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Mr. Bean's Holiday


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Safe. I used to love the Bean when I was a kid, and there are some legendary moments that make me wet myself, like when he goes to bed, and just before he does, he opens his drawer pulls out a gun and shoots out the light bulb. Still, I don't really find him as funny anymore.

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The series was unmitigated genius, and personally I rather enjoyed the film. The cartoon wasn't so hot though mainly because of the lack of actual physical presence from the entertainingly bendy Mr Atkinson himself. I'm looking forward to this new film, though I'm reserved over if he can still pull of the same calibre of primarily physical comedy in his later years. If he can however, (and I think he may just) I'll be mightily impressed.

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Like most people, I loved the TV show, thought the first film was okay, and was hugely disappointed by the cartoon. I really hope this is a return to form, but the premise never really excited me, and the trailer already shows some jokes taken from Atkinson's earlier work, such as getting his tie caught in something, which was in Johnny English. I just hope that this film doesn't end up like Johnny English, where all the good jokes were in the trailer.

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"Bean" is a really underrated film. There's some incredible moments in it. Wish they'd made a film of his Diary though. That's the best Bean thing I've seen (or read). Although "Unseen Bean" was bloody marvellous too.


Yes. YES! We have another believer in the house. :)


Oh, people. I really can't wait for this. My most anticipated film of the year, hands down. And it's only bluddy March.

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God, I hated Mr Bean. It made me cry it was so terrible.

Why am I posting here?


Yeah, why are you posting here? Go on, piss off!


I absolutely loved Mr Bean when I was younger, never saw anything so funny before. I loved it to the point where I liked the cartoon, but not as much as the telly show. I still watch some Mr Bean when its on Paramount, and it's still very funny. Despite being 10 years older than when I loved it so.

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