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The Simpsons


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I know its really gone downhill over the past few years but I still tend to watch the new episodes and was just wondering if anyone else does?


Just finished watching their 24 episode which had Keifer Sutherland in it and I thought it was really good. Not actually sure which I prefer between this and the South Park 24 parody this year but actually having Keifer Sutherland do voice overs and them having their own version of CTU helped a lot. Did anyone else see it?

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i gotta say, it has its moments, its not that the episodes now are terrible like people would have you belive, they arnt.


it annoys me that people say everything is going down hill, people complain that the simpsons isnt as good as it was, that new marios are shit, that every new final fantasy isnt ff7.


ok, so the simpsons is different from how it was, i'll give you that, but if the simpsons had stayed the same, it would be so stale, at least they try new things.


i think people just have a case of old fartitus, it wasnt like that in my day etc etc.

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Guest Stefkov
Haven't seen the Simpsons since Sky did the dirty on Virgin Media.

Can't say I miss it.

Same here.


I did watch an episode today. On my grandparents Freeview, can't say I miss it much. It was where they wanted all the illegal immigrants out.

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Simpsons ended at season 10 iirc. :wink:


Season 9 was the start of the decline really. 11 was when the fit hit the shan.


Still the show is still watchable. Although it can be awful at times and never reaches anywhere close to the peaks of the Golden Era.


I haven't brought myself to acquire any episodes since the atrositie that was Marge Gamer.



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Agree with most here, except for Caris' 'comment', Simpsons is no where near as good as it was 5+ years ago. Don't bother watching much anymore and definately not looking forward to the film. The trailer just wasn't funny.

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Agree with most here, except for Caris' 'comment', Simpsons is no where near as good as it was 5+ years ago. Don't bother watching much anymore and definately not looking forward to the film. The trailer just wasn't funny.


I'm anticipating the film. While the trailers weren't great, the Black and White stuff that came out was excellent and I'm expecting something special for the film. I'll be stung but I don't care. I love The Simpsons.

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