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Guest Stefkov

Good stuff. In the end it's got to be put into one big document and put on megaupload. I'd like to read it again another time.

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This chapter is a bit... different. I hope you all like it.


Chapter 2


Hearing a ringing sound, Stefkov clicked the ‘post thread’ button, dragged himself away from his computer and started to scavenge through his surroundings in search of the origin of the sound. Finding his phone hidden under a pile of clothes, he looked at the caller ID and then answered.

“Julia,†he muttered with a complete lack of effort. “What do you need this time?â€

“Me?†Julia snapped back, “It’s your son that needs you Stefan, not me!â€

“Where are you?†Stefkov responded, this time with a much more civilised tone.

“I’m in the hospital, Stefan. Where else would I be? Someone has to look after Tom while he’s here.â€

“Oh,†said Stefkov, reverting back to his effortless expression.

“Listen: the people from the Make-A-Wish Foundation are coming tomor—“

“Shit, that’s tomorrow?â€

“Ye… Yes. And I expect you to be there for it,†said Julia, who was somewhat shocked by Stefkov’s sudden enthusiasm. “Let’s try and bring a little bit of joy into Tom’s life, ok? I’ll see you tomorrow.â€

Pausing for a moment, Stefkov thought about the good times he and Julia used to spend together, before Tom was diagnosed with cancer. There were never any arguments back then. Just as he was about to hang up, three words slipped out of his mouth.

“I miss you.â€

After several seconds of silence, he decided to speak again.


Hearing a sigh, Stefkov realised the stupidity of what he had done.

“God damn it Stefan, you really do have to ruin everything, don’t you?â€

Stefkov hung up after he heard Julia do the same, wishing he hadn’t said anything at all.


The next day, a boy, lying in a bed, watched as his parents, accompanied by a woman whose entire figure was hidden behind a black clipboard, walked into the room. He looked at his mother, inquisitively.

“Tommy-baby, a very nice lady has come to see you,†said Julia, reacting to her son’s puzzled face.

A smartly dressed lady emerged from behind his parents, walked up to Tom, bent down so that she was at eye level with him, and began to speak.


Far away, enveloped in darkness, Zell stared eagerly at his watch.

“Six minutes!â€


After what seemed like an eternity, the lady stopped talking, and Tom looked at his mother in disbelief, struggling to comprehend what this woman had told him.

“I can really have anything I want?†he asked softly.

“Yes,†responded Julia, “but you don’t have to make up your mind straight away. Take as long as you want.â€

Tom thought about this for a short while, and then opened his mouth.

“No,†he replied confidently “I already know.†He looked at the woman who was crouching beside him, and smiled innocently. “I want Mummy and Daddy to be happy again.â€



Death Note: How to Use

If the cause of death is written within 40 seconds of writing the person’s name, it will happen. If the cause of death is not specified, the person will simply have a heart attack.

After writing the cause of death, details of the death should be written in the next 6 minutes and 40 seconds.


Bewildered by what his son had just said, Stefkov made no movement whatsoever, and neither did anyone else. Eventually, Julia broke the silence as she turned around and ran out of the room, her heels striking the ground violently and her eyes pooled with tears.


After a brief pause to look back at Tom, Stefkov followed Julia into the hallway, still shocked.


“Julia… It’s… It’s… He doesn’t understand.â€

Julia lifted her head from her hands, revealing the stream of tears running down her face.

“I… I know. I just… The way he said it, so calmly, as if, as if… As if it’s not for him, but for me. For us.â€

Stefkov moved closer and wrapped his arms around her.

“It’s ok.†He took a deep breath. “He’s always been like that, thinking of others over himself… even at an early age he was so… selfless.â€

The two looked at each other, and Julia attempted to smile.

“Maybe… Maybe this, I mean, us, maybe it could work.â€


“I… I love you, Stefan.†She closed her eyes, realising her mistake. “I… Sorry.â€

Stefkov looked down at his shoes, and then back up at Julia.

“How about we go back in there and show him that we are happy, and that we always will be happy, thanks of him?â€

“That… That sounds wonderful.â€

Julia embraced Stefkov tightly, her forehead resting against his chest. A tear trickled down his cheek, and as it fell from his face, he felt a sudden burst of pain in his chest, like it were being crushed in a giant’s grip. He began to collapse, falling from Julia’s arms in slow motion, the sound of her voice eclipsing all else. Memories of her and Tom faded in and out, sitting on the beach, playing in the garden, sleeping, dreaming, smiling. He slammed onto the floor, dead.


Zell looked up and laughed manically.

“It’s done!â€

Eenuh, who was sitting in the corner of the room, glanced over at Zell.

“Stefan Kowalyszyn: death by heart attack. Creates a thread on the Nintendo-Europe forums detailing plans of a meet-up to be held in the near future. Asks for users who will be attending to share their names so that he can create nametags for easy recognition between people on the day. Sends a private message to the user Zell containing his forum account password. Collapses on the 15th of July 2007 at 4:16 PM and dies.â€

Eenuh got up and walked over to where Zell was, looking at the text written in the Death Note.

“Why did you do that? Do you think he’s one of the other Death Note owners?â€

“No, a Death Note owner wouldn’t be stupid enough to display their name and a photo of themselves on their Myspace account. Stefkov is merely a pawn, and like all pawns, he has been sacrificed for a greater cause.â€

“I presume you’ve got something planned, then?â€

Zell lifted his arm and held his Death Note high in the air.

“Mark my words, Eenuh, you chose the right human to bet on.â€

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