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Fuck yeah. Take him to NG1.


Pfft. I'll notch it up to the NG20.


(Although when my postcode was NG20, I was living in Derbyshire, and when I was living in Nottinghamshire, my postcode was S80.)


I don't have a sister.


You're thinking of Norfolk. In Nottinghamshire, we'll fuck anything, regardless of who they are.

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Whoa whoa, not anything, if you want complete lack of standards, you need our eternal rivals. Derby.


Well tbf I am originally from Derbyshire. But I've always live closed to the border. In fact there's a stretch of road near my house that's abou 30m long and is in neither of the counties. One sign facing one way says welcome to Derbyshire. And one sign facing t'other way says welcome to Nottinghamshire. And there's about 30m between them.


I want a house there.

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Actually, on a serious note: I'm wondering how many NE'ers would identify themselves as bisexual, or having been at some point?


I don't identify as bi, by the fact I don't fancy boys lol, but I identify myself as a crossdresser, would'nt go as far as to say trans though.

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Research Shows Two Gay Parents Are Better Than A Single Straight One




Anti-gay marriage activists have argued vigorously that children need a mother and father. Now a new research study shows that kids do need two parents — but that gender doesn't matter.


The research, which also speaks to the issue of gay adoption, is summarized in the lead article of the new Journal of Marriage and Family. Scholars, at USC and New York University, looked at a range of existing studies, including research on gay and lesbian parents, finding that it's ideal if a child is raised by two parents who are "responsible, committed, stable," but that the gender doesn't cause radical differences.


Sociologist Timothy Biblarz of the USC College of Letters, Arts and Sciences says in a release about the study:


Significant policy decisions have been swayed by the misconception across party lines that children need both a mother and a father. Yet, there is almost no social science research to support this claim. One problem is that proponents of this view routinely ignore research on same-gender parents. The bottom line is that the science shows that children raised by two same-gender parents do as well on average as children raised by two different-gender parents. This is obviously inconsistent with the widespread claim that children must be raised by a mother and a father to do well.




Having been brought up by just my mum all my life I kind of resent the title, but anything that helps to dispel the myths that same sex marriages aren't as healthy an environment to raise a child as any is a good thing.

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Having been brought up by just my mum all my life I kind of resent the title, but anything that helps to dispel the myths that same sex marriages aren't as healthy an environment to raise a child as any is a good thing.


Mhm it is kind of annoying that they constantly seem to be trying to decipher the degree of "what pairing (or lack of) makes for best parenting".


Surely, at the heart of it, it requires (a) good individual/s. Constantly arguing, debating and researching isn't going to help much.

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Wait, so are they trying to claim that having two people looking after you is better than one?


How surprising!


It's surprising to people who think homosexuals are the devils children.




I've decided I'm going to the Pop bop tomorrow night (where you go dressed as the title of a pop song) dressed as Womanizer, and my friends are going as Man-eater and She-Wolf on my arms.


Irony FTW.

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