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Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition


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Just finished the main game first time around and might I say its a stonking game!


The mini games are also long enough to be the main game!


The regenerators also scared the crap out of me! They didnt stop or even pause when i was shooting them!!


I thought what would be a great idea if I shot is leg off so he couldnt move. Then I walked up to knife him only to have him jump on my face! The elevator boss was scary as crap, I was spamming the lift button so much before i realised i need to kill that bloody thing!

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And the Regenerators, damn i forgot about them, they scared the living frack out of me


Yeah, they are probably the scariest monster in the whole R Evil series. It scares the hell out of me everytime one grabs me and then the camera kind of zooms in to show you get bitten.


Just reached 5-3 now, probably have this finished tonight.

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Yeah, they are probably the scariest monster in the whole R Evil series. It scares the hell out of me everytime one grabs me and then the camera kind of zooms in to show you get bitten.


Just reached 5-3 now, probably have this finished tonight.


Oo sounds good. Hope you make a start to professional mode soon, it's a lot better imo.


6 hours through and I'm at the part where you're playing as Ashley. It's strange but i'm playing through this pretty slowly compared to how I know I can play it. Weird that.


Also, I the regenerators are scary but the iron maidens are worse (the ones with spikes). It's scary watching Leon getting grabbed by em only to have them stick spikes through his body.


I still haven't upgraded my standard shotgun yet! I think I'm going to wait until the Striker becomes available (my fav shotgun) and then i'll power that up. Only problem is I'm low for cash atm (still 5000 short of the XL case thing).

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Yeah, they are probably the scariest monster in the whole R Evil series. It scares the hell out of me everytime one grabs me and then the camera kind of zooms in to show you get bitten.


Just reached 5-3 now, probably have this finished tonight.


I agree, the regenerators and the iron maidens were probably the sxcariest creature inn gaming history. The noise they make is hideous.

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Oh those fucking Regenerators. I hate/love how the game makes you kill three of them before you're even able to kill them properly.


I'd forgotten about those guys, there's so many awesome bits in Resi4 that I seem to forget about this. Can't wait to get this once exams are over. Slightly hesitant about getting it though as the 360 has turned me into an achievement junkie!

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Yeah, but it was wicked fun to use. Blacktail is the best because it's the most powerful. The starting handgun is awesome for headshots though when it's fully powered.


IIRC, the Red9's exclusive upgrade made it the most powerful, the Blacktail was generally a better gun though (not to mention it takes up less space).


Best gun ever was the semi-auto rifle, absolutely awesome.

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IIRC, the Red9's exclusive upgrade made it the most powerful, the Blacktail was generally a better gun though (not to mention it takes up less space).


Best gun ever was the semi-auto rifle, absolutely awesome.


I only ever used the Red 9 in one play through, the exclusive on the Blacktail made the power gauge up to 3.7 (I think) can't remember what the Red 9's power was.


My favourite weapon was Krauser's bow :p.

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It finally came in today... *Makes a dirty look at Amazon*


But playing through the village really brought a bunch of good memories back! The controls are alright and make it feel a little more life like, but a bit weird, nothing beats the GC controls imo.

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Playing it again and all these moments are coming back to me:


The bit in the giant construction vehicle, and you're fending them off from behind. This part just highlights how many beautiful subtilties in the gameplay there are. You can use a shotgun to clear the vehicle, but that could blow the ganandos off the vehicle, with possible health and ammo pickups lost. You can use the pistol to solve this, but a precision weapon can leave you overwhelmed. Just brilliant.



And I love exploring how all the weapons tune up. The Riot Gun is a beast at exclusive level.

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Just got back from the shops with it now....I'll start it in a bit...Its the first Resi I have ever bought...


You'll love it. The only Resi Evil I had played before this one, was Code Veronica on the Dreamcast, but that was only a 2 day rental. This is awesome though.

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I'm taking this slow - I just need to get the key to enter the main part of the castle (after the first appearance of the Mace Monks). Didn't have to do it last time.


(I've just left my Wii on overnight - I don't want to go all the way back to my last typewriter, and there's a "continue" point right where I am).


Last time I got as far as just before fighting the French git. Can't wait to see the oven man, regenerator and iron maidens.

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You'll love it. The only Resi Evil I had played before this one, was Code Veronica on the Dreamcast, but that was only a 2 day rental. This is awesome though.


Cool, I can't wait! I'm going to attempt to keep up with Takeo when playing it...I doubt thats going to happen since I panic and die a lot! :heh:

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I started Mecenaries this morning before I went to work, man I love that game. Got me a 5 star ranking straight away as I remember most of the routes to take from the Cube version.


Im not going to play Pro mode until I have unlocked all the weapons and Ashleys armour.

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Cool, I can't wait! I'm going to attempt to keep up with Takeo when playing it...I doubt thats going to happen since I panic and die a lot! :heh:


Haha, don't worry. The game isn't scary, so I doubt you'll panic. I haven't played the Wii edition, only the GC one. But if the learning curve is about the same, it may take you a little time to get used to the controls. Once you do though, it'll just click.


I've completed it 5 times, and I only got it November last year. I'm gonna get this version from Amazon when it becomes cheap second hand.

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I was just about to post my joyful experiences from the first two chapters on my first ever playing of this wonderful game when I get completely raped by un-boxed spoilers. Thanks a PUNCH! In the FACE!

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I was just about to post my joyful experiences from the first two chapters on my first ever playing of this wonderful game when I get completely raped by un-boxed spoilers. Thanks a PUNCH! In the FACE!


Well, the game's been out now for over 2 years... But I guess you're right.

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