whole time? Catch yourself on.. that's insanity!

I totally argree. I don't see the fun side in wiggiling left and right for the whole race. I've never actually tried to snake and I've never really wanted to. But people seem to care more about winning than having fun. That's part of reason I much prefer playing with my mates rather than playing someone online.


Anyway, this game just isn't getting me excited at all. Not really sure why. Possibly it's because me and my mates played Double Dash to death. Or possibly it's the tilt controls (is there other control options??) that don't appeal to me. Or it's possible I'm just getting more cynical as I get older...!

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I don't see the fun side in wiggiling left and right for the whole race. I've never actually tried to snake

Then don't knock it until you have. ;)


people seem to care more about winning than having fun.

There is such a thing as having fun trying to win.

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I totally argree. I don't see the fun side in wiggiling left and right for the whole race. I've never actually tried to snake and I've never really wanted to. But people seem to care more about winning than having fun. That's part of reason I much prefer playing with my mates rather than playing someone online.


Anyway, this game just isn't getting me excited at all. Not really sure why. Possibly it's because me and my mates played Double Dash to death. Or possibly it's the tilt controls (is there other control options??) that don't appeal to me. Or it's possible I'm just getting more cynical as I get older...!


All snaking does is make you faster. I don't see how going faster when EVERYTHING else you're doing is the same isn't fun.


Trying to win is more exhilarating than you might think.

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Yeah if it's anywhere as intense as the Mario Strikers Tourneys I can't wait!


I can just see it now Tales having a go at me for excessive use of shells :heh:


Haha, trust me, I won't.


Personally, I don't like snaking. I can't do it and I just don't think that's what Mario Kart is about. I like the randomness of the game, and snaking destroys that.

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There's debate about the latest Mario Kart details. One of the dudes from GoNintendo works or helps with the magazine and the Project Coordinator gave him the details early since he's part of the group and the next issue has a MK cover with new details. No reason for it be fake unless it's gonna turn into a second ONM :heh:

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All snaking does is make you faster. I don't see how going faster when EVERYTHING else you're doing is the same isn't fun.


Trying to win is more exhilarating than you might think.


The problem is that is separates the normal players from the hardcore too much, which isn't what Mario Kart is about.

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I totally argree. I don't see the fun side in wiggiling left and right for the whole race. I've never actually tried to snake and I've never really wanted to. But people seem to care more about winning than having fun. That's part of reason I much prefer playing with my mates rather than playing someone online.


I don't snake consistently but I do use the cornering boost. Yeah it does get you faster and I really do it out of habit to be honest. But I don't get all hyped about losing or winning (apart from a kind of "in your face!" way to my close friends) its just a laugh.


Hearing people talking about all of these techniques for both SMK and SSB just sounds a bit silly. I just can't take the game that seriously not to mention I don't have the sodding time! I bet with all those hours of mastering these party games those people could have gone got a job and earned enough money to go travelling and you know... experience something in this world.


EDIT: Sorry, that didn't mean to come out as such a bash on the more serious players. It's just from my PoV it's a prospect far from my mind.

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I think the snaking issue should cease tbh who cares. I snake personally but if u think its shit then fine.


Am I the only guy who looks forward to this game quite a lot? Ok there hasnt been much info but every MK game has been awesome, Double Dash if you got some multiplayer going was quality all it did wrong was the shortage of tracks in my view (and 1 karter is probably best).

Nintendo know how to do their main franchises justice and so why worry over control scheme? It will be perfect im sure, and more options is probs a necessity.

I think control could be better with anolougue and then point to aim shells etc but who knows?


And yes, Boo is in! Wonder if he'll get his own special weapon this time round.

baby peach & baby mario chars are silly though. k.rool and others are more deserving

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I only use the corner boost, the same which you get from snaking, on pretty much every valid corner. I can snake around the entire track if I want to but I don't. Why? It's not fun, it's damn painful! It hurts my thumb doing it so much and seems to reduce the gameplay down to a test of endurance rather than one of skill (and a little luck)

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