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Donkey Kong Country Series

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  • 6 months later...
First of all, I want an apology for having to listen to that :p


Second, I think I know what you mean but unless you had said, I probably wouldn't have made any connection between the two. Seems to be more evident in the sections with Eminem singing.


Sorry. :D


I put the two together the first time I heard it. I was coming home from work and it was driving me crazy why it seemed so familiar, then further down the road it came to me.

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  • 2 months later...

Given both Level and Pop Fiction have a thread on the general board, I wasn't too sure whether to put this up there or in here. That there is also a music thread made me further unsure.


So I'm posting it here and people can make a new thread if they want elsewhere. It's GT's new segment which focuses on music and they are starting with this beauty.


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General what now?


Thats a great way for GT to kick off their new series but I felt they could have said more rather than just play the music - its not as if we don't know those tunes by heart is it. :indeed:


Can't believe DKC will be 20 years old in two years. Mental.

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  • 3 weeks later...

A package of DKC 1-3 on 3DS would be kingly! Imagine those parallax layers scrolling in 3D. Imagine snow barrel blasting through that blizzard! :love: It must happen.


I suppose they could be done as '3D Classics' but I'd gladly stump up the cash for it at retail... and the DKL trilogy could get spruced up as 3D Classics - a wee lick of colour would go a long way to making those three into great titles. They were ahead of their time on the monochrome Gameboy.

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  • 1 month later...

Was quite good even though I expected something to actually happen at the end.

The first guy was spot on. A better comparison would have been SMW or Yoshi's Island.

The DKC trilogy is still my favourite series of games ever though.

The atmosphere is, and always will be, incredible. Such a powerful combination of graphics, sound and control. I think the SGI graphics are still unmatched in many games today (polygons/sprites just look bland a lot of the time) and their was no reason to not continue making 2D games in that universe. Especially since it was vast in DKC 2/3.


As stated, any 3DS remakes would be incredible. I'm surprised we've not seen any 16-Bit remakes yet. Early days but they'll surely come along.

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