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And yes, some Transexuals are extremely beautiful in a feminine way, and of course due to hormonal medication, have close to perfectly formed feminine figures. If you are a heterosexual male, atleast 'respect' that lol.

I certainly do and I hope that was apparent from my earlier posts. I was simply stating my own experiences and how I feel about them. Nothing harmful meant what so ever.

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Wait...aren't you talking about hermaphrodites?


I thought "lady boys" were akin to the Lady Boys of Bangkok, as in...just transgender men, who present themselves as women, but keep male genetalia?


I have no idea if the lady boys of bangkok even have male genitalia, can't say I've ever inquired to much/seen their "shows".


Yea i also thought ladyboys were TV... unless there's a mix of both / all 3 types?


Doesn't bother me anyway, i'd do someone who was any part of the spectrum if i found them attractive :)

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Yea i also thought ladyboys were TV... unless there's a mix of both / all 3 types?


Doesn't bother me anyway, i'd do someone who was any part of the spectrum if i found them attractive :)


I'm pretty sure they are, hence the word boy in the title, much like shemales.

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I'm getting really fed up with my sex life at the moment. Either Letty only wants foreplay (to her, nothing for me) or I start playing with her and getting her wet, then all of a sudden, she changes her mind and doesn't want it. For no fucking reason.


Then she doesn't tell me what the reason was and i'm in a bad mood for the rest of the day. Seriously, what the hell am I supposed to do? This is the one part of our relationship thats completely bull shit at the moment ¬_¬.

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I'm getting really fed up with my sex life at the moment. Either Letty only wants foreplay (to her, nothing for me) or I start playing with her and getting her wet, then all of a sudden, she changes her mind and doesn't want it. For no fucking reason.


Then she doesn't tell me what the reason was and i'm in a bad mood for the rest of the day. Seriously, what the hell am I supposed to do? This is the one part of our relationship thats completely bull shit at the moment ¬_¬.

You sure you should be sharing this with the forum ...?

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I'm getting really fed up with my sex life at the moment. Either Letty only wants foreplay (to her, nothing for me) or I start playing with her and getting her wet, then all of a sudden, she changes her mind and doesn't want it. For no fucking reason.


Then she doesn't tell me what the reason was and i'm in a bad mood for the rest of the day. Seriously, what the hell am I supposed to do? This is the one part of our relationship thats completely bull shit at the moment ¬_¬.


Time to crack out the jar again?


Other than comedial relief I can't really help (and I'm not really good at the first) so....*shrugs*


As I breifly mentioned in the Hot Peeps thread. Wow.


Mind absolutely blown last night. Had this dream....just wow. It was actually innocent enough at first. Basically there were three chicks, and the main one I THINK was Ali Larter (from Resi/Heroes etc) and then there were two other people, equally as important. And yeah...shenanigans were had. People would actually be disgcusted by the filthy shit that happened.


Not literally....like it wasn't 3 Girls 1 ReZ or anything like that. *shudders*


Pretty much every other bodily fluid though. Damn. Hope theres a sequel.

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I'm getting really fed up with my sex life at the moment. Either Letty only wants foreplay (to her, nothing for me) or I start playing with her and getting her wet, then all of a sudden, she changes her mind and doesn't want it. For no fucking reason.


Then she doesn't tell me what the reason was and i'm in a bad mood for the rest of the day. Seriously, what the hell am I supposed to do? This is the one part of our relationship thats completely bull shit at the moment ¬_¬.


Nothing wrong with foreplay, can be a lot more fun than the actual act a lot of the time.

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Jordan is she not on the pill? Bit too in depth knowledge about letty there, but it could be a valid reason for her not wanting it!


Maybe just take a deep breath, without sounding arsey there's no need to be so pushy with sex! It'll only I'm sure piss her off as well when you go off in a huff!

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Nothing wrong with foreplay, can be a lot more fun than the actual act a lot of the time.


It's not really on if it's all going one way though surely?


Though I agree with the above sentiments that this is clearly best kept as a private matter, and can really only be solved with a good ol' heart-to-heart to find out each other needs - sexual, emotional and otherwise.

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Do any gay blokes/guys whatever on here find it hard to find someone? Cause i really am..and it's getting me down..and even though i know in my heart that other gay people are also having trouble finding that someone who you just relate too and feel comfortable round and they feel the sameway etc, i still feel really isolated and like i'm the only one..:(


I'm constantly walking around busy places just looking at couples and it's really upsetting me and i'm annoying myself here...lol :heh:

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I'm not gay, but I'll bet you my actual cotton socks there are loads of people all over the place in exactly the same boat. The whole business of those people finding each other is a constantly awkward and painful process, but they're out there... not sure where exactly, but they're out there. :heh:

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Maybe she learnt that you are a complete and utter dick?


If he was then surely there would be no more arguments! hahahaha.


Sorry hope that didn't offend anyone just trying to allievate the situation with a bit of humour. I would contribute to this thread but my sex life is about as active as Jonathan Ross's Nov-Jan BBC schedule.


Wait now all those posts got deleted so my one makes no sense at all apart from the Jonathan Ross bit!

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I see it didnt take long to remove the bad mouthing Jordan posts.


I know funny that.


If someone insults me using bad language can I ask a mod to delete it Im actually being serious here it would be useful to know.


You can yea, if they do something about it or not though thats a different story. When I was mod, I would of edited or deleated as soon as I was made aware of it.

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I can see this is just going to go off on an unproductive tangent so I'll nip this in the bud for now while things are sorted.


(and not speaking to Daniel I presume he deleted the posts because it was an attack on a member, regardless of position. Please people, stop trying to create more drama where it doesn't exist)

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fucks sake people I deleted those on purpose. I swear to god every time I try and do some modding around here you lot just nose in and make me do it in public.


I deleted the posts because they were offensive, against the spirit of the forum and about a personal matter. I've sent a PM to try and resolve it properly and come back to this crap back in the thread!

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