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JP Geuens regarding the history of hollywood cinema:


Then came Star Wars (George Lucas, 1977) and that was the end of that.


Couldn't agree more,


Star wars films are fun and all, but to me they just don't go as deep as a lot of other scifi movies


for me its Blade Runner ftw

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Although "The Thing" is also very good.


Definitely, I'd probably put it in my top five all time favourite films, let alone scifi films, even though it's more horror than scifi.


Serenity is better than Star Wars. The question of if it should be regarded as the best sci fi is something else. I've always preferred James Cameron stuff over each.


I hated Serenity. Hated it. I just don't get what's so great about it, to me it just seems like about 2 hours of meaningless dialogue and action. My friend kept telling me afterwards that if I had seen the TV show, I would know what the characters were about and would probably have found it more interesting, but then, why should I have to watch fourteen hours of TV just to make two hours of film make more sense? It's hardly good writing economy.


I mean, seriously - Better then Star Wars, Blade Runner and Alien? 2001? Back to the Future? That's just wrong for so many reasons.


"The TV show may have been cancelled, yet the Serenity universe clearly struck a chord with fans, thanks to its likeable characters and witty dialogue"
*head explodes*
Pah. "Aliens" is a rubbish action film.


You're surely going to hell for saying that.


Hmm, there's too many good sci-fi films for me to put into an order. I'm very fond of Planet of the Apes, 2001, Alien/s/3, and other such films that others problem wouldn't class as sci-fi but I would (e.g. the terminator).


2001 is pretty abstract, and for that reason it may cause people to hate it. It's a very difficult film to get to grips with.

I hated Serenity. Hated it. I just don't get what's so great about it, to me it just seems like about 2 hours of meaningless dialogue and action. My friend kept telling me afterwards that if I had seen the TV show, I would know what the characters were about and would probably have found it more interesting, but then, why should I have to watch fourteen hours of TV just to make two hours of film make more sense? It's hardly good writing economy.


I mean, seriously - Better then Star Wars, Blade Runner and Alien? 2001? Back to the Future? That's just wrong for so many reasons.


*head explodes*


Eh? The movie was essentially made to cap off the series, if you hadn't seen that, of course you would find it meaningless! If you saw randommoviesequel before the original, would you complain about that too? It's the same thing!


Terminator 2 will always have a special place in my heart...


Blade Runner though, even though I can appreaciate it for what it was I still don't rate it that highly, maybe I'll like it when I'm older.

Terminator 2 will always have a special place in my heart...


Blade Runner though, even though I can appreaciate it for what it was I still don't rate it that highly, maybe I'll like it when I'm older.


the first one is way better.

why should I have to watch fourteen hours of TV just to make two hours of film make more sense? It's hardly good writing economy.


You're expected to watch LOTR for nine hours. And the whole of Firefly is just an hour more than LOTR. Personally I prefer Firefly to Serenity (and LOTR but thats a different story). I think Kaylee came off slightly annoying in Serenity, but watch her in Firefly and you can't help but fall in love.


And nobody said you had to watch Firefly, it would just be beneficial.


Serenity's a pile of fucking clown shoes. I felt like vomiting blood while watching it. The only decent thing Whedon's ever done was the screenplay for Toy Story. Everything else has made me want to open my wrists.

Serenity's a pile of fucking clown shoes. I felt like vomiting blood while watching it. The only decent thing Whedon's ever done was the screenplay for Toy Story. Everything else has made me want to open my wrists.


This post makes me want to kill myself and everyone around me.

See? I can be a retarded drama queen as well.

I can't help but laugh at ***** (I'm not talking about you Jack) on other forums who are generally angered by this whilst masturbating over the Phantom Menace.

The readers of SFX have decided on their favourite sci fi film. If you can't handle the fact that it wasn't one you love, fucking turn the gun on yourself.

Or wait until you turn 12 and watch Serenity again.

And before some wannabe genius says i'm angry over a poll, i'm not. Retarded replies always make me angry.

Serenity isn't a bad film. I doubt most people here actually think that. Undoubtedly most are just angry, upset fans of a film that didn't make it, some won't even have seen it and a small percentage won't like it.

Admittedly, to enjoy Serenity for what it is (the best sci fi film in the last 30 years), you'll have to of watched Firefly. Just like to enjoy Star Wars you'll have to have seen it as a kid and ignore any critisism of it.

I urge anyone and everyone to watch Firefly then Serenity. Both are fantastic and well worth your time. Except those who have already made up their minds, but I don't care about them.

I think Serenity was good BECAUSE of firefly.

I watched the movie, thought "ok..." watched the series, loved it, re-watched Serenity and thought "That was awesome".

Otherwise River kicking arse wasn't anything special.


Otherwise River kicking arse wasn't anything special.


Nor was


Wash and Book dying and the Mal and Inara drama.


Nor was


Wash and Book dying and the Mal and Inara drama.


Indeed. I can see why a lot of people won't like it. It's because they don't understand it. Not because it's a 'crap film'. To call it a 'crap film' is stupid. To say you didn't like it is fine.

It's like watching a Star Trek film with out seeing at least some of the series it's connected to.

But Firefly is 14 episodes long, most people who are serious about sci fi will have seen it. Thankfully, most SFX readers have seen Firefly it seems.

Has anyone seen Firefly and Serenity and not enjoyed either? Doubt it.

Has anyone seen Firefly and Serenity and not enjoyed either? Doubt it.


Yes. Well, I've seen most of Firefly. My flatmate's psycho ex is a massive Whedon fangirl (Do I mean she's a diehard fan or just fat? Maybe both!), and she made him (and by extension me, because I practically live in the front room) watch all of it. I think that's why they split up. That and she's crazy eight bonkers. I just didn't click with it at all, it's so bloody dull.


And The Phantom Menace was fucking shite as well.

Yes. Well, I've seen most of Firefly. My flatmate's psycho ex is a massive Whedon fangirl (Do I mean she's a diehard fan or just fat? Maybe both!), and she made him (and by extension me, because I practically live in the front room) watch all of it. I think that's why they split up. That and she's crazy eight bonkers. I just didn't click with it at all, it's so bloody dull.


And The Phantom Menace was fucking shite as well.


Fair enough :D

Sorry for anything I've said, I've been fighting off Lucas fanboys all day.

I guess it really isn't for everyone, and it's a shame you didn't click with it. Because most people who did found it a fantastic experience.


Firefly and Serenity are the best sci-fi I've seen in a while and I hate Fox for having cancelled the series half-way through when it was their fuck up that caused problems with the series anyway

Fair enough :D

Sorry for anything I've said, I've been fighting off Lucas fanboys all day.

I guess it really isn't for everyone, and it's a shame you didn't click with it. Because most people who did found it a fantastic experience.


To be honest, almost any other sci-fi seems like total shit after Battlestar Galactica and the Adama Maneuver. Balls the size of planets.

To be honest, almost any other sci-fi seems like total shit after Battlestar Galactica and the Adama Maneuver. Balls the size of planets.

Oh yeah. Season 3 wasn't the best season, but that episode kicked more ass than any other across the whole series.

The Pegasus was pretty good as well. I'd loved to have seen the ship a bit more in action before the rescue.


Watched Serenity yesterday, it was above average, but not amazing. I couldn't figure out who was supposed to be the main character.

Watched Serenity yesterday, it was above average, but not amazing. I couldn't figure out who was supposed to be the main character.


Thats sort of the point - there is no single main character.


As about 40 people have said above, you've really got to watch all of Firefly for Serenity to be the amazing thing that it is. I only watched Firefly recently and it's dead good like.

I completely agree with you. Aliens > everything ever. :D


I agree with when you said they don't make films like they used to. I'm quite happy to see Planet of the Apes ranked so high, especially as I don't think it's really in the heart of many young sci-fi fans like the Star Wars films are. It's a very old film, and it seems to have been a bit 'forgotten' imo.


i love alien and aliens exactly even.. i just love that low budget feel of alien....I CANT DECIDE!

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