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The N-Europe results hyper archive sensation 2007


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Guest Stefkov

When I was going for my AS results. I just kept thinking about when I picked up my GCSE ones. Walking into the hall, getting them then walking out to my mum in the car. It seemed such a short time.

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Guest Stefkov
When did you open it in that period of time/were they decent?

What you mean open?

They were just on sheets of paper.

Looked at them, looked around for anyone I knew, no-one was there, went home. Got 2 A's (english, knew I should have carried it on), 1 C (art, I was told) and the rest B's.

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Here are my marks for my Double Applied ICT.


6951 APPLIED ICT 1 58 / 100

6952 APPLIED ICT 2 70 / 100

6953 APPLIED ICT 3 73 / 100

6955 APPLIED ICT 5 63 / 100

6956 APPLIED ICT 6 67 / 100

6957 APPLIED ICT 7 72 / 100

6958 APPLIED ICT 8 92 / 100

6959 APPLIED ICT 9 48 / 100

6960 APPLIED ICT 10 82 / 100

6963 APPLIED ICT 13 73 / 100

6964 APPLIED ICT 14 62 / 100


9752 APPLIED ICT (DBL) 838 / 1200


Two more marks and I should get my BB. So I'll do a re-mark or a re-sit for that - even though I'm at music college next year.

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Alrihgt so after two days of drinking in celebration i'm finally settling down again after results day. I got my first offer, and i'm very happy with my results. So i'm off to china for a year now (which might mean a temporary absence from this board *tears*), and then i'm off to Sheffield Uni, wooo! Anyone else going to Sheffield or already there?

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I also live in Sheffield :) Quite a few forumites do actually.... Sheff Uni didn't have the course I wanted though. Plus its in the middle of nowhere. SHU ftw.


I forgot that I also got results this year... I think I averaged 2:1, but had about 4 firsts :)

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Go get hammered the night before, you forget all about it. Worked for me :) Except I had to have a pic taken the next morning, then it didnt seem like such a good idea.


Go Coolness♥ you can do it :D I believe in you ^^


Thanks Ellmeister.♥ :D


Lol, i can picture everyone looking smart in the picture and you looking sort of half a sleep at the front with messy hair having to be supported up by someone. :heh:

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nah I was sober by then. But I had like 1 hour of sleep that night, and it took 20 minutes to walk to my school to collect the results, and it poured it down the whole way. So I got there with my hair not done, my glasses on, and I was absolutely soaked. So it wasn't the best photo. I'm going to go see if I can find the newspaper clippings my mum kept of it. =]

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Yeah it is the GCSE results tommorrow. :D


Is it strange that i'm not worried? or does panic only set in a few hours before?


I'm the same, I thought I'd be going crazy waiting for them, but at the moment I'm just not that bothered. It feels a bit wierd.

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I'm the same, I thought I'd be going crazy waiting for them, but at the moment I'm just not that bothered. It feels a bit wierd.


It is a weird feeling...


But i've had this through out the whole period of GCSEs i wasn't worried before taking them, in the middle of taking them and i'm not worried now!

1 day before the results.


I'm beginning to get worried that i'm not worried (if you get what i mean :))

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It is a weird feeling...


But i've had this through out the whole period of GCSEs i wasn't worried before taking them, in the middle of taking them and i'm not worried now!

1 day before the results.


I'm beginning to get worried that i'm not worried (if you get what i mean :))


lol I know what you mean, throughout the exams I thought I would be going all mental, but I just wasn't, It just felt sort of normal. I'm worried now that I'm not going all mental too.

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