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I forgot to mention I have three chipped teeth. Not that anyone will actually read this. Fuckers.

i did :) i've never really broken any bones, but last night i went out and grazed my hands and my lower back. in my drunken state i thought it'd be fun to do a cartwheel in my heels, i was wrong *shame*

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Guest Stefkov

i went over the handlebars on my bike, knocked out my two front teeth, the two teeth next to it were unharmed, but the ones next to them were bent backwards like 45 degrees. i needed stitching on the inside of my upper lip, and a little bit on the top of my nose. annd my face was battered, grazes all on the left side of my face. my teeth i lost were put back in, and i had root canal surgery. so i have no feeling in those teeth, then after 5-10 years they wil fall out and ill dentures. hmm dentured at 25.


oh and i wasnt drunk, i dont like drinking. i like watching my friends make asses of themselves.

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Run over by a truck when i was 7. Dead.




But seriously. Fell of my bike (which had this fucking awesome torpedo brakes) when i was a kid, twice i think. The 'road' was just a collection of little stones with very sharp edges, leaving a gaping whole in my leg and knee.

Jumped of the occasional roof and slammed my tongue.

And then there's the cuts everywhere, it just happend whenever i have a knife in my hands, or even in a 2m radius of a knife.

And of course the scraping, little wounds, and trips when i was a kid.




I'm unbreakable!

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i've hurt my shoulder bargin in to someone still aches now after 6 years i also popped the bone between the knee and ur calf bone out and that is rather uncomfortable at times and hurts like hell other times did that trippin over a basketball and smashing my knee in to the hard sports hall floor

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Depends on what sense you mean 'better'... Personally I don't see the appeal of brighton beaches. They're cool on summer nights when usually you'll find some dudes with a fire who'll welcome you into their circle (complete with food!) but during the day they're overpopulated and windy.


The lagoon is scarcely visited really; you'll get about a person every ten minutes while you sit on teh green drinking with pals. If you use your imagination there's a hell of a lot of stuff to do there, too. We usually sit diagonally opposite the park itself, but we've hung out in bushes, under pavillions, behind huts, by teh electric thing... Plus there's hove beaches right by the lagoon and they're awesome too due to lack of people. A stones-throw away you have the 'rocks' which provide entertainment and shelter.


The main reason teh lagoon is so good is because of its proximity to where we all live. You uni peeps might not deem it worthy to trek out here and then have to go home again.


Wow that's a big off-topic post there..




Er-no, your list scares me. If it was me I would have not done any more jumping off/into things after about teh second injury.


I forgot to mention I have three chipped teeth. Not that anyone will actually read this. Fuckers.


That's cleared things up a little. It's sunny today so I might take a trip down there later.

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I have a scar down the whole of my right forearm after a drunken incident involving a river a couple of years back. Never broken a bone in my body although I tore my ankle ligaments playing football at school years ago and even now it ocasionaly goes again resulting in me not being able to walk for a day or two.

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the only injury ive ever had are football related.... ive pulled my right hamstring twice, once while running and once when kicking the ball....i should have warmed up.


the other injury is an almost broken ankle, i couldnt walk on it for ages, wasnt broken but badly bruised! however i can still click it now but i get told off when showing my party piece to people cos they say ill get artheritus (spelling)

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Me and about 5 other ppl were standing on a floating pier, taking turns on jet skis. All of sudden i hear the sound of splintering wood and BOOM , the pier collapses. The others manage to jump out but i foolishly grabbed the rail, which then snapped in 2. My arm, from wrist to shoulder was covered in wet splinters and blood blisters.

Moral: If it looks rotten, it probably is.

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I fell down the stair when i was littleand hit my head on a table which sliced open the back of my head. I nearly broke my ankle when I was at school tripped on a step that was about 2 inchs high, couldnt walk on it for about a month. Also while playing in greenwich park I fell off one of the cannons and hit my chin on the floor which made my bottom front end up going into my top lip.


My most recent was at work where I holding a bolt waiting for some set to be moved so I could put it in but instead a bloke wacked the bolt with a 12.5 kilo stage weight with my finger still there, it didnt hurt but it did split my finger open at the end and now I have a S shaped scare on the end of my finger.


Never broken a bone yet (touch wood) Joby u have some major injuries man!

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I put my fist through a window and could see my bone and muscle, there was a LOT of blood. I was... not in a fit state of mind at the time... and I had to wander accross a wet muddy recently plowed field to knock on the door of the house of someone I barely knew for some 'first aid'.

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the other injury is an almost broken ankle, i couldnt walk on it for ages, wasnt broken but badly bruised! however i can still click it now but i get told off when showing my party piece to people cos they say ill get artheritus (spelling)


Not true, according to my student planner and old biology teacher. All it is is a fluid moving from one space to the other and makes a popping sound for some reason (can't remember why - I didn't like biology).

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I DO LOVE KNIVES I DO but they always have a tendancey of atackin me, even metale poles as well, i mean whats going on at first it was just an occupational hazerd workin in a kitchen but i stoped that and i still wake up in all kinds of a mess but i think it may be the pirate is to blame but then i do like to climbe things so also could be a reason,(the more u climbe the more likley u are to fall)but very woryin i have never broken a bone well iv never been in enough pain to go to the hospital

or like going there so i dont no (broken bones with the exception of fingers toes nuckles)there not big enough. but i have seen my inners more times than hot dinners

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Not true, according to my student planner and old biology teacher. All it is is a fluid moving from one space to the other and makes a popping sound for some reason (can't remember why - I didn't like biology).

I think it's sinuvial fluid, and I heard that it's a misconception that it doesn't give you arthiritiusiolia. I hope it's not bad for you, I click all over the show.

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