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The Official 2006-2007 Exams Thread


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argue, persuade or describe. But we've already done that advise, argue and something else one, surely thats just basically the same?


I think its describe only now you mention it.


ooo no it's Inform, Explain or decribe according to bitesize

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I think there should be a creative writing GCSE... it would be better than English language.


I totally agree with that, i love creative writing as i'm able to express my imagination. I had a creative writing part in my coursework and i think i got A* for it. :D

At university i think you can take creative writing as a subject.

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I can only write creativly when i'm in the right mood


Everyone was laughing at me for doing 'your friend has come into some money, advise him on how to spend it'




I did the pursuade elderly people to use new technology.

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At university i think you can take creative writing as a subject.


yeah, you can. I have a pal at Roehampton who took it - I think they changed the course a bit this year though. You get modules on script, novel, short story and poetry, I think. You learn about structure and form and theories and stuff, and of course you have coursework that is marked based on how you apply what you know.


In my second year on my course, I'll be doing a creative writing module on Novel form and the Short Story.


I would say if you want to do a course like this, to practice writing when you can. Try carrying a note book, and jot down thoughts, ideas, ramblings, sentances... whatever. Doesn't have to be complete. Just get your juices going. The more you understand how you write the better you'll be able to take on the teachings later :)


Side note - Only about three weeks until us uni folk get results back!

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I totally agree with that, i love creative writing as i'm able to express my imagination. I had a creative writing part in my coursework and i think i got A* for it. :D

At university i think you can take creative writing as a subject.

Yeah, my dad is doing it at open university.

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Guest Stefkov

Last exams in 10 hours. Mathsnet is a really good revision website.

Anyone that needs a bit of maths revision for GCSE or A level or any others I think, just go there. It's got videos and other stuff.

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I WISH WISH WISH there was a creative writing GCSE. The English is now seems to analyse every little bit of the language, which kinda takes away it's impact.


I'm more creative than analytical anyhow.


I have some English thing tomorrow.

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My uni is pure toss. We do Computer Base Assessments for the first year. And ironically the server fucked me over today, for my networking exam. Timed out three times, on the fourth attempt I managed to log in and complete my exam. Way to shit a person up while they are already nervous.


Databases exam tomorrow, technically should be the easiest of my three exams, and thankfully my last. Hope I've done ok in the other two.

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Last exams in 10 hours. Mathsnet is a really good revision website.

Anyone that needs a bit of maths revision for GCSE or A level or any others I think, just go there. It's got videos and other stuff.

That's quite nice, and it goes all the way up to FP3... it's no use to me any more though.

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Everyone was laughing at me for doing 'your friend has come into some money, advise him on how to spend it'




I did that one too. People were like you did advise :blank: . Everyone knows it hard to get marks in advise


I did the question that I deemed appropriate, not the one which marks come easily on. Everyone did smoking. I pretended I was a sadistic, cold hearted, enterprising/ borderline criminal, rich old English gent and advised the friend on how to get into tax evasion, organised crime and racketeering. I think it went pretty well.

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Well that was an odd maths exam. It was all really easy stuff, but when it came to factorisation, my mind just went blank.

I knew exactly what I was meant to do, I just couldn't think of two numbers that added to make the co-efficient of x and multiplied to make constant. My mind went blank.

Stupid brain. :blank:

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