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love the video, seemed to be peados not gays it was about.


random side story!


a kid at school, who was a nerd and a half, had a website up for school leavers. one picture was of mr clarke, a maths teacher in our school, looking up as if in a daydream from his desk of work.


a lad in my graphics, added a thought bubble including the words "little boys". teacher of the class chucked the lad out but had a huge grin on.

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It was ironic! Not only do you and I both have glasses, but glasses correct vision, thus providing us with equal footing against those naked-eyed peons. Ho ho!


It's ok. I'm totally misunderstood. I blame Hegel. And caffeine.


Contact lenses>>>>>>>>>>Glasses.


Get on with your work >_>

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Hell, no! I can't stand the idea of having to place contact lenses on my eyes! :shakehead

its only hard for a couple of weeks, if that. its very easy to get used to, and once you do, its hard to imagine ever having a problem with it. i actualy prefer having lenses in, feels more comfortable, kinda like a jacket for my eyes.


Also, the fact that I've lost both my pairs means that I hardly wear them, too.


it would be a bit more difficult to wear glasses youd lost, unless your my father, who will hunt the house for them while they ballence atop his head.

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I dread to ask this question but I'm curious.


What are people's opinions on the opposite sex (or same sex if you prefer) with piercings?


Today I saw a guy with at least 30 various lip piercings and he looked silly. For some reason I used to love lots of piercings and now I just think simple is better.


On other people on or two is great, specially when it's a facial, an ear full of metal isn't so sexy either, even though I don't tend to go for people's ears.


Alot of people have commented over the past two years since I've had my eyebrow piercing about how it suits me but don't like eyebrow piercings, I can see why, I've never once seen any other eyebrow piercing that I think suits anybody, it's very strange.

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piercings have never done it for me, but then ive also really liked girls who had em. its not exactly somthing id look for, in some cases it might put me off a bit, but most of the time, i just see it as part of that person, if they have an attractive personality, it dosent bother me.


know a girl with a clit piercing, that might put me off a bit.

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I don't think girls get any more attractive with piercings (ears are negligible, really...).


They either stay the same, or get less attractive.


I HATE the piercings that are like beauty spots. So ugly. Symetrical faces are supposed to be more attractive in general, so I guess that's why piercings on the middle of the chin aren't as bad.


Dyed hair works, but hair is one of the sexiest things a girl can have. Very few people I know have REALLY amazing hair, a few girls in my year, and this one girl who is like 13, who I literally fancy, in that sick way.


Oh, and girls, wavy, messy, lively hair >>>>>>> straightened to death hair. It's 500 times sexier.


EDIT: Tatoos. Full arm ones on girls are a no-no. Smaller ones look fine, imo.

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Probably, but as I said, my glasses are part of my persona now. :)


i had glasses from 18 months till i was near 17, very thick ones. they were my most defining characteristic, part of my persona for sure.



its so much easier to have lenses, you can go in the shower and see! also, its alot less to worry about when drunk. also, fighting is easier.

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My god, I love her hair.


I'd actually make love to a wig of it.



Literally the hair you want if you are a girl: blonde and full of lovely volume.


I might have to ask to smell her hair on the day of exhibiton next year, lest we never meet again.

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I wish my hair was wavy and full of volume. It's naturally pretty straight (never straighten it) and I hate it. =(



Yep! Volume is something I've tried to get for about 10 years and it just doesn't happen, I have alot of it but my hair's quite fine and straight. Sometimes I spend a couple of hours with the curling irons and half a can of hairspray to achieve wavyness but it's alot ot effort.

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I've kinda got "Asian hair", which means that it is dark and thick, and sometimes it tends to just grow out at the sides rather than in length at the back.


Also, it grows and reaches a stage where it just doesn't feel as lively as it can be when its shorter. Hmm.


As for tattoos, you should only wear loads on your arms and body if you plan to break your brother out of prison.

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I have possibly the worst hair mankind has ever seen. It's wavy, but really annoying, and forms no shape when just left. It's like I've been struck by lightning...I straighten it, which does look better, but my hair will never look "good".

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