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Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition


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patience i really think the games will get better after the summer. I thought the ds was shit at first too but now it's on fire


Yeah same here, at first the DS did absolutely nothing for me and thought I'd never buy one, now look at it, racing away...I have no doubt the Wii will do exactly the same..

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Either way, it's still one of my favourite consoles of all time, and I've only owned it for 3 weeks. With my Wii, I got bored after about 4 days. Not to mention that my Wii broke about 3 months after I bought it.


But you could go out and buy an N64 tomorrow, having never owned one, and that could become a favourite for you, as well. It's just going back to the fact that the 360 has had the time to build a lineup of games. New consoles near enough always take time to establish themselves.


ZeldaFreak: That's a bit shocking, imo. Sure, there's always a chance it won't work, but for owners to be on their 4th PS2 or 3rd 360 by now is pretty appauling, in my honest opinion.

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What made you get bored? I can imagine some of the more public friendly games like Wario, Wii Sports and Play would not hold the attention of hardcore gamers for that long.


There was nothing I was interested in after I completed Zelda. I'm the kinda gamer that comes for a long single player campaign, and stay because I'm really really, hyper competitive. Wii games are about just light hearted amusement, not about serious competition, and that's why I don't really go for it. Still, Smash Bros, Metroid, Mario and Batallion Wars are just round the corner, so I'm not saying Wii is always going to suck software wise, but I'm just disappointed because the first 2 months of Gamecube gave me twice as many awesome games as 5 months of Wii, which I haven't even bothered to turn on for near enough a month.


I meet my fellow Wii owners in school, and everytime the topic comes up "When are any good games coming out for Wii?". I just don't think that Wii is going to be as appealing to me as the Cube or N64 were, and thats a damn shame.

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There was nothing I was interested in after I completed Zelda. I'm the kinda gamer that comes for a long single player campaign, and stay because I'm really really, hyper competitive. Wii games are about just light hearted amusement, not about serious competition, and that's why I don't really go for it. Still, Smash Bros, Metroid, Mario and Batallion Wars are just round the corner, so I'm not saying Wii is always going to suck software wise, but I'm just disappointed because the first 2 months of Gamecube gave me twice as many awesome games as 5 months of Wii, which I haven't even bothered to turn on for near enough a month.


I meet my fellow Wii owners in school, and everytime the topic comes up "When are any good games coming out for Wii?". I just don't think that Wii is going to be as appealing to me as the Cube or N64 were, and thats a damn shame.


I agree, but...


patience i really think the games will get better after the summer. I thought the ds was shit at first too but now it's on fire


I also agree...


I think as the sales keep going through the roof quality software will follow.

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There was nothing I was interested in after I completed Zelda. I'm the kinda gamer that comes for a long single player campaign, and stay because I'm really really, hyper competitive. Wii games are about just light hearted amusement, not about serious competition, and that's why I don't really go for it..

Well that was pretty obvious from the get go. It's your loss though missing out on games like Sonic, Excitetruck, Godfather, SSX Blur and DBZ for example.

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Well that was pretty obvious from the get go. It's your loss though missing out on games like Sonic, Excitetruck, Godfather, SSX Blur and DBZ for example.


Played them all, got bored of them all within a couple of days/ hours. I don't tend to go for mediocre games you see. :heh:

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I meet my fellow Wii owners in school, and everytime the topic comes up "When are any good games coming out for Wii?". I just don't think that Wii is going to be as appealing to me as the Cube or N64 were, and thats a damn shame.
I really really doubt the Wii won't get as much of them 'epic games' as the view some of you have seems now. Just because the Wiimote is suited for minigames doesn't make it unsuited for those epic games we all love, and with growing support, I don't think that epic gamers have to suffer on Wii when it really starts off. This year will be great already. Of all the announcements we've heard the last few months few (none?) have actually been minigame collections such as Rayman Raving Rabbids and Wario Ware, but single player games you like. They might not all be good, but they are showing that that kind of support is very present on the Wii. :smile:
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Well i kinda agree with Bard.


I'm getting a Wii after exams (i wasn't going to) but i'm going to get one because of Resi4 and SPM. They should keep me going until Smash (although i reckon that could be disappointing...*sigh*) and Mario (can't wait. Gonna rock).

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Played them all, got bored of them all within a couple of days/ hours. I don't tend to go for mediocre games you see. :heh:


That's the thing, they're not mediocre. You people just decided to sit on yuor high horse and play AAA/epic/100% games. Hell, it's not my problem, I enjoy my games more, cause I play them for fun and that alone, I don't care about any other crap.

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it's weird, I'm buying a Wii in Summer mainly to play this game...


Says a lot about the Wii's current games doesn't it?


That said, i already have Red Steel and Zelda:TP as xmas/bday gifts so i'll be playing em too, but really, Wii needs more and soon! I'd feel really gutted tbh if SPM didn't come out this side of summer; the Wii needs some NEW big games here in europe.

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Played them all, got bored of them all within a couple of days/ hours. I don't tend to go for mediocre games you see. :heh:


I agree with these words.


The games are fun as they have no competition as the Wii's library is so poor currently. When good games start flowing, the ports and average games will be forgotten but now, people rave about them as they want to play some Wii and they are the best the system currently has, even if they are very mediocre.

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I agree with these words.


The games are fun as they have no competition as the Wii's library is so poor currently. When good games start flowing, the ports and average games will be forgotten but now, people rave about them as they want to play some Wii and they are the best the system currently has, even if they are very mediocre.



Things are getting better - It's the 3rd party publishers fault really as a lot of them were reluctant to come on board at the start as they didn't think the Wii would be the runaway success it has proven to be. Now all the Wii news seems to consist of new publishers supporting the Wii. Just gonna be a while before the trickle of game releases becomes a downpour - happy times ahead I reckon! : peace:


RE4Wii PAL Boxart?:




Source: http://www.game.co.uk/ViewProduct.aspx?cat=11445&mid=330871


I love it. :love:


I agree thats friggin sweet! :o

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