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I hate being told what to do, and I'm a complete control freak when it comes to...anything. Yet the idea of being dominated (in the nicest way, like someone else said) sounds pretty good to me. I suppose it's the idea of letting someone your comfortable enough to sleep with, control you for the little period of time before you go back to being a complete control freak again.


Then again, I could be making no sense. I'm not the best with trying to write what I'm thinking.


Yeah I was just typing something similar, I hate being told what to do in 'normal' life. But the thought of it in sex just seems really hot. I won't say any more on this, don't wanna go too blue!

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Were I a roll of film, and if rolls of film could have sex, I'd have film sex with Batman Returns at every available moment.


Film reels have holes in the middle, go for it.


I hate being told what to do, and I'm a complete control freak when it comes to...anything. Yet the idea of being dominated (in the nicest way, like someone else said) sounds pretty good to me. I suppose it's the idea of letting someone your comfortable enough to sleep with, control you for the little period of time before you go back to being a complete control freak again.


Then again, I could be making no sense. I'm not the best with trying to write what I'm thinking.


You're making a lot of sense.


seems like lots of powerfull people like to be dominated, almost like its the exact opposite to normal life, some how distancethem self from stress.


my life is so devoid of any requirments or real resposibility, being dominated would feel crap. i need resposibility damn it!


It's nothing to do with opposites, I have no power or money or anything, but I love to be ordered around, restrained and punished. A lot of powerful people do use it is a stress reliever, but it's fun for everyone.

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lol... the "progressive stream of cummage" (some prefer the term "multiple orgasm") you speak of is SO HARD to achieve that it's still quite a rare occurrence for me even when i'm using some toy.

(disclaimer: i'm talking about single play there... just to clarify. i wont talk about jamba 'cause y'all'd just get jealous of his crazy skillz ^__^)


foreplay is meant to put the girl in the mood and give her a steady build up of pleasure... maybe she could come a few times... it's a case-by-case/session-by-session thing... just means that if she doesnt have a completely mind-blowing climax from the whole thing you wont have short-changed her, pleasure-wise :smile:


Got'cha! ;) I feel like a new man already ^^ (boy, shes gonna get it ^______________^')

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Yeah I was just typing something similar, I hate being told what to do in 'normal' life. But the thought of it in sex just seems really hot. I won't say any more on this, don't wanna go too blue!

hah! what are you trying to say...? :heh:

i'm not THAT kinky!

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What'cha talking about! You're the bench mark we try to reach!




This is a good conversation. Interesting talk of and opinions of domination, with a dash of "lets fuck rolls of films" its good.



But which is better....conversations of domination....or fucking rolls of film...theres only one way to find out...




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I think I should try a toy of some sorts, since I'm not having any luck with anything else.

Got no clue on what stuff to look for though.



Going to drag this one back here, haha.


I'd never suggest getting anything from ann summers as a first timer, only because when I went in I felt increasingly uncomfortable.


As it was I was told about another place nearby in manchester that wasn't a mainstream sex shop, it was actually a really cute place and the woman was stupidly helpful.


I was asking her about what originally I should have started to use as a toy (brace yourself guys haha). Something small, but not so small that you can't feel anything, there was one that looked pretty funky, abit like the big razors that aren't disposable (obviously without the razor) it couldn't be inserted but could be used for other stimulation, so maybe something like that?


Gizmo whats with the image? It's common knowledge what rokhed just said! I personally haven't tried it, not in a big dominating way (see my great thinking words there) but I'm pretty sure alot of people do like it in some form or another. Whether it's punishment or just being told what to do.

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Going to drag this one back here, haha.


I'd never suggest getting anything from ann summers as a first timer, only because when I went in I felt increasingly uncomfortable..


sorry night, gunna have to wholeheartedly disagree with you there ^___^

i'd totally recommend swallowing your fears (you shouldnt have any ~ s'not like you're the only person in the world who wants to have orgasms =D) and treating yourself to a decent vibrator that was designed for what you intend to do with it (ie; not something to shave your legs!!)

although it reflects rather badly on my ex boyfriend, i can safely say that my first orgasm was thanks to a rampant rabbit and i've never looked back :grin:

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