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Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition


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You hear sounds when you reload and when you pick up your phone thingy (you hear static then).


Ok, so I completed the main game in 10hours flat. Was amazing! 11th time i've ever completed it and it was easily the best time i've played it (best controls ever :D).


Seperate Ways is too awesome. I love Ada; she's just sooooo fine! I'm a bit tight for ammo with her though, (more than I usually am with leon).


I can't wait to do mercenaries all over again and get a 5* rating with every character on every level, because the Wiimote controls are SO much better than that damn laser sight.

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I was horrible at The Mercenaries in the Cube version, but I'm doing a lot better now! I've just unlocked Krauser, the special attack with his arm is awesome.


Mercenaries was hard, it just took a while to learn the best ways around the level. Wesker's is made very difficult due to the super tough dual chainsaw guy, you need a good way to deal with him!

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Mercenaries was hard, it just took a while to learn the best ways around the level. Wesker's is made very difficult due to the super tough dual chainsaw guy, you need a good way to deal with him!


You can tan him with the Killer 7. Hardest part about Weskers missions is the amout of ammo you start with but kill a few guys and it starts pouring in. I just need to do 5 more missions on mecenaries with 5 stars and then I will move on to the Ada assignments.

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This was my first resi game ever!

Basicly im really cheesed off at the controll system when i move the cursor right i want the camea to do the same its like playing a game where you cant adjust the camera, because you cant.. its so frustrating. Also you cant run and aim WTF. my mate tells me thats how it was in the ps2 game but it seems stupid.

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This was my first resi game ever!

Basicly im really cheesed off at the controll system when i move the cursor right i want the camea to do the same its like playing a game where you cant adjust the camera, because you cant.. its so frustrating. Also you cant run and aim WTF. my mate tells me thats how it was in the ps2 game but it seems stupid.


It's come a looong way since the original resi controls-so consider yourself lucky. It's not meant to be played like an FPS since it isn't one, so you develop tactics to get round it, like turning and running lol. The controls been the same since the original GameCube version 2 years ago-also if it's the second best game ever-EVER-people don't find the controls anywhere near as bad as you seem to.


I didn't have any problem with using the analogue stick when aiming to move the view, and the pointer to move the cursor on screen-makes perfect sense to me.

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This was my first resi game ever!

Basicly im really cheesed off at the controll system when i move the cursor right i want the camea to do the same its like playing a game where you cant adjust the camera, because you cant.. its so frustrating. Also you cant run and aim WTF. my mate tells me thats how it was in the ps2 game but it seems stupid.


If you could shoot and reload while moving it would take away from the tension quite a lot. Its good because when you are concentrating on one direction they can steek up behind you...like today when about six of them had that idea. Tbh, its not really that hard when aiming, if you want to pan right, to tilt the analog stick right.


I kinda find it annoying you can't strafe round coners so you have to go round them blind but its not a big deal.


This is my first proper Resident Evil game simply because I really hated the controls before but I am absolutly loving this. I pray that they remake Resi 2 in this style for the Wii.

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Finished the main game, played the first 2 parts to Separte Ways, and i'm actually getting really pissed off that they left this stuff out of the GC original, see how Ada effect some of the moments for Leon and such, why the hell was it not put into the GC game, sure the PS2 may have had to wait 7 months for the game and had the graphics reduce but in terms of story, we got screwed.


How much more effort would it have taken? They had all the level models and character models, it's not like anything was made just for Seperate Ways (unless some stuff in the later levels was that i haven't played yet)


Well i guess we know have the ultimate version with spot on control mechanics and all the story

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How much more effort would it have taken? They had all the level models and character models, it's not like anything was made just for Seperate Ways (unless some stuff in the later levels was that i haven't played yet)

Yeah, there are some new areas. Not too much though.

Is there no trailer of Umbrella Chronicles on the pal version?


For some reason it's not in the PAL version, but the US version does have it. I have no clue why Capcom would do this, but hey, YouTube exists for a reason.

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I kinda find it annoying you can't strafe round coners so you have to go round them blind but its not a big deal.


You can tilt the camera with the D-pad, which helps with corners a lot. Plus when you aim, Leon moved so he's pointing directly away from the camera.


Is there no trailer of Umbrella Chronicles on the pal version?


I heard that it was one we've already seen before.

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Is the anything different on proffessional that isn't in normal? And is it worth selling everything for that awesome sounding infinite launcher?


It won't be good if you ever get into a tight spot...

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Is the anything different on proffessional that isn't in normal? And is it worth selling everything for that awesome sounding infinite launcher?


Professional mode is FAR more tense. It's so much better than normal tbh. And I never bothered with the infinate rocket launcher....The handcannon however :D I mean, its got 99 power and infintate ammo *drools*.


Finished the main game yesterday (10hours) and did all of Seperate Ways bar the final chapter.


I :heart: Ada!

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A funny thing happened to me last night. I was on Chapter 5-1 (I think), I was up tothat bridge part where you take a lift up to a radio tower to try and get some help.


A bunch of crows were above on the bridge supports so I decided to shoot them down for some goodies. The only problem was I only had ammo in my Riot Gun and 2 bullets in my Killer7 I wasn't going to use that of course!

So I used my Riot Gun and started shooting at them, then a few of them flew away down the path of the bridge so I started shooting them too.


Suddenly I heard a "ugh" from a distance and noticed a person in black from afar, I thought it was a ganado seeing that they added more enemies in certain areas of the game in this version.


I ran up and found that I killed the merchant :D

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Heres a nice little easter egg for you guys.


On the title screen clcik the the trigger on your wiimote and it will start the first trailer. Click 2 to go back to title screen click trigger again for 2nd trailer and 2 to go back to tile page. Click trigger again for third trailer! (this one wasn't on gamecube version!) : peace:

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You can tilt the camera with the D-pad, which helps with corners a lot. Plus when you aim, Leon moved so he's pointing directly away from the camera.


Cool, I only just realized about the d-pad. I didn't think about using it in that sort of situation! :heh:


Heres a nice little easter egg for you guys.


On the title screen clcik the the trigger on your wiimote and it will start the first trailer. Click 2 to go back to title screen click trigger again for 2nd trailer and 2 to go back to tile page. Click trigger again for third trailer! (this one wasn't on gamecube version!) : peace:


Awesome, will try that!

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Finished this a couple of days ago, been playing all the extra stuff since. Separate Ways is really cool, not much to it though which is a shame, I'm up to the last chapter and only around 01:30 on the clock. Still it's great to see how it all ties in with the main story and seeing Leon running about while you're playing as Ada is pretty funny, but not as funny as...


...the Ganado that wears Leon’s jacket...

...I cracked up when I saw that guy! :laughing:


Only other problem with SW is that the cut scenes are overly compressed and as a result don’t look anywhere near as good as the actual game. It’s the same for the movie browser, I really don’t get why that doesn’t use the in-game stuff. ::shrug:


Started a second run of the main game today too, sold most of my weapons for the infinite rocket launcher, forgot how easy it makes things. :heh:

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