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The friends I have at school, are not really friends but people I occasionally talk to to pass the time of day. :D


I never speak to them or see them outside of school and barely speak to them in school. I sometimes just say some stupid things to make them laugh and then go about my daily business.


I'm going to leave school and definately lose contact with the people there.


Some how I always end up unable to keep friends and sometimes find myself actually pulling away when someone tries to become my friend. I'm scared of the closeness.


I'm not used to people showing an interest in me, that is why on here when people seem to have interest in what I'm doing i'm very shocked.


In real life when this rare occurance happens i stand there absolutely stunned and even more lost for words than usual looking like a complete idiot.


I always enter a conversation thinking the person talking to me thinks I'm a weirdo so I do something odd and then of course they do.


I'm my own enemy really. :)


I gave up on trying to make friends a while ago and it has worked out for the best as i'm having a good time at school. :grin:

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Dude, i know it's difficult (i really do, honest) but believe me, gain some real-true mates, cause i ain't got hardly any at all and my life is shite cause of it!


Mates are so important! In my opinion anyway...There, there for you when you need em, you can go out places with em..and overall...it gives you a independence which i ain't got!


So...thats my view anyway! :)

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I just don't find it necessary to tell people things. Why burden people with problems I have, to me that is pretty selfish. When people are upset they are told to talk about their problems to ease, basically dilute, the pain. So why should I do that to my private happiness?

But no man is an island. I guarantee both my testicles that a) There have been points in your life when you have had to seek help from someone else and b) There are many, many such points in your life to come.

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My friends were like that at school. Everything got better at university. Hope things get better for you.


Wish I could say the same but since this is already university (or something like it), there isn't much of a chance for it to get better. Especially since my job later on will probably see me working alone.

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Joking, well maybe not cos everyone needs a hug from time to time, but the flippant nature of my comment was purely in jest. It's odd the way you carve out new social groups as you get older but its great when you've got an old mate you can see after aages and it's always normal (Dan Dare take a bow). Since I've moved away from Sheffield (Steel City whoop!) it's been quite interesting seeing how I've interacted with people at my new college and which of my old mates I still feel close too. Dunno if this has gone all a bit tangential to what you lot were on about. Its cheesy but I always think if you try and be happy you'll always be happy, and people normally pick up on that.


Also Daft you should get a dog, they love you forever regardless. Well, unless you kick them. Don't kick your new dog.

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Wish I could say the same but since this is already university (or something like it), there isn't much of a chance for it to get better. Especially since my job later on will probably see me working alone.


But don't I remember you saying that you actually feel quite lonely? It's difficult but you need to get out there and make the effort to find new people and open up to them. Otherwise, thats not going to change.


Well, now I'm going to go against my instincts and stop trying to help everyone.

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But don't I remember you saying that you actually feel quite lonely? It's difficult but you need to get out there and make the effort to find new people and open up to them. Otherwise, thats not going to change.


Well, now I'm going to go against my instincts and stop trying to help everyone.


I wouldn't know where to go looking for people though. I don't have anything outside of school (mostly due to lack of time and having no other interests). I don't go out to clubs/pubs since I don't enjoy doing that either.


If only there were things like video game clubs or something...

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But no man is an island. I guarantee both my testicles that a) There have been points in your life when you have had to seek help from someone else and b) There are many, many such points in your life to come.


I did seek help once but no one was there to help me. Might be why I don't depend on people any more.


Wish I could say the same but since this is already university (or something like it), there isn't much of a chance for it to get better. Especially since my job later on will probably see me working alone.


All I can suggest is to try new stuff, things you wouldn't normally do (bit like my weird scottish country dancing :p ).


Edit: Damn that useful Jamba, he got there first!! :heh:


Also Daft you should get a dog, they love you forever regardless. Well, unless you kick them. Don't kick your new dog.


I'd really love a dog. I had one a while ago but the poor thing died. Sadly it isn't really possible at the moment.

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No movie groups or books clubs or anything like that? I'm not a huge fan of clubs either but you do have to put yourself out on a limb and almost talk to random strangers. It's difficult at first but when you meet a few people, then introduce you to their friends and you just build up a kind of web.


I suggest random friendliness. Works a charm.

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No movie groups or books clubs or anything like that? I'm not a huge fan of clubs either but you do have to put yourself out on a limb and almost talk to random strangers. It's difficult at first but when you meet a few people, then introduce you to their friends and you just build up a kind of web.


I suggest random friendliness. Works a charm.


I honestly don't know of any clubs, plus my only real interests are drawing (already have school for that) and gaming. I honestly don't have the chance to meet new people; I already kinda know everyone in my year (not hard with only 30-40 people) and school is really the only thing I seem to have time for at the moment. After school (which takes up my entire day), I immediately have to go home to work on my assignments.

I'm friendly to people/strangers, but they're usually older people anyway.

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You only have two interests?


Yes? It's the only two things I "do". I also enjoy listening to music and I love all things nature, but I don't really see how those things can help me with anything.

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Can you get involved with some conservation projects in your area or maybe some land art?


Land art (if it is what I think it is) isn't exactly my thing; I'm more into normal paintings/drawings, especially children's illustrations. And I've actually never seen any land art around here, apart from at my school. =O


And by conservation projects, do you mean like, nature conservation stuff? I tried looking up some stuff but couldn't really find anything in the area that let's you join some kind of group.


Thing is, I doubt I would even have time for anything as long as I'm still in school. I only have one free afternoon per week, and my weekends I'm at work and spending time on my assignments. So it'd be at least two more years until I can start doing other stuff.


*will just continue to be a loner until whenever* ='3

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Guest bluey

from pushing daisies itself! :heh:

Olive: Can I ask you a question? If you loved me....

Alfredo: Yes?

Olive: And we could never, ever, ever touch. Wouldn't you eventually get over it and move on letting someone else have the slightest hope that you might move on to them?

Alfredo: If I loved you?

Olive: Yeah.

Alfredo: Then I would love you in any way I could. And if we could not touch, then I would draw strength from your beauty. And if I went blind, then I would fill my soul with the sound of your voice and the contents of your thoughts until the last spark of my love for you lit the shabby darkness of my dying mind.

Olive: Eh, forget it.

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it was the wrong topic, I blame eenuh! She was chatting as you would on how was your day and I was just started typing away...


I blame the rainbow drops also..


Righto NightWolf. :awesome:

Silly Eenuh and rainbow drops for making you post in the wrong topic. :sad:

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Not only do I live like that, I enjoy it.


This pretty much sums my views up:


"Every form of happiness is private. Our greatest memories are personal, self-motivated, not to be touched. The things which are sacred or precious to us are the things we withdraw from promiscuous sharing. "


I concede that I may not be normal though.

Thats a weird way of looking at things, usually people who think like that have little or no friends.

you're fiiine... you just havent been hugged right yet! ^_^

Every one can do with a good hug :D

Yeah well, tbh I never really said I had a big problem. I just think other people think I do. :heh:
I assumed you didnt like hugging, which you do apparently lol... No problem now ;)
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Ineresting article on main sight Ashley, no mention of Fresh though.


Thanks, glad at least one person has read it :)


Which video game did you star in again? I can't recall you on Singles!...

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Thats a weird way of looking at things, usually people who think like that have little or no friends.


I have loads of friends, the number definitely shot up when I went to uni, and a few that are close to me but I'm not really that close to them if that makes sense.


I just seem to enjoy things a lot more when I keep them to myself. Having said that, I don't avoid talking about things I like. Basically I'm not some kind of weird loner, outwardly I'm a f*cking lovely person. :p

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I have loads of friends, the number definitely shot up when I went to uni, and a few that are close to me but I'm not really that close to them if that makes sense.


I just seem to enjoy things a lot more when I keep them to myself. Having said that, I don't avoid talking about things I like. Basically I'm not some kind of weird loner, outwardly I'm a f*cking lovely person. :p


Oh Daft, by the way... Was listening to The Format earlier and a line made me think of you; "Open arms are prison cells."


Anyway, back to whatever you were doing. Ignore me : peace:

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