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Peep Show.


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Does anyone else watch this? yes it is the "Hi I'm a mac, and I'm a PC' guys, but that's got nothing to do with it. This show is so funny, i watched season 1&2 on DVD last night and couldn't stop laughing, the humor is so dry i love it.




Here is a clip:

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Series 4 was fantastic, but 1,2 and 3 were a mixed bag in my opinion. Almost all of the situations that Mark ends up in, are hillarious. I saw Mitchell and Webb live last December on their 'sketch-show' tour. Had Robert Webb standing next to me in the audience for a while :indeed:

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Well me and Hobbs have had our fair share of tussels, Im just genuinely curious what his 10 were. Although I think it was probably just a number plucked from his head.


Edit;/ Definitely some good ones in there. I still prefer Peep Show....the thing I like about it is ;


Its consistently funny

Its truer to life than even The Office

There are moments of PURE genius (See; Eating dog)

It has moments that have you in pain how funny they are.


But like you said, all opinions.

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funnily enough... I've just watched serie 1-3, despite receiving them for xmas. I've enjoyed them and find them quite funny - it's just making sure that you understand the type of humour the show is aiming for. it's not like friends or something, where you laugh at the punchlines because they're punchlines, but a lot more about the ultimately human situations the guys are in. I like the show - wouldn't say it was the best thing ever, but would definitely say that in a few years time the top sitcoms will be in debt to shows like this.

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"Great. My mate and your woman have gone off somewhere to fuck. What are we going to do now? Build a tent in the living room and eat Dairylea? Is that what you want? 'Cos that's what's gonna happen!"


Best series of them all in my opinion. I think my favourite episode is where they go back to their old uni and Jez is trying to join a band and Marks stalking a girl. "It's ok. This is just a day that will haunt me for the rest of my life."

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