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I can't speak for other countries but over here. People are beginning to change more and more. there's certainly no need for anything as dramatic as a suicide note there is clubs and society's here to help( barely) and although it can be lonely sometimes, generally with people my age gayness is not an issue anymore.


But politicians and the media have to catch up.

Mostly when I see a gay guy representated in a tv show. They're overkill campy gay, so the audience knows he is gay at first listen/glance. I think it's seen in glee and other shows. that isn't helping.


just my thoughts. i'm no expert on the subject

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Just had this guy from college Facebook chat me, clearly very drunk (there was a college bop tonight with free boptails), mercilessly bombarding me with messages of no consequence, which I ignored.


Then he writes "i really want to have sex w/ you."


Literally dropped everything I was holding.


Problems with this:


1) I have no interest in having sex with him whatsoever.

2) It's probably not him (frape), so if I respond genuinely, I'll end up embarrasing myself.

3) If it was genuinely him, I had no idea that he was bi/gay. My gaydar fails me.



I haven't replied, and he's gone offline. I'm so scared.

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It's alright, in the end it was hims that made a fool of himself. If it was frape then I suppose as long as you did not respond everything should be fine.


In other news my head is a bit messed up. I've met this one guy who is sweet and really likes me but the problem is, and I know this is somewhat of a cliche, I'm just not that into him. There is not one thing that I really dislike, it's just the whole package seems not for me. He really wants to meet me again though, I don't have the heart to tell him I'm not that interested.


As well as this the guy I mentioned a few posts ago (lets call him Mr. M) just keeps getting more appealing, every bit of sense in me tells me not to follow it but that fucking annoying muscle in the middle of my chest says to. He's so sweet, smart and handsome but he's with someone (who I may have persuaded him to be breaking up with on Sunday) but I'm still not 100% sure if he likes me or not. The guy he is with is a complete dick, he no way deserves someone like Mr. M. I really hope I've not slipped into the grey "friend zone".

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@ chairdriver: Since he was drunk, I don't think you should really put that much - if anything - into it. Since you're not interested in having sex with him, why should you worry about it? If you were interested in him, that's another story, but I don't think there's really any problem here. If he comes on to you, just politely turn him down.


@ Fresh: Well, if you're not into him, you're not into him. There's not much that can be done about that. Just tell him that he's a really sweet and nice guy, but that you're not interested in him like that. It's not fair keeping the truth from him.


About Mr. M, I don't know. Try to make sure he knows you're interested in him. I don't know how best to avoid the friend zone.

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@ chairdriver: Since he was drunk, I don't think you should really put that much - if anything - into it. Since you're not interested in having sex with him, why should you worry about it? If you were interested in him, that's another story, but I don't think there's really any problem here. If he comes on to you, just politely turn him down.


@ Fresh: Well, if you're not into him, you're not into him. There's not much that can be done about that. Just tell him that he's a really sweet and nice guy, but that you're not interested in him like that. It's not fair keeping the truth from him.


About Mr. M, I don't know. Try to make sure he knows you're interested in him. I don't know how best to avoid the friend zone.


KNEE's Agony Aunt, right here.

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Went to Queer Studies, and the topic of discussion was Religion.


Left me with thoughts about community that I've never before considered. Religion often leads to enriching community structure; how can we recreate that without the overhanging ghost of this character God muddying the waters?

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The character God isn't really the problem in religion. It's human beings using the concept to make up shit rules, and generally spread lies/hate.


Yeah this is the issue really. God's pretty cool with stuff.


Why are we trying to recreate it anyway?

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There's not that much difference between guys' summer and winter clothes though? Just t-shirts and maybe shorts... which not even all guys wear. *looks at Jim*


Much easier to perv on girls haha. Guys would have to walk around without a shirt or in their swimming trunks to really perv on them. =P

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Well unless you're a fat male. Then it seems that there's an unwritten rule to take your top off which NOBODY wants to see.


Only real difference between my summer and winter clothes is less hoodys.

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