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I cancelled my order quickly. I will check this out when its in the bargain bin but the sorcery type action and lack of varied locale kind of puts me off enough. I would say GS were more honest with their review. The game doesnt feel that strong mechanics wise. Its not fresh, there is nothing new here. It seems like a good game but not a great one that will be remembered.


Last time i listened to reviews i brought Virtua Fighter 5 which i would give a 3/10 at best.

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I cancelled my order quickly. I will check this out when its in the bargain bin but the sorcery type action and lack of varied locale kind of puts me off enough. I would say GS were more honest with their review. The game doesnt feel that strong mechanics wise. Its not fresh, there is nothing new here. It seems like a good game but not a great one that will be remembered.

The environment won't be very varied in the demo as it's only a single area. The full game offers more diversity, although naturally it is all somewhat similar as it's set in an enclosed underwater city — it certainly isn't as bad as F.E.A.R..


I can fully appreciate that some people find the 'sorcery' unappealing, although it does make me wonder what you were expecting: Plasmids are somewhat the point of the game, and they aren't exactly an unpublicised feature.


To be honest I don't expect everyone to get on with this game, and I can imagine quite a few people being 'decieved' by the hype train and then condemning the game for not being what they imagined it to be even if it is nothing but true to itself.


Oh, and anyone bashing GameSpot for giving the game a 9 clearly has a First Class ticket.

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I had a bash of the Demo last night, thought i'd wait for everyone to stop getting it before I did, and I was actully impressed, I'm not sure if ill pick it up Friday or wait until later but I was impressed, But one thing, why do children have to be in the game, specificlly little girls in those dresses becasue they fucking freak me the fuck out. Freaky girl with weird voice and psycho dna..I got jumped a little bit, but those Big Daddy's look awsome, not loooking forward to fighting one whenever I do pick the game up (Didn't play all the demo) got jumped by those security systems and lost mah ammo and healt packs >>;


One thing I am surprised about is how quick this came out, only seems like it was announced this year or something o0

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The games environments ARE varies, just the demo isn't. A demo is a demo after all, and it's only like 20 mins of the game.


I know there's an underwater garden type area in the game somewhere, that i saw on the 1up special a few months back, and it looked gorgeous!


No game in the post for me today, so tomorrows the day :D

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One thing I am surprised about is how quick this came out, only seems like it was announced this year or something o0


It was actually announced in 2004, but it wasn't so hyped then, and it had a different theme. I like the new Bioshock though. It does feel like it's arrived really quickly though.


No game in the post for me today, so tomorrows the day :D


I doubt I'll get it today as well, so it's tomorrow for me too. ^^

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I said it once and i will say it again... Gamespot just do it for attention most of the time... but i couldnt careless what scores any games get.


WTF my order has changed


Gameplay must be sending them out early! thats a first for them!


No...it isn't...


Everybody who preordered special edition bioshock (or legendary halo 3) before it was removed from gameplay.co.uk will get it. It was removed because it is out of stock/there was a limited supply. I was just talking to gameplay


That sucks since I was gonna order it a day or 2 before it got removed :(

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Ah, I'll pass on the game. I've found people with the same problem as me, but no solution. so, if they can't make a fully working demo, I can't see how the game runs on my PC.

Welcome to PC gaming. Get used to it.


I was hoping for three deliveries today, BioShock included, and not one of them has turned up. Rubbish.

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Just played the 360 demo. Didn't think it was all that great.


:shakehead we have a hater :P


nah kidding each to there own


got a induction down hasbros on friday morning going straight from there to GAME to buy bioshock then playing it until my mates b-day bbq :yay:



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