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My supper from yesterday was macaroni cheese. Get some penne pasta and just leave it boiling. Then in a seperate pan melt a large lump of butter. Once it's melted add small amounts of sieved flour into the butter a stir it into a big yellow paste. Then little by little add milk and continuously stir out all the lumps. You should end up with a lovely smooth sauce. Add some grated chedder or red leicester and a bit of pepper, salt and paprika to the sauce and mix it up with the pasta and some chopped tomatoes. Delicious macaroni cheese is in your grasp.

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My supper from yesterday was macaroni cheese. Get some penne pasta and just leave it boiling. Then in a seperate pan melt a large lump of butter. Once it's melted add small amounts of sieved flour into the butter a stir it into a big yellow paste. Then little by little add milk and continuously stir out all the lumps. You should end up with a lovely smooth sauce. Add some grated chedder or red leicester and a bit of pepper, salt and paprika to the sauce and mix it up with the pasta and some chopped tomatoes. Delicious macaroni cheese is in your grasp.


an easier way to make that sauce is just to add all 3 ingredients (milk butter and flour) in at once and stir it all together till its thick....

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Yeah but she can't cook.


Yeah but I can't really cook either. Except for unhealthy stuff. =P

Next recipe I should try to post is my tiramisu, though I don't know when I'll get to make it again...


Also, I made even more crème au beurre cookies (7) with the butter I had left. Yay!

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One that is actually edible that I know how to make is: Carrot and Orange soup!


You need:

half an onion

2 carrots

some water

a stock cube

one of those big oranges


What you do, is cook the onion pieces for a little bit - but dont burn them or everything is nasty. Put in the water and the stock cube and the carrot (which is all chopped by the way) and boil/simmer/cook/heat for 25 minutes.


Then you take your orange and squeeze all the juice out of it. Find a blender, and put the soup, along with your orange juice in it - and whizz it until there are no lumps.


At this point, I would put in some food colouring, preferably blue, but it has a tendancy to turn your shit whatever colour you put in it...

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Here's a recipe for a Thai Chicken and Veg Stir-Fry. I used this recipe in Food Tech about 3 years ago, and it was nice.


You'll need:

200g of Chicken (Cut into thin strips)

Vegetable Oil

1 crushed garlic clove

1/2 teaspoon of ground ginger OR 1/2 cms of fresh ginger

1 red or green pepper, de-seeded and sliced.

1 small onion finely chopped

1 carrot cut into strips

Worcester Sauce

Pinch of sugar

Pinch of salt and pepper


First off, put 1 tablespoon of Worcester Sauce into a bowl, and stir in the sugar, salt and pepper. Grate the fresh ginger on the chopping board and stir this into the sauce mixture (For ground ginger simply stir into sauce), leave for a while.


Using a French cooks knife, deseed and slice the pepper thinly. Put into seperate mixing bowl, now slice the onion and add that to the pepper in the mixing bowl.


Peel the carrot with a peeler, then slice into thin strips approx 2cm in length and half a cm wide. Add to mixing bowl.


Slice the raw chicken into thin bite sized strips (approx 5cm in length), leave on chopping board.

Crush the garlic onto the chopping board.


Collect a wok or large pan and measure 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil into pan/wok.

Put onto hob, medium heat for 1-2 mins until the oil is hot

Take pan off hob


Add the raw chicken and garlic, return to heat. Stir using fish slice or palette knife (not sure what I used here, maybe anything will do) and cook for 3mins until the chicken has changed colour and begins to cook.

The chicken should sizzle gently, you may need to adjust the heat on your hob.

Take pan off hob.


Now add the carrots, onions and peppers to the pan, return to the hob and cook for 3/4 mins, and stir for the entire time. You may need to adjust the heat.

Take pan off hob.


Stir the sauce ingredients together to make sure they are evenly mixed. Pour this mixture into the pan and return to the hob to cook for another 2 mins. Make sure you stir well while cooking.


It should be ready by now. You may wish to add more Worcester Sauce. It is nice after all.


You've made enough for 2 people. Mind you, It's nice, so don't bother sharing it with someone.

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White Chocolate and Raspberry Cheesecake





8oz Ginger Biscuits ( or digestives)

2oz butter



2 x 200g tub Philadelphia

2oz caster sugar

Rind of 1 lemon (optional)

1tbsp lemon juice (optional)

1 Carton double cream

10oz white chocolate

400g frozen raspberries


1.Crush the ginger biscuits and melt butter. Add melted butter to the ginger biscuits and mix. Press into tin – put in fridge till topping is made

2. Beat Philadelphia cheese, sugar and the lemon juice and ring together with an electric mixer

3. Melt white chocolate and add to cheese mixture beating with a wooden spoon as you do

4. Whip the cream and fold in with the raspberries. Spread on biscuit base and chill for 4 hours - then serve and enjoy

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  • 6 months later...

Hmmmm. These cookies are made of awesome. Awesome. Without further ado.






















Peanut Butter Cookies



1/2 cup sugar

1/2 cup packed brown sugar

1/2 cup butter, room temperature

1/2 cup peanut butter

1 egg

1 1/4 cup flour

3/4 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoon baking powder

1/4 teaspoon salt


1 Cream the butter for 2 minutes. Add the sugars, cream for 2 more minutes. Mix in the peanut butter and egg. Mix together the dry ingredients - flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt. Stir into the sugar butter mixture.


2 Wrap dough in plastic and refrigerate at least 3 hours.




3 Preheat oven to 375°F. Shape dough into 1 1/4 inch balls. Place about 3 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheet. Flatten in crisscross pattern with a fork. Bake until light brown, 9 to 10 minutes. Cool on baking sheets for a minute; transfer to rack to cool completely.


Makes about 2 dozen cookies.


For chewier cookies, bake at 300°F for 15 minutes.





I added RP at the flour stage.

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Here's a couple of simple ones if your REALLY poor (like me).



PIZZA TOAST: (snide)






Put your bread in the toaster and toast it.

When it's done spread tomato sauce on the toast (ala buttering the toast) and then sprinkle cheese on top. Put it in the grill and the cheese melts into the tomato sauce.


Eat your cheap-ass pizza! (Use tomato paste if you don't like your ketchup strong.)


Add mushroom/onion/garlic/salt/Pepper if you wanna make it taste like M&S.















Toast your bread. Take a clove of garlic and rub it over the bread (more = strong garlic-ness)! Drizzle olive oil on toast. Add sliced ham/tomatoes/cheese onto the toast. Trust me...It's gorgeous. And girls seem to LOVE it :)

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ReZ, those cookies look way too tasty! Makes me want to make them, even though I've never made any cookies before. ^^;

I have no idea though what baking soda is?


Now I want to make some tiramisu as well and post it here. It's absolutely delicious.

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PIZZA TOAST: (snide)






Put your bread in the toaster and toast it.

When it's done spread tomato sauce on the toast (ala buttering the toast) and then sprinkle cheese on top. Put it in the grill and the cheese melts into the tomato sauce.


Eat your cheap-ass pizza! (Use tomato paste if you don't like your ketchup strong.)


Add mushroom/onion/garlic/salt/Pepper if you wanna make it taste like M&S.



Good idea! I'm trying that tomorrow (have to go shopping first).

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ReZ, those cookies look way too tasty! Makes me want to make them, even though I've never made any cookies before. ^^;

I have no idea though what baking soda is?


Now I want to make some tiramisu as well and post it here. It's absolutely delicious.


Its some kind of powder for cooking....Im not sure on how important it is.


Put it this way, there was a pot of Baking Soda (Or Bicarbonate of Soda, may be called) and a pot with no lable.


I assumed the lableless pot was Baking powder. Lol if it wasnt my cookies had too much baking soda. :heh:

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My secret recipe for Shepherds pie.




800g good quality minced lamb

5 or 6 medium sized potatoes (depends on the size of the dish you'll be cooking the pie in, a flatter dish will need more potatoes than a deeper dish)



1 stock cube

1 heaped tablespoon of Madras curry powder

6 cloves of garlic





200g of grated extra mature cheddar cheese




Preheat your oven to 190 C.Take the mince, and break it up as well as possible in to your oven dish. sprinkle the spoonful of curry powder over the mince. Mix the stock cube with half a cup of water and pour over the mince, stir well then flatten out in the dish, and then place in the oven for 20 minutes.


Boil your potatoes for 10-12 minutes, peeling beforehand is optional, personally I don't, and drain, then add generous amounts of butter and milk and mash, whilst mashing gradually mix in half your cheese. Cut bout a quarter of your onion and chop finely, and crush your garlic and add both to the mash plus a tablespoon of sage, mix thoroughly. By now it should be time to take out the mince, do so and cover with the mash, then place the remaining half of the cheese on top of the mash and sprinkle with parsley, replace in oven and cook for another 20 minutes before serving. Should feed four normal people.




Had it for dinner last night, and it is no exaggeration to say it is the best shepherds pie I've ever tasted.

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