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Manhunt 2


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There are banned movies in the UK, they'r called 'video nasties' read all about them here:


If I know the Melon Farmers, I obviously know about the Video Nasties. :heh: What I was trying to point out was films cut and still rated 18 on top of that.




The UK has some of the most relaxed laws on violence in the Western world. Your comment holds little water.


Sorry, but no. The UK's main point for censorship is violence. The US's main point for censorship is sex. Although nowadays this has changed a little, it still remains generally true.


The BBFC cuts headbutts, for fuck sake. And earclaps, it's what they call the "imitable techniques". Mystery Men got cut for an earclap near the end of the film. Star Wars Ep. II got a headbutt cut out. Spiderman 2 the same thing. Spiderman 2 is rated for 6 year olds and up in its uncut status in Portugal.


It's true that they have become tamer along the years, but they still are pretty ruthless against violence. Most relaxed in the Western World? Most everywhere else in Europe (France, Spain, Portugal, the Scandinavian countries, Holland, etc) it's quite more relaxed, practically non-existent, even.

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For me any well adjusted person should have no trouble in seperating themselves from actions they are viewing on a screen...


Exactly, and if there are people out there who are "on the edge" banning this one game will not stop them from "losing it", if they are indeed on the edge of a killing spree even something like the weather could trigger them, never mind a video game.

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There are banned movies in the UK, they'r called 'video nasties' read all about them here:




The UK is pathetic.


haha there is one there called..


Gestapo's Last Orgy (original title: L'ultima orgia del III Reich -- Banned outright



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The Stephen dude posted this on NeoGAF:



N'Gai Croal and I played Manhunt 2 for six hours Friday, debated it #1


Hey guys,


I wanted to get something on your radar, since you've mostly been exposed mostly to very different types of discussions about violent video games than the one linked here.


If you check out my blog and N'Gai Croal of Newsweek's you'll see that we've been co-publishing a series this week about our Friday afternoon marathon session playing "Manhunt 2" and Rockstar's NY headquarters.


The second round of the exchange went live today. And in it, I describe the wildest moment we played.


We also spend a lot of time discussing the nature of violence in games and the extent to which we think gamers and non-gamers should or shouldn't be disturbed about it.








This is the stand-out moment I'm referring to. It's a SPOILER, of course, which I note in the entry as well:



"I was in control of protagonist Daniel Lamb in the last full level we played. I walked him down a staircase with a pistol in hand. The game gave me a cue, instructing me how to kill the man at the end of the hallway ahead of me with a stealth pistol kill. What struck me was that he wasn’t looking my way. He was half-turned away from me, watching something through an open doorway. Whatever he was watching sounded like a couple making love. Taking advantage of his distraction, I followed orders and killed him.


"Then I walked through the doorway expecting to see a TV playing a dirty movie. Instead the camera angle switched, and the TV you and I were watching was filled with a movie screen showing a pornographic movie – a watered down one, that is, with a virtual man and a woman hot and sweaty but revealing none of their most private parts. Daniel Lamb was standing right in front of it, fully armed. Then I walked a couple of steps and the camera angle changed (players don’t control the angles in "Manhunt 2," which is a change from the first game). Now the movie screen was to his back. I couldn’t see it. I could just hear it. The love-making continued. I looked out at the rows of empty seats. I was in a movie theater. A group of hit-men rushed in. Suddenly I was in a tough firefight. The whole time the guns were blazing, those sounds kept on playing. Do you think that scene was crafted to say something about sex and violence, by any chance? After I took out each of the hitmen, they lay there and the movie kept on playing. I could hear the rattle of the film projector and see the dusty beam of light it projected over Daniel’s head and onto the screen. I looked over to you and to the Rockstar employee who had walked in to see what we were laughing about and said "I’m going to put an end to this smut." I pointed my Wii remote at the film projector and fired. The sound from the movie warbled. The room went dark and quiet. That was quite a moment – and one that I think is worth grown-up gamers experiencing."


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The UK has some of the most relaxed laws on violence in the Western world. Your comment holds little water.


The reason why the US has less banned films is because the MPAA rate films whilst they're in production, and things are cut out during the editing phase.


That's why you get so many "unrated" DVDs in the USA - normal releases are MPAA edits, and the unrated ones are the "original".


Well you#re wrong there, all these films are available in their uncut versions in many European countries and the US.

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They cut/ban stuff that promotes severe illegal activity positively. It's as simple as that.


Remember Manhunt 2 is the only game currently banned in UK history. It is bad. End of.



I disagree...

Human traffic does all of the above and never even got a sniff of the word controversial or got cut in any way.

Light gun games exist, Time crisis glorified a gun toting killing spree whilst giving the feel of holding a gun. That was never seen as controversial or got cut. (And before someone tries to point it out, its not the reason for the slight rise in gun culture in the UK recently)


If the BBFC comments are anything to go by, at the most it can only make you gain a bigger descriptive vocabulary and use it more creatively.


Manhunt 2 is a game and I promise you that 99.99999% of adults can see that. Im beginning to think the people saying otherwise must really question how easily they could be unhinged by content of this nature.


End of ?

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I disagree...

Human traffic does all of the above and never even got a sniff of the word controversial or got cut in any way.

Light gun games exist, Time crisis glorified a gun toting killing spree whilst giving the feel of holding a gun. That was never seen as controversial or got cut. (And before someone tries to point it out, its not the reason for the slight rise in gun culture in the UK recently)


If the BBFC comments are anything to go by, at the most it can only make you gain a bigger descriptive vocabulary and use it more creatively.


Manhunt 2 is a game and I promise you that 99.99999% of adults can see that. Im beginning to think the people saying otherwise must really question how easily they could be unhinged by content of this nature.


End of ?


Lets face it, if Hostel is anyhting to go by, Manhunt 2 should be legal.

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Havent a clue if this has already been posted in here but here it is anyway.


UK: Manhunt 2 Petition Opens On Government Website


A petition has appeared on the Prime minister’s website following the BBFC’s decision to not classify Manhunt 2 in the UK. The petition, which already features over 650 signatures, declares that that “We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Restrict the powers of the BBFC with regard to the banning of videogamesâ€.


Bradley Smith, who had started the petition, stated that “adults should be allowed to make their own decisions with regard to what videogames they want to playâ€. He went onto add that “we all understand that this game is extremely violent and unsuitable for children. As such an 18 rating should have been applied.â€


The Petition closes on the 25th of August and can be found on the 10 Downing Street Website. Only residents of the UK are able to sign the petition.

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taken from Matt's blog over at ign:


"Nintendo calls itself "an 'and' company, not an 'or' company," and yet it has specifically told third party Rockstar that Manhunt 2 must make an M rating "or" it may as well go crawl under a rock and die. Wii is designed for everybody, from "age eight to eighty," as we've been told so many times in official Nintendo hyperbole, so I'm curious, do Adult Only games somehow miss this 72-years-wide demographic? Perhaps you need to be 81 to appreciate Manhunt 2. "


anybody here turned 81 here recently?

ahh we'll probably never see this game no matter how "adult" we become..

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taken from Matt's blog over at ign:


"Nintendo calls itself "an 'and' company, not an 'or' company," and yet it has specifically told third party Rockstar that Manhunt 2 must make an M rating "or" it may as well go crawl under a rock and die. Wii is designed for everybody, from "age eight to eighty," as we've been told so many times in official Nintendo hyperbole, so I'm curious, do Adult Only games somehow miss this 72-years-wide demographic? Perhaps you need to be 81 to appreciate Manhunt 2. "


anybody here turned 81 here recently?

ahh we'll probably never see this game no matter how "adult" we become..


Has Sony supported Rockstar?

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Has Sony supported Rockstar?


Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft don't allow AO only titles on their consoles. It's hardly a Nintendo-specific thing.



Matt Cassawahatsit is just acting like an idiot about the situation.

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Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft don't allow AO only titles on their consoles. It's hardly a Nintendo-specific thing.



Matt Cassawahatsit is just acting like an idiot about the situation.




Also, 4Q2, great point about lightgun games...never thought of that. :)

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Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft don't allow AO only titles on their consoles. It's hardly a Nintendo-specific thing.



Matt Cassawahatsit is just acting like an idiot about the situation.


I know, I wasn't asking it to know an answer, it was more of a rhetorical question to point out that not even the 'mature' games consoles will be getting it.


NOTE TO SELF: Don't try to be clever!

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Tbh Matt summed it up pretty well. The rating system is incredibly flawed, and he's right about the scarfact comparism aswell.


Every manufacturer acts like that to cover their own asses, yet he talks like Nintendo is the only one doing it.

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Every manufacturer acts like that to cover their own asses, yet he talks like Nintendo is the only one doing it.


He doesn't act like Nintendo are the only ones who do it. Trust me, I listen to the podcasts and read their blogs whenever they update it. He's referring to Nintendo in this case because its a wii game.

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He doesn't act like Nintendo are the only ones who do it. Trust me, I listen to the podcasts and read their blogs whenever they update it. He's referring to Nintendo in this case because its a wii game.


And it's a PS2 and PSP game.

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yes.. but then it's up to their "sony people" to bash sony.. Matt is as far as I know it their nintendo man.. I want this frigging game and I want it uncensored.. and please.. this is hopefully not the George Bush version of a gaming homepage.. "Your either with us or your against us".. nintendo does stupid things.. sony does stupid things.. Microsoft made the xbox360.. god bless them

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I really, really, really don't know why anybody even cares about this game.

The original was shit, this doesn't look any better, wacking some motion sensing controls on it doesn't make it a good game, people praising EAs rehashes for their controls are just as bad.

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I think part of the problem is that the game was banned and cannot even be produced. People want to decide for themselves if they should view it, and though I express no interest in this game, I completely oppose its banned status.


Also, it would help the Wii's image and expand its audience =P That couldn't hurt.

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