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Am I a hero?

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About half an hour ago there was a load of screaming on my landing so I thought I'd see what was going on. Some strange guy was dragging one of our neighbours, a pregnant woman, in to the lift by her hair. So, it's me to the rescue, grabbing him by the neck and getting him up against the wall while the missus calls the old bill. A bit stupid really, considering he was almost as big as me, and looked like one of those dodgy types who could be carrying a knife or gun, but everything worked out OK. I held him till the old bill dragged him away and have a grateful neighbour.

How much of a hero am I?

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Bluddy hell, Rokhed. That's a really brave thing to do, especially as how many people would have turned a blind eye. Well done.

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Not a hero, but a decent man, who has done the decent thing by stopping a pregnant woman getting assaulted.


Bravo. :)

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Well I'm a sucker for heroes. Modest heroes that is. You're just braging.


But still good one. It's nice to know that there are still some decent people out there.

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Meaning this in the best way possible, but I wouldn't mess with you Rokhed. That woman was lucky you were around. Was he trying to hit you whilst you held him back?

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Your my hero, was he just a stanger or her dogey Boyfriend or something?


Good work though :smile:

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Meaning this in the best way possible, but I wouldn't mess with you Rokhed. That woman was lucky you were around. Was he trying to hit you whilst you held him back?


I wouldn't mess with Rokhed either. Well done m8.

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Did you ever know that your my heroooo.


No, seriously, you just need a cape.

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Awesome going rokhed, How did you manage to hold him there?:wtf:

I have to say I wouldn't be able to do the same really, as I'm small fo a guy (don't take that the wrong way -_-).

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Glad to see people still do the decent thing, well done Rokhed.


You'll always be a hero to us :bowdown:

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Nice one! Its good to see some people still do the decent thing!


Edit: Just realised I just wrote almost exactly the same thing the Peeps wrote...oh well!

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You are an hero.


Unless he was sent back in time to prevent the birth of a giant monster that will kill us all.

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You are an hero.


Unless he was sent back in time to prevent the birth of a giant monster that will kill us all.



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You are an hero.


Unless he was sent back in time to prevent the birth of a giant monster that will kill us all.


Bugger, Rokhed has just doomed all mankind.

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You are an hero.


Unless he was sent back in time to prevent the birth of a giant monster that will kill us all.





Well played Rokhed, lots of people in modern society would turn a blind eye. Shame she was pregnant, you could've got the heroes reward ;).

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Wow well done rokhed.


Definently courageous of you to do such a thing and to help a woman out in need.And like people said,others would turn a blind eye.


We have our own N-E hero :)

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Good on ye chap, it's pimpsmacking like this which will make the world a better place.

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Forever he will be my hero

(Better believe he knows the way)

And not just only for tonight


And now that I'm not just a dreamer

(And I know I got what he's got)

And not just only for tonight

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Yes and no.


Yes = you stopped the evil.


No = no catchphase.

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Yes, you are a hero.


But you could be a super hero if you keep saving the day.... every day. And that way you know it wasn't a fluke.

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