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The Biggest Influence On Your life


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My boy.


A lot of the choices I made recently in life were made with him and a possible future with him in mind. Even now I still get influenced by him, and I'm sure I have a big influence on him too (I got him to get addicted to Muse and Placebo and go to his first festival).

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My friends (especially a few very close ones) and my parents.

On friend in particular has influenced my life very recently. I've only been friends with her since the end of last May (from the day after the school prom), and I have been something of a confident to her. I obviously wont tell anyone anything, but I feel I should say that some of the things that have happened to her, and how some members of her family treat her, has made me realise that you don't have to go far from home to find someone in a worse situation than yourself.

However, that is not the main reason I feel she has influenced my life. Despite how shite her life is (especially for the town we live in), she is almost always happy, and always picks herself up and continues with life, and I feel I have learned a lesson about how to deal with the crap life throws at you.:blank:

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I mean, you could guess it from my sig and avatar, but it really has changed my life so much (I mean rocky I, not any of the sequels, as cool as they were).


Everytime i feel down, tired, frustrated and I get the feeling that I'm never going to live up to my potential because I'm always 'going to be a B student' (as zell once put it...*sigh*), I know I can just watch Rocky and actually believe in myself.


If it's taught me one thing, it's that no matter what anybody says, no matter what the odds are, you can achieve the impossible if you believe in yourself.


'It ain't about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done'. Nuff said really.

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I mean, you could guess it from my sig and avatar, but it really has changed my life so much (I mean rocky I, not any of the sequels, as cool as they were).


Everytime i feel down, tired, frustrated and I get the feeling that I'm never going to live up to my potential because I'm always 'going to be a B student' (as zell once put it...*sigh*), I know I can just watch Rocky and actually believe in myself.


If it's taught me one thing, it's that no matter what anybody says, no matter what the odds are, you can achieve the impossible if you believe in yourself.


'It ain't about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done'. Nuff said really.

Yeah the film was a massive inspiration for me too. It got me into boxing and believing I could get so far, my determination was fantastic. I got pulled back though because of a couple of things, one being a risky condition. The film in general is still a massive influence on me, helped develop me into the ambitious person I am I guess.

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Yeah the film was a massive inspiration for me too. It got me into boxing and believing I could get so far, my determination was fantastic. I got pulled back though because of a couple of things, one being a risky condition. The film in general is still a massive influence on me, helped develop me into the ambitious person I am I guess.


i love you Stocka, really. You're fucking awesome.


I think the reason it inspires me so much is how much it meant to Stallone aswell; he was poor and had no money. If rocky flopped his career would be over before it even started. I've always been ambitious since i've seen it, whereas before i was generally quite shy and thought i should just try to get through my time at school without doing/saying much.

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Yeah, I feel like that from my father. He is a role model in the way that he is what I want to be the total opposite of and not like in any way whatsoever.


You can't escape genetics, no matter how much you dislike it, you will become like your father.


I guess I've been influenced by my best mates along life, and even other people. Its scary because I even have similar laughter to them.

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You can't escape genetics, no matter how much you dislike it, you will become like your father.



I don't really agree with that. Sure, he may share a few similar character traits or something, but I don't think just because of genetics he WILL become like his father. After all, he's free to make his own choices, times change, etc. I'm not really anything like my Dad, except maybe for his sometimes fiery temper. (although that's rare on my part)

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I don't really agree with that. Sure, he may share a few similar character traits or something, but I don't think just because of genetics he WILL become like his father. After all, he's free to make his own choices, times change, etc. I'm not really anything like my Dad, except maybe for his sometimes fiery temper. (although that's rare on my part)


I'm not saying he'll be a clone of him, but I've said exactly what he did, and then I started noticing me doing or saying stuff that my dad would say, or having similar attitudes.

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I'm not going to say my biggest influence, because that was so changing for me, that it's only for me (if you see what I mean). But i guess something that has had a big impression is alot of TV and games. They've enocurage me to be more active through the strength and agility of characters. While it may be only fantasy, i think it's done alot for my health. And whoever said Videogames make fat kids? :P

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Like Ant-Shimmin, football has played a part in shaping my life. The stick I got over the past few years for being an Aston Villa supporter has made me stand up for what I love and believe in, more than I did before.


Yeah, it's crazy what football can do to you I mean if you are that passionate about it, it can shape what you do day to day...


My father was affected quite a bit by Hillsborough, he lost a friend and he even went that day, which coincidently the 18th aniversary is in 4 days (April 14th). I think thats affected his judgement, especially when taking me to football games...


Being a Liverpool supporter i've been all around the country, not many people my age could say they have visisted each individual premiership ground can they?

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You can't escape genetics, no matter how much you dislike it, you will become like your father.


My Dad is a ****.


I dont mean that as in i had a little row with him or something, hes runined my Family, i will never become anything like him.

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Biggest influence? I think I have two, or at least, oldest influences.

Video games, namely of the Nintendo variety, and Spiderman. Alcohol as well in recent years :p

I don't think I could ever possible outgrow gaming though, or Spiderman(though im not so fanatical I collect everything) I don't have much time for games anymore, but I still play games. I get 2 spiderman comics a month(soon to be 3, as one is going 2 weekly) and also an 2 xmen comics(technically 1.5 for both, as one is ultimate spiderman and xmen), which has stemmed from my love of spiderman and marvel. I, and most other people, would probably think the influence from them is negligible, but given they've been with me so long and are such a part of me, I think it'd be impossible for that to be true.


From a theoretical point of view of mine, I think a person's name has the biggest/most influence on their life. I think a name is more than 'just a name' and I know that I for one would be a totally different person had I had another name. For example, one of my best mates shares the same name as me, and would it be so if we didn't? Probably not. Oh yeah, and parents, they're a pretty huge influence.


I'm not saying he'll be a clone of him, but I've said exactly what he did, and then I started noticing me doing or saying stuff that my dad would say, or having similar attitudes.


Heh, I've kind of noticed the same with my dad recently, cos as you get older I think you see your parents more as the people they are than your parents, and you realise they too are only human, and I see stuff about my dad that I've somehow indirectly inherited, or just co-incidentally have, who knows? But I'm glad for who I am today.

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My Dad is a ****.


I dont mean that as in i had a little row with him or something, hes runined my Family, i will never become anything like him.


ai im in the same boat, my dads a **** and i hope to never see him again, not that iv seen him more than 5? maybe 6 times in the last 19 years


role model for me is most probably my brother, he taught me what my dad didnt lol

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Music, my friends and my family.


Music helped me in ways to confusing to say coherently. My friends have moulded me to be the loving, loyal, quirky, paranoid, misanthrope that I am (confusing eh? Try meeting me :heh: ). Ditto for my family really, I truly hated some of them at points in my life. Still hate one sort of, but I'm kool with my Dad now I'm old enough to know he was trying to help in his own sucky way. Aint goin any deeper with these, there's beer to be drunk. Cheers!

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