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Ken Kutaragi retires from Sony


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The "Father of Playstation" is retiring today from his position at Playstation, but will still serve as Honorary Chairman of SCEI. After completing the launch of PS3, Kutaragi has decided to pursue his dreams outside of the Playstation family






Looks like Kaz Hirai will be taking his position.


Anyone think he can make the PS3 as popular as the PS2?

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About time. All we need now is Kaz and Reggie to retire and we'll be relatively free of cocky, annoying front men.


I think it's great to have "your leading guys" acting all charismatic. (sp?) But, I don't think Kaz has any of that.


People laugh with Reggie. People laugh AT Kaz. Big difference. :D

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I think it's great to have "your leading guys" acting all charismatic. (sp?) But, I don't think Kaz has any of that.


People laugh with Reggie. People laugh AT Kaz. Big difference. :D


I don't laugh at Reggie, I just cradle my head in my hands whenever he speaks. He's not as stupid as Kaz and Ken (Barry and Paul Chuckle) but he's easily as arrogant and annoys me as much.

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I don't laugh at Reggie, I just cradle my head in my hands whenever he speaks. He's not as stupid as Kaz and Ken (Barry and Paul Chuckle) but he's easily as arrogant and annoys me as much.


Haha, Barry and Paul. I'm never going to be able to look at Kaz the same anymore. :heh:

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I don't laugh at Reggie, I just cradle my head in my hands whenever he speaks. He's not as stupid as Kaz and Ken (Barry and Paul Chuckle) but he's easily as arrogant and annoys me as much.


Haha, Barry and Paul. I'm never going to be able to look at Kaz the same anymore. :heh:


To me... to you

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It could be like the time I retired from working when I hadn't turned in for a week without notifying them!


I did retire, just didn't tell them and so they "let me go".


It'd be funny if it was like that... although that's never what happened!

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So, Mr. Riiiiiidge Racer and Mr. Giant Enemy Crab are in charge?


It could be like the time I retired from working when I hadn't turned in for a week without notifying them!


I had a 6-week "holiday" against my will for a job I had, got a new job the first day of the holiday, never told them a thing. 5 weeks after the holiday, I got a letter saying I was sacked.

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Nintendo would love to add Kutaragi to their team

April 27th, 2007


Nintendo held a press conference this morning to discuss financial gains, new games in the works, and overall plans for the next year. We have been reporting on the goods of that conference all morning long now. What we didn’t get to you are Mr. Iwata’s comments on Ken Kutaragi retiring from Sony.


Mr. Iwata has stated that he would love to see Kutaragi join up with Nintendo. Even though Ken is retiring, he will still hold an honorary position at Sony. Mr. Iwata then stated that honorary position may make it a little tough to work with him.


from gonintendo

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So, Mr. Riiiiiidge Racer and Mr. Giant Enemy Crab are in charge?


Actaully, it's neither Kaz Hirai NOR Phil Harrison who said "Giant Enemy Crab", it was some bearded dude. However, "Riiiiiiiiiiidge Raceerrrrrrrr" is indeed a Hirai quote. :awesome:

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I think Kaz is better at marketing, which is what Sony need right now.

Well he certainly made sure everyone knew a Ridge Racer game was comming out :heh:


Actaully, it's neither Kaz Hirai NOR Phil Harrison who said "Giant Enemy Crab", it was some bearded dude. However, "Riiiiiiiiiiidge Raceerrrrrrrr" is indeed a Hirai quote. :awesome:


But Phil did say the:

"Now that's what I call a duck" line. :heh:

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