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Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition


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I just had a good long session with this when I got home from work, up to the bit after your controlling Ashley in the Castle.


I can't believe there are people using the GC pad, the Wii controls are excellent and really make you feel more in control. Aiming is so much better and faster, when i played the merchants target range i couldn't believe how much better the controls were, i was able to hit the targets loads faster and with much better accuracy than i could have dreamed of back on the GC.


The one thing that throws me off is when using the sniper rifle the aiming is controlled by the analgoue stick and not the pointer which has caught me out a few times.


And i can't believe I'm still forgetting to conserve ammo, i used aload up at one point when i thought there was a lot of ganados, then the next room had loads more and i was screwed. And the part in the garden with the dogs still freaks me out. There was one time a dog jumped in front of me, i killed him and i could hear another one growling, but not running and thanks to my surround sound i knew he was standing to my right. But he wasn't attacking, so i was scared to turn around in case the sound was messing with me and he might pop out from behind the corner that i'm already looking at. Finally i decided, feck it i'm gonna look. I turned right, saw him and blasted him right away. Now if that happened on the GC, i would have needed an extra second to adjust my aim and prolly end up with the dog chewing my face. With the Wii controls i was able to aim and shoot as soon as i saw him.

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Did you get any Nintendo Stars with the game? I got my copy from HMV looks likes it been open =(


This happened to me with diddy kong racing on the ds mate, bought the game but got no stars! I contacted nintendo about it thought and explained the situation, and they sent me a code for some stars in an email. So if you didnt get any stars wiht the game i'd email nintendo!

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What are you implying? cheeky. :heh::)


Yeah i realised that you have to press C and get your knife out, then you can kinda free-roam the camera with the analogue stick...a little fiddly though.


Still it's no been a major problem yet.


Lol...didnt mean it to sound like that.

I believe that intuitive controls are the ones that work first time when you are hammered..


Have to say that I am now liking the controls and am roughly at the point after where Ashley has been re-abducted.

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Well this is weird, I just put R Evil 4 back on and decided to try the Wiimote controls again and I picked it up straight away, it was like I had been playing this way all along. Its crazy as I was on 20 mins yesterday try to get used to them and now its second nature.


Just started the Castle area this morning, cant wait to finish story mode as I love playing Mecenaries!

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I'm definitely considering getting this now as I want to play through the game again but would like to do it with the Wii controls (and get the PS2 unlockables)


I think I will have a little trouble with the controls for a bit as, despite all the fuss about Red Steel having 'awkward controls', I never ever had a problem with them and they just felt right to me and exactly as I imagined they would be. Therefore, I will no doubt be trying to turn around with the remote and such for a while :hmm: I know I would get used to it though.. but then I probably won't be able to play Red Steel properly after that :yay:

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This happened to me with diddy kong racing on the ds mate, bought the game but got no stars! I contacted nintendo about it thought and explained the situation, and they sent me a code for some stars in an email. So if you didnt get any stars wiht the game i'd email nintendo!


Yeah I will, thanks dude!

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Well this is weird, I just put R Evil 4 back on and decided to try the Wiimote controls again and I picked it up straight away, it was like I had been playing this way all along. Its crazy as I was on 20 mins yesterday try to get used to them and now its second nature.


Just started the Castle area this morning, cant wait to finish story mode as I love playing Mecenaries!


That's a good Hero : peace:


And yeah i just realized, Mercenaries is gonna PWN with the Wiimote, can't wait for that.


I'm definitely considering getting this now as I want to play through the game again but would like to do it with the Wii controls (and get the PS2 unlockables)


I think I will have a little trouble with the controls for a bit as, despite all the fuss about Red Steel having 'awkward controls', I never ever had a problem with them and they just felt right to me and exactly as I imagined they would be. Therefore, I will no doubt be trying to turn around with the remote and such for a while :hmm: I know I would get used to it though.. but then I probably won't be able to play Red Steel properly after that :yay:


Actually you don't turn around in this like you do in Red Steel, when you're aiming the gun you can aim anywhere on screen (duh), but to turn, look up, look down you use the analogue stick on the nunchuck.


To turn around when your not aiming the gun press C and down on teh nunchuck (or is it Z, i can't remember i just do it out of instinct)

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Theres no doubt that Resi 4 : Wii Edition is awesome but, one thing still puzzles me, isn't it meant to fill the whole screen on a widescreen TV? currently even with 16:9 mode selected I get half inch black borders on the left and right? yet didn't Zelda have 16:9 too and that fills the screen on the same TV?


Is there a way to get it to completely fill the screen?

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That's a good Hero : peace:


And yeah i just realized, Mercenaries is gonna PWN with the Wiimote, can't wait for that.




Actually you don't turn around in this like you do in Red Steel, when you're aiming the gun you can aim anywhere on screen (duh), but to turn, look up, look down you use the analogue stick on the nunchuck.


To turn around when your not aiming the gun press C and down on teh nunchuck (or is it Z, i can't remember i just do it out of instinct)


I know it isn't the same as in Red Steel, hence why I was saying I would have to take time to get used to the controls in Resident Evil, because I will be trying to turn like in Red Steel etc. ..you silly boy :heh:

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i have 2 copies of res4 wii pal,



one is rated 15 with a red circle in the bottom left of the front cover,


and the other one says 18+ http://www.pegi.info



are there any diffrences in these 2 games? gore or what have u?


I noticed something similiar with the edition I had for like 3 hours. The cover had the ESRB logo with a 18+ rating, while the disc had the red circle one with a 15+ rating... weird stuff =P

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Theres no doubt that Resi 4 : Wii Edition is awesome but, one thing still puzzles me, isn't it meant to fill the whole screen on a widescreen TV? currently even with 16:9 mode selected I get half inch black borders on the left and right? yet didn't Zelda have 16:9 too and that fills the screen on the same TV?
Yeah it's the same for me:




Capcom skimped out on true widescreen unfortunately.


Just past the part where you have to stall for time in true R Evil fashion while the elevator arrives.
I love that bit! :awesome:


I'm up to the part where you escape down the waste disposal, got two bastard Iron Maiden Regenerators down there and no infrared scope, gonna be fun. :heh:


Seriously loving the controls, there's just no going back to analog once you get used to Wii Remote aiming. One part that really made that stand out (apart from the shooting range) was in the garden maze, had four of those crazy wolf things in front of me all randomly jumping in quick succession and I was able to flick the cursor between them as they attacked and hit every time with the pistol, The speed and precision is amazing, there's just no way I'd have been able to do that with the traditional control scheme.


Here's hoping we see more third person games with a similar set-up in the future. icon14.gif

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I know it isn't the same as in Red Steel, hence why I was saying I would have to take time to get used to the controls in Resident Evil, because I will be trying to turn like in Red Steel etc. ..you silly boy :heh:


haha, sorry, missread the post i guess


Krauser is awesome, not as cool as Wesker though.


Just past the part where you have to stall for time in true R Evil fashion while the elevator arrives.


Oh man the elevator bit, unless i have a rocket launcher i hate that bit (but in a good way)


And the Regenerators, damn i forgot about them, they scared the living frack out of me

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