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God this term is going to suck ass.


I'm definately not going to be able to go into medicine now. I confident of making up all the marks i lost in my Biology foundation (i reckon I can get an A in bio) and maybe an A in English, but OMG chemistry is doing my fucking head in. I'm also not going to be able to put a respectable As-level on my UCAS form because i've fucked up maths completely (and i'm retaking C1 in Jan, whereas UCAS deadlines for medicine are Oct 14th...can't believe i screwed up C1 considering how easy it is :( ).


I wish i was smarter. It's so stupid because in all my classed i get the words marks (I got put into the smart Chemistry class with the people who got A*s at GCSE...i barely got a B). Grrr it pisses me off that i can't do the simple things sometimes.


I would do anything to get into medicine though so i'm seriously considering not applying for Uni's this October and instead apply next year. Then next year i could take a As subject aswell as complete my A-levels in English, Bio and Chem...That sound like a good idea?

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However, though Accounts is my weakest subject I've not done any revision for it, I'm going to wait until I've finished my first four exams on the first week.


I'm not sure but have you posted before saying you were really good at accounts? I think it might of been in that school thread ages ago. I used to be alright but I kinda forgot some bits and they we went on to new topics that we had to add Profit + Loss, Parterships etc so it just totally confused me.


In the prelim I didn't know what I was doing, I missed out about half the questions but I got an overall 2 :wtf: So hopefully with the two (I don't know how I came up with three) weeks I've got I should easily get Credit.




Just wondering at University's do they just look at your Higher's? or do they look further back aswell at your Standard Grade's/GCSE's etc?

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Just wondering at University's do they just look at your Higher's? or do they look further back aswell at your Standard Grade's/GCSE's etc?


Just highers. Uni entry is based on points and you only get points from your highers, you're GCSEs dont factor into it.


Yay I never do another exam again :grin: :grin:


(...maybe. Long story)

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I'm going back tommorow, I havn't started any revision yet. Does anybody know if you get study leave for Standard Grades?


The school decides if you get it or not.


When I was doing SGs, I got to stay at home on days when I didn't have an exam, same with Highers too actually. They've stopped it for SGs now and all the 4th years have to come into class and do revision. :heh:

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God this term is going to suck ass.


I'm definately not going to be able to go into medicine now. I confident of making up all the marks i lost in my Biology foundation (i reckon I can get an A in bio) and maybe an A in English, but OMG chemistry is doing my fucking head in. I'm also not going to be able to put a respectable As-level on my UCAS form because i've fucked up maths completely (and i'm retaking C1 in Jan, whereas UCAS deadlines for medicine are Oct 14th...can't believe i screwed up C1 considering how easy it is :( ).


I wish i was smarter. It's so stupid because in all my classed i get the words marks (I got put into the smart Chemistry class with the people who got A*s at GCSE...i barely got a B). Grrr it pisses me off that i can't do the simple things sometimes.


I would do anything to get into medicine though so i'm seriously considering not applying for Uni's this October and instead apply next year. Then next year i could take a As subject aswell as complete my A-levels in English, Bio and Chem...That sound like a good idea?



Hey Bud, chin up.


Try explaining on your form that you had extenuating circumstances (sp? i don't care..) and then blag that you were ill wiht something (etc) and you couldnt do the exams to your ability and make then make up the marks in re-takes. I knew a girl who did this and got into Manchester to do medicine, so at least give it a shot.


If you're struggling with a certain subject tell the teacher and try get them to teach you a bit more since you're applying to do medicine and that you need extra help, etc. Tbh, chemistry aint that important in medicine (from my exp).


Keep chasing the dream! :)

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When I was doing SGs, I got to stay at home on days when I didn't have an exam, same with Highers too actually. They've stopped it for SGs now and all the 4th years have to come into class and do revision. :heh:


:blank: What?!?!


I can't do revision at school, I get distracted...


Are you sure? For our prelim we could stay off the days we didn't have exams.

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Guest Stefkov

One thing I hate about going to college after a 2 week break, is the day before, trying to remember if there was some maths past exam paper to do for monday....

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One thing I hate about going to college after a 2 week break, is the day before, trying to remember if there was some maths past exam paper to do for monday....


I hate that feeling....I remember ages ago, the Sunday before I went back to school, I remembered I had to do a fat piece of homework....I was just lying in bed as well and then I fucking freaked out!!!!

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Guest Stefkov
I hate that feeling....I remember ages ago, the Sunday before I went back to school, I remembered I had to do a fat piece of homework....I was just lying in bed as well and then I fucking freaked out!!!!

I actually don't know if this is revision homework, or its a paper I need to the first load of questions for a question to be randomly asked tommorow...


I think I may need to write in my planner more.

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done hardly anywork this easter *gulp* my exams are over i think by May 25th. so just over a month to go so i need to work my arse off for once.


Back to face the medics in Stopford *groan* some of them are such ***** and think abyone who does Biology or similar is just a failed medic-*angry karl* grrrrrrrrrrrrr

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:blank: What?!?!


I can't do revision at school, I get distracted...


Are you sure? For our prelim we could stay off the days we didn't have exams.


That's only my school I'm talking about there. It's different depending on which school you go to.

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I'm not sure but have you posted before saying you were really good at accounts? I think it might of been in that school thread ages ago. I used to be alright but I kinda forgot some bits and they we went on to new topics that we had to add Profit + Loss, Parterships etc so it just totally confused me.


Until February of S3 Accounts was my best subject... then my teacher left, we moved on to other stuff, we missed out bits and I'm not very good at it now.


I got a 2 in my prelim though, and I've got a 1 in my project. So hopefully it won't take too much revision to get a 1.

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Just wondering at University's do they just look at your Higher's? or do they look further back aswell at your Standard Grade's/GCSE's etc?


No, unless you want to go to Oxbridge, in which case it's the first thing they look at it and if it you haven't 50% A*s and the rest As then your application goes straight in the bin.

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Guest Stefkov
the letter was under a big fuckin pile of that catalouge crap, so i didnt see it... in otherwords ive just at this minute found out that my media coursework deadline is for tommorow morning and i aint done any of it... college sucks ass

Ooo thats bad man.


I've had two weeks to go and take pictures of flies for graphics and of rubbish for photgraphy and I havnt done either...ah well.

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i do french - im more screwed than all of you put together!


I did French since 5th grade. =P


Anyway, at the moment I'm kinda screwed with my exams cause I still gotta start studying. Oh well.

And I don't really wanna go back to school tomorrow. Though currently my biggest question is what I will have to wear tomorrow.

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I go back on tuesday, and then i'll have the lovely thought that my AS exams are exactly 1 month away. I don't want to go back as usual, but then I also want to because I'm looking forward to the summer and getting my exams out the way. I don't feel at all prepared for my exams though so am shitting it, even though I have done a fair bit of work over Easter maintaining the progression is the hardest part.

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I did French since 5th grade. =P


Anyway, at the moment I'm kinda screwed with my exams cause I still gotta start studying. Oh well.

And I don't really wanna go back to school tomorrow. Though currently my biggest question is what I will have to wear tomorrow.


ive done french since i was 8 :S.... and still im at first year standard - im hoping to just pass it...

why did i pick it? why? why?

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ive done french since i was 8 :S.... and still im at first year standard - im hoping to just pass it...

why did i pick it? why? why?


If you've been doing since you were 8, shouldn't you be able to pass though? It's not like French is -that- difficult if you try your best. =O


Good luck though! I'm sure you can pass; just go through your vocabulary and grammar and I'm sure you should be fine?

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If you've been doing since you were 8, shouldn't you be able to pass though? It's not like French is -that- difficult if you try your best. =OGood luck though! I'm sure you can pass; just go through your vocabulary and grammar and I'm sure you should be fine?


we have to write 2 literature essays (which we havent been taught half the stuff)

one oral exam

a french presentation

a listening paper

and talk about an advert


but ive had the most crappiest teachers up until now that i didnt realised hadnt tought us half the stuff like verbs and stuff!


and besdies - the teacher doesnt even help me when i ask her too, she looks at me like im stupid (probably am!)

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we have to write 2 literature essays (which we havent been taught half the stuff)

one oral exam

a french presentation

a listening paper

and talk about an advert


but ive had the most crappiest teachers up until now that i didnt realised hadnt tought us half the stuff like verbs and stuff!


and besdies - the teacher doesnt even help me when i ask her too, she looks at me like im stupid (probably am!)


Hmmm, you don't have like, a grammar book (or any other book) you can study your verbs from or something? If the teachers don't wanna teach you, your best bet is sadly to just study it all on your own. =(

All that stuff are things I had to do every year in French class (8 years long), so I got used to it. I'd give you tips but all I can tell you is to make sure you know your vocabulary and be able to form decent sentences (even if they're simple).

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