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I found it hard not to jump up and yell YES GO ON JACK, KILL THE FUCKERS!


You know he's going to kick some arse. Jack Bauer never says die. But, just that moment, you see the softer side of him.


LOL ye. I think I cried the first time I saw that, but now I think how stupid I was. My friend shouts Wilson, everytime she see's a FedEx van go by :D Most Tom Hanks films are tearjerkers now I think about it. I vaguely remember getting emotional in The Terminal, and my mum cried once at the end of Turner and Hooch.


Hahaha. That's class.

Seriously though, it's nothing to be laughed at! It's a completely soul destroying moment. Honest. :red:

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When he loses Wilson. Seriously, any actor that can make you cry over a volleyball is one hell of an actor. Tom Hanks is amazing.

The ending where he's at the crossroads and it just cuts. Such a bleak but incredible ending.


That made me upset when I first saw it. but now it makes me laugh as it reminds me of a Daffy Duck episode. "They can't play without you, Spalding." Quality.

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Alright, I think I'm ready to do this.


Towards the end, when Jack is about to "trade himself" for Kim (I think). And then jack breaks down, I found it hard not to cry at that.


Do you mean when Nina tells him that Kim's body was found in the water, and he crashes his car into the warehouse? (ie below in response to Retro)



Lord Of The Rings:
When Faramir dies...:(

Also when you see the ship sailing at the end, and you realise that it really is the end.


Did I miss something there?




I found it hard not to jump up and yell YES GO ON JACK, KILL THE FUCKERS!


That was such a powerful moment, and the last thing I expected. Jack storming into the warehouse and killing the Drazens and all their henchmen still stands as one of my favourite TV moments.


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Do you mean when Nina tells him that Kim's body was found in the water, and he crashes his car into the warehouse? (ie below in response to Retro)



I think it's that bit. I'm watching them on DVD at the moment, and I'm coming up to that bit, so I'll know what I mean.


Did I miss something there?




Lmao, I didn't spot my mistake. I meant Boromir. Cheers for pointing it out.

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I used to cry every time I watched Advent Children.

Though I seem to cry at everything :)

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Just remembered another one


Jerry Maguire


[spoiler=]"At the end where Rod (Cuba Gooding JR) does his interview on the TV show and he thanks Jerry"


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Dirty Dancing:


"Nobody puts baby in the corner"


That's the only line you need to be your girls hero.


But yeah I agree with Forest Gump... always brings a tear to ones eye.

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The ending to Final Fantasy X.


Where he leaves Yuna, and she tels him she loves him, only for him to fade away. The music makes it for me though.



So sad, i was broken for days.

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Grave of the fireflies. Everything.


my god that is one sad movie.i mean in a good way.


ill have to thinkabout this

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When Kirk dies in Generations, and then Picard buries him, and gently places his badge on the final resting place of the original & definitive captain of the USS Enterprise. And then the camera starts to pan accompanied with a suitably sweeping soundtrack. Gets me every time.

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Rocky III when Mickey dies, and Rocky tells him that they'll stop fighting and take the time to do whatever Mickey wants. It sort of make you realise that Rocky was the only thing in his life that was ever any good.



Trite example, perhaps.

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The Snowman!!! When he melts at the end :( after all the fun they have had during the night..sniff..

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The Snowman!!! When he melts at the end :( after all the fun they have had during the night..sniff..


Ooooh, how I could I forget about that one. And then, wondering if perhaps it was all a dream, he checks his pocket. And sure enough, there it is. And then the music starts.

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The saddest moment in 24 is when:


Jack takes off his cool man sunglasses to look upon Palmer's corpse. Absolutely heartbreaking.


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Can't believe no ones mentioned this yet. When Dumbledore dies, I very nearly started crying there, I couldn't actually read another book for about a week after finishing it.




When Lyra and Will get seperated



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Bambi. Hits me like a brick wall everytime.


The Killing Fields was also quite sad, and the final scene almost jerked a tear from me (in an uplifting way).



And as sad as it may sound (and even though I don't like the show anymore), the Season 2 finale of Lost gets me when...

Desmond is contemplating suicide and is about to read the book that he always intended would be the last in his life, when a note slips out saying how much that Penelope girl loved him; and then the realisation that he wasted a good part of his life and missed a huge opportunity to be with the woman he loves, and then his sheer outburst afterwards, when he hears the sound of John crying...



But I never really cried at any of these because I'm so damn macho, but they all almost did.

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The Last Samurai - when the samurai are being shot off of their horses at the end by the machine guns. Also the last scene between Cruise and Watanabe, I think it was probably the music that pushed me over the edge.

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The last episode of One Foot in the Grave. That was one of the most moving pieces of TV I'd seen, pissed me off so much they'd rigged Millionaire to have the first millionaire at the same time

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Do I really have to explain this one? Anyone who's seen it knows why.


I think I've seen that one, there's one episode I'm thinking of, but I'm not sure if it is "My Screw Up"...


All 'tear-jerkers' I know of have been mentioned, except for:


Sniper Wolf's dying minutes.


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When Lyra and Will get seperated





Also at the end of United 93, because everyone knows whats going to happen, and I'll never forget the deathly silence in the cinema as everyone filed out.

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